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Posts posted by rosa

  1. 5 minutes ago, unsworthlatic said:

    Another rumour to add, apparently David Cotterill was seen walking into Latics this morning past people queuing for Forest Green tickets. Not quite sure which one sounds a more far fetched rumour, people queuing for Forest Green tickets or David Cotterill walking into the club...

    We were. At 8.30am. No brew offered. Lemsagam out. 

    Don't remember seeing David Cotterill but wouldn't know him if I walked into him tbh.

  2. 55 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    Yes, because one match determines the whole season.


    People don't like him because he is a Scouser and a bit mouthy, that's fine but it is a bit weird to try and claim he hasn't been a good player on the whole for us.

    I'm a Scouser and I'm a bit mouthy and I'll be glad to see the back of him.

  3. Struggling to know what to say, really. Dave's determination to make the most of the time he had left was (and I can picture him rolling his eyes at the word) inspiring, and he never lost his (often dark) sense of humour. What a great loss.


    His lad Chris is doing the Shine Night Walk for Cancer Research UK, you can donate here:



    And Dave himself was very keen to raise money for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation:


  4. In case anyone needs his interview translating:

    -says he played his best football for us so it was a no brainer to come back

    -wants to get us back where we belong, no reason we can't make it to the Championship long term

    -uses the word 'hungry' about twenty times

    -great memories of the cup run, esp 'Notts Forest' (hope that was deliberate, they hate being called that)

    -looking forward to playing regular first team football again

    -has a special bond with our fans etc etc

  5. “Jon does like a pizza - he always insists on it being hot."


    Fucking hell that's up there with the Bolton Times asking the bemused little old ladies at the local Oxfam to explain the behaviour of aid workers in Haiti. Local journalism at its finest. ?

  6. 11 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:


    Forrest green go vegan


    I googled this I can't say I agree with this at all it makes we want to go to the butchers get some meat and fire up a BBQ this weekend.


    I agree with Johnny Marr who said vegetarianism is a choice people should have and they shouldn't impose it on other people. 

    They're not imposing it on you. You don't have to go. And if you do go, you don't have to eat the food.

  7. 1 hour ago, underdog said:

    I believe he was in discussions with his legal team yesterday at latics before the EGM at 11am.


    what they advised I am not privvy too..but I believe it was a hot day the windows were open and it's the room that's not too far away from the ticket office...anyone queing up between 9.30am-10.30am hear anything?

    Bollocks, knew making the effort to go to work on time wouldn't be worth it.


    (E2A: lights were on in Lemmy's office when I passed at 6.45pm. Either Fane's agent is playing hardball or he's got lawyers too.)

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