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Posts posted by JoeP

  1. From the 'Chron



    Depending on how "generous" the contract offer was, surely, in light of the fact that no other teams have shown a firm interest in him, he would have been wise to take it. It just seems strange that a player would quote "security" as a reason and then throw himself into limbo.


    Even if someone comes in for him, how probable is it that they will offer a longer contract or more money?


    Ah well, that's football for you.


    Agree - think this was a silly decision by him. If he'd have taken the contract he's have been on more money than he is on now for at least another year, would have had the possibility of being offered a new contract by Latics at the end of next season if he'd have performed well, or could have looked for a two year contract somewhere else then.


    "A little interest from one or two clubs" doesn't sound like clubs are falling over themselves to sign him and unsuprisingly so, given the fact he's played most of his career in the bottom two divisions and the current economic climate (gets blamed for everything!) could mean a two-year deal might be hard to find.



  2. joe is the lad who runs OASIS with Mark lives in Cardiff but makes most games


    Allan's 100% record saved us complete embarrasment - of course we were rattling them in (sort of!) when we had a practice, but choked when it mattered!


    Harder than it looks, though - the balls are placed at the bottom of a slope, so you're almost running downhill to kick the ball. Excuses, Excuses, I suppose......

  3. Some people are so precious aren't they. We give him dogs abuse (including calling his mum a whore ffs) and then get upset about him cupping his ear.


    Grow up.


    Blimey! Never saw a "Ian Moore is a t**t" post back-firing on here!


    Consider me well and truely put in my place!



  4. No. Not at all. But by the same token, there's no thread's popping up like this everytime he does it. People just need to get a grip, move on leave it alone.


    Personally I'll never fully understand focusing on a particular player for abuse. It always spurs them on. We see it all the time with Hughes.


    Also, the thing with Hughes is that his dance is a celebration of his goal - the opposition's fans can choose to interpret it the way they want.


    The "hand round ear" and telling us the score, as Moore did, is just intended to wind the oppositions fans up, which I don't like.


    Anyway, moving swiftly in an onwards direction........


    FMS - Not sure, but did I speak to you in the Greyhound on Saturday? Going Orient? Will probably see you in the Coach and Horses after my 15 minutes of fame!

  5. It's just silly hypocrasy when we have a striker who can't wait to do a silly dance in front of opposing fans when he sticks one in. Nothing gets said about that, even though in essence it's the same thing.


    Move on for god's sake. Yer acting like a bunch of babies about it.



    I don't think anyone on this thread has said they support Hughes doing his dance in front of the oppositions fans, have they?


    I have well and truely moved on from it, but just wanted to point out that Moore thought he was being the big brave man, when in fact he was being exactly the opposite.....

  6. We called his dad a w@nker and his mum a wh0re for 2 games in a row, who wouldnt have done the same.



    Didn't think there was much abuse towards either of the Moore's until Ian did his stuff. So, without wanting to sound like a 10-year-old, he started it.........

  7. What a t**t he is.


    Giving the crowd the old "hand to the ear" gesture after scoring is one of my pet hates.


    It's easy to be the "big man" by goading the crowd when there's a line of stewards and police protecting you and when all sensible fans realise that the implications of a counter-reaction would be far harsher to the individual/the club, than they are for the player.


    To then also turn to the Oldham fans and then show them the score with your hands was also completely uncalled for.


    Ian Moore's attitude stinks and I couldn't be happier that he decided to bolt when we were about to sign him.

  8. I know I will probably get blasted for this, but does anyone think that the team failing to perform at home is the so called fan's fault? Think about it.


    Away they have a great, vocal, positive body of true support, which helps them to lift their game. As a result they play better away and mostly get results.


    At home, unless we are playing a big team, the place sounds like a graveyard and the only sound is coming from the negative element in the crowd and the away fans!


    How do we expect them to perform if we are not helping to motivate them? The fans need to get behind them and turn up, home and away, regardless of if they are playing Leeds or Cheltenham.


    Some people are blaming Shez for not motivating the players, but I don't buy that. How come he can motivate them when they play away but not at home? How come he can motivate them when we play bigger teams at home?


    The difference is away the "boo boys" stay away so don't have the negative impact they do at home and when we play the likes of Leeds at home, the part time fans turn up, creating a better atmosphere.


    Our attendances are a joke. I know it is expensive, but other clubs charging the same are getting better and bigger support. If the fans are going to continue to stay away or attend home games just to moan and destroy any confidence the players have left, then the town does not deserve a championship team.


    So, prove me wrong, Oldham, get behind the lads for the last few games, make some noise, create a better atmosphere and I am sure it will make a huge difference out there on the pitch. They can and will do it, but it's all up to us, the fans!


    I'm in Australia, so I can't help out but when I was still in the U.K. I never yelled abuse at my own team, because it achieves nothing. :(:(


    Rant over, I am now going to find my tin hat and get ready for the fall out!



    Spot on! The only player the fans gave encouragement to on Saturday was Scott Vernon!

  9. Current form will see us with 10 points from the next 10 games, we've just gone through a 5 pts from 5 games patch - we'll end up with 68 pts, unfortunately somewhere outside of the playoff zone...




    Generally over the season, though, it was only Saturday's combination of results that has made a play-off spot look a bit uncertain - we've always been there or thereabouts.


    Anyway, we'll have to see. I for one hope Shez sorts any issues out during the week and the team puts in a Millwall-esque performance in at MK. Sacking Shez or b!tching and moaning about him isn't going to achieve anything now. Why not get behind the team and staff? You never know - it might just give the team the lift to carry us over the line.

