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Posts posted by nava

  1. gonna party friday night,all day saturday too mate!

    its gonna be some party jay!

    we must remember to have PLENTY of estrella's stocked up for sunday night in the apartment!

    its gonna be a looooong do! :grin:


    adios puta madrid!

    adios blanco merda!

    adios! :laught16:



    There's gonna be a lot of estrellas gone on sunday just a shame its a morning flight home the next day! i'll have to see what drink i can get in the duty free in the airport to keep me as drunk as i possibly can whilst were there :lol:

  2. "There's only one Iain Dowie." Wonder who started that off. :wink::lol:


    Danny's, Mr T. was quality.


    I don't have a clue who could of possibly of started that one off :wink:


    I saw him getting a taxi with Beardy in town later on and although i was stood a bit away it looked like he was still covered in the fake tan or whatever it was he used!

  3. I dont really know what to think of the appointment. Part of me says he's done a good job at Donny and Darlo and acheived promotion and success trying to play the right way.

    The other part of me is indifferent to him, don't really know why maybe i expected a bigger name? But on reflecton I can't see us being able to attract the likes of Ince and co who will want to manage in the championship at least i would of thought.


    At least we know who the manager is now and can move on and hopefully, with the help of Joe's input on who's worth keeping and and who we should get rid off, start to get this club on the rise again after too many years of decline.

  4. B J Raji and Clay Matthews for the Packers!


    Is that good? :huh:



    Raji is rumoured to be a bit stupid to put it politely and was stopped from playing for a year to catch up with his sudies. But he is a good selestion and the best NT in the draft and will help the packers switch from the 4-3 to the 3-4.


    Mathews is a player a lot like and a lot don't like. He is quite small for a linebacker as he started of as a saftey and is also questioned a lot about how he got bigger (possible use of steroids, but so far nothing has been proven.)

  5. Im suprised the Broncos took a RB with the 12th pick but he is one hell of a good player. I also like the Ayre pick aswell as it was obvious we had trouble getting pressure on the QB and the defence definitly needed adressing.


    Now next year we can think about replacing Cutler with one of Bradford, McCoy or Tebow unless Orton works out which could very well do.

  6. why cant the budget change???


    it has this season with even mr corney saying so.


    I beleive your right. If were in with a chance next year then the tta have proven in the past they will back the manager as much as they can without being stupid. But i dont think they will allow the manager to bring in another past it player every couple of weeks like shez was allowed to.


    I fully expect 7, 8 or 9 players to be shown the door in a couple of weeks time and maybe 5 or 6 coming in over the summer. A long as the quality coming in is better then i wouldn't be bothered if the sqaud is cut down by a few and having to use the younsters a bit more.

  7. Well people will point to the fact he brought those players in...


    But after saying that, didnt we have a budget in the bottom four ? Did we expect too much ? Was he doing a good job with a team punching above its weight ?


    I can't see our budget being that low, id of probably thought we would be some where in the middle when it came to that. And although the owners have said the budget will be cut next year i think that will be the case with virtually every team so im not that sure the budget being lowered will affect us that much.

  8. definitly the right decision. i doubt the results would of been any better, he wouldn't of been the manager next season anyway so no point in keeping him. if joe is the manager next year im expecting a lot of changes in players, team selection and formations. i dont see a quick fix to our situation but i hope with the changes that are going to be made in the summer are the right ones for the club.

  9. Totally agree. you can make plans all week in training and go through tactics but no way can you do anything when a referee does what he did today. He was terrible and can have no way of defending himself.


    Im sure nothing will be done about it by the football league and some unlucky team will have him next saturday.

  10. Totally agree O4U. He's a young lad who has shown us all what he is capable of, unfortunatly he had a manager who prefered to bring in players rather than show him the faith he needed.


    He needs a lot of work still to become the finnished article but he definitly has the talent. And hopefully, he now has a manager who will show some beleif in him and give him the confidence he needs to go on and fulfill that talent.

  11. I wanted Hughes to stay but lets face it, we're not going up now and he will be gone in the summer anyway. If Joe is gonna be here next season then I am more than happy for him to have a look at one or two different players in these remaining games so he can decide who's good enough and who isn't.


    Whoever is the manager at the start of next season (and the more i listen to JR i beleive it will be him) has a great oppotunity to shape the squad they want with so many reportedly big earners out of contract.


    So whilst there is a slight dissapointment that Hughes' time with us is up i am looking forward to see what happens in the summer.












  12. Charlton will be in a mess financially next year as the parachute payments finnish at the end of this season i believe so they could very well be in administration by the start of next season, same with Southampton. Don't see any teams coming up who will have the financial backing of MK or Peterbourough.


    It will be interesting, hopefully we won't be hit too much by the current mess but we will have to wait and see what happens.

  13. Well as the bugger who started this thread I thought i'd chip back in. Last night at cheltenham we had both versions and I reckn the Joe Ryle version won.


    Mind you it was very small numbers!!



    Now where i was sat which was near the front BFJ was definitly being sung more, until they scored that is.

  14. Fabio - glad he got his debut. Showed good movement and did pretty well infact bar one fluff of a cross. Still laughing at when we had a corner and they had a player down with the physio on. He was darting about the box, doing spins trying to shake his defender off not realising the game was stopped. :lol: He had a great chance to score too.


    That was hilarious every fan was either in stitches laughing or they were trying to tell him what was going on. The other players couldn't get the message to him either! If anything he looks enthusiastic enough :lol:

  15. Just over a month to the draft now. Been trying my upmost to keep up with it all and then the Bronco's mess it all up by trying to trade Cutler, not got a clue now whats gonna happen if he's traded (possible 3 team trade between the Bronco's, Lion's and the Browns looks the most likely trade at the moment). I'd expect at least the 1st overall pick to come to Denver and possibly Brady Quinn or another 1st round pick.


    Can't beleive they tried to trade their pro bowl QB for a one season wonder in Matt Cassel. Besides that they have done a really goog job improving their secondary so i would expect a linebacker and a defensive linemen to be taken early on in the draft providing Cutler or Quinn is starting otherwise Stafford, Sanchez or White may well be taken 1st.

  16. I agree with the majority John. Think Whitaker will be told he is free to find another club, just not good enough for this level. not sure about Allott yet. Depends on who the manager will be next season and if he feels Allott is really good enough to play for a team challenging for promotion at this level.


    Agree on Greegs i think he will be gone, 35 next season and not performing as well as he can be doin.


    Whatever happens next season i expect a massive clearout in the summer.

  17. Signed. It's about time clubs in the Prem voluntarily gave up a percentage of their TV money to lower league clubs.


    Agreed. Or for sky or whoever to realise that they should be paying football league teams more than the pathetic sum we get now. And hopefully teams will use it in the right way by using it to pay the bills or invest it in ways to make more money. Unlike the NTL episode where everyone saw it as a time to go and pay players silly wages.

  18. possibly but Greg was fit enough on saturday to be on the bench all be it only incase of an emergency. I think with another week off training under him then he should be fine unless it flares up again.


    Still i will be a much happier man with Bell on the bench rather than Budtz

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