  10. No, you're right. The big changes needed may be made and we could creep into 5th. Current form suggests otherwise unfortunately.


    I disagree - current form (which includes taking 4 points from two fo our promotion rivals) suggests we will finish in the play-offs, where we have been for the majority of the season.


    Big changes could mean we finish 2nd!! Big changes could also mean we finish 12th!! Think it's a case of better the devil you know...........

  11. Don't take me about taking the rough with the smooth, I suffered Every home game from August 1997 - September 2006, experiencing some of the most desperate football one will ever see. but under Ritchie we accepted we were :censored:e and we had little manoeverability in the transfer market, Sheridan has had better backing in direct comparison to bums on seats than anyone since relegation from the Prem.


    As for your 4 game examples highlighted. Let's look a little closer at the facts of those games - Millwall (H) Sheridan panicked and it paid off with the help of a dodgy red card and pen.


    Millwall (A) Good first half, pisspoor second half, very very lucky winner


    Petrborough (A) Again got away with a penalty miss


    Leicester (A) Freak show that we seriously got away with, Again another penalty miss saved us, but a team with REAL bollocks would have taken their late chances.


    OK so that's your highlight of the season dealt with, personally I would have chosen beating Leeds, or hammering stockport or perhaps the easy wins v Hereford and Colchester as my highlights - the few games where we generally played well.


    So the pisspoor performances....


    too many to mention, particularly since the end of November.



    Your right - I could have picked other "highlights" as well as the games I previously listed. Interesting you choose to take the negative view of four matches that, I think, we showed great charachter in - the Leicester synopsis really made me chuckle!


    So, with the backing Sheridan has had, where do you think we should be, in terms of the backing that the other teams going for promotion have had? Winning every home and away game and be above Leicester??


    The "rough with smooth" comment was an observation on this season. If you're going retrospect and talking about your "sufference" between 1997 and 2006, why not go back even further? I'll let the club off the football they played in 1997 - 2006, for the football they played from 1989 - 1994!!

  12. He's not building a team on crowds of 4,000 otherwise we'd be back to a team of MIskellys, McNIvens, Tiptons and er.....Allotts :huh:, Shez has been given 3 seasons to build a team above nad beyond the club's income due to the desire and financial clout of the club's owners and he repays them by sending a team out that serves up the dross we saw yesterday. On top of that he has had further backing to rip the heart out of the team by assembling a team devoid of loyalty and match fitness by playing other teams cast-offs.


    Leicester? Millwall (twice!)? Peterborough? (Any coincidence that the majority of "inspiring" games are away from home?!)


    For every Colchester there's been games that demonstrates we do have the loyalty and match fitness to match the best in this division. Like I said, you've got to take the rough with the smooth.






  13. Hmmm... thing is most of the happy clappers on here appear to live a considerable number of miles outside of Oldham, i.e. they don't have the pleasure to watch us week in week out, but have to opportunity to rack up thousands of posts.


    Fantastic post, mate!


    Yes, I live miles outside of Oldham (South Wales, in fact!) but get to enough games to justify an opinion (like anyone needs to justify having an opinion anyway!).


    Was at the game yesterday and unless we get into the play-offs or the Southend match is crucial, it will be my last home game of the season. This is partly due to distance, but mainly due to the fact that the atmosphere at Boundary Park and the attitude of the home fans at Boundary Park stinks and doesn't make it an enjoyable experience. This is speaking as a fan, so God knows what the players and staff think.


    Will be at every away game (apart from MK Dons) and have been to a dozen away games already this season and admittedly there have been some stinkers, but I realise that Shez is building a team on home crowds of 4,000. I've never called for Shez to be sacked - you basically have to take the rough with the smooth, which I think is the stance which the home fans should take. We're 5th in the league - you can't seriously tell me it's been all "rough" at home matches??


    Yes Shez has his faults, but name a manager that will come in and do a better job who will be faultless.


    Yesterday was a bad performance - I think Shez was let down by the players. Basically we have no creative players without Chris Taylor and yesterday Shez tried to adapt accordingly. It didn't work, but we don't have the resources to revert to an affective "Plan B".


    The ref was also appalling - he failed to get the basic decisions right, let alone the controversial ones.


    The atmosphere at every away game, I guarantee, will be more supportive and encouraging than at any home game, as we, as supporters, try and do our bit to get this club promoted. The distance I or anyone else lives from Oldham is irrelevant - at the end of the day, don't we all want the club to do as well as possible??

  14. Millwall fans must be the most ridiculous people i've ever known. They're famous for violence, football hooliganism in general and don't they sing that song about Harry Roberts? Yet it's they, the morally bankrupt thugs that they are that hold the biggest grudge against Lee Hughes? Quite bizarre.


    Yeah, the irony is hilarious! The chants of "scum, scum, scum" (or "scam, scam, scam" as they pronounce it) always make me laugh.

  15. Hands up if you swore at Sky's lack of knowledge :toilet: when they said Taylor would play on the right and Smalley on the left!!


    (even tho Taylor started on the right against them at BP)


    Yes, and at Peter Beagrie's half-time analysis, and every time the commentators said "he's loving this" about Windass when he went in goal.........


    At least the commentators were knowledgeable enough to point out how disgraceful the officials were and sighed in disbelief when Smalley had a free-kick given against him for shielding the ball in the corner flag.



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