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Posts posted by rosa

  1. SIX MILLION? :laught16: maybe we've always caught him on an off day but he's never looked that impressive against us,and even with his goals record....well someone who scores lots of goals in the third division still isn't worth £6m. if he's worth that much we should hold out for 10m for Taylor. You know, seeing as the world's gone mad.

  2. The TV angle's not great but having seen it in slo-mo i'll admit it's nowhere near as bad as it looked at first. Still can't see it being rescinded though (not least cos Gregan's not the england captain). I'm more concerned about him having a go at a Hartlepool fan on the way down the tunnel - at least that's what it looks like on LW. If he has, then that's just stupid and unnecessary.

  3. Thought Davies did well when he came on yesterday and showed a good and very willing attitude, he was also a bit unlucky not to score when he knocked it over the keeper and it went the wrong side of the post.




    While we're on the subject of academic achievement I've got a CSE in Technical Drawing if thats any help.

    What's technical drawing? what are CSEs?


    Wasn't at the game but i'm guessing Davies must have been putting a fair bit of effort judging by the fact that Sheridan's actually giving him credit rather than the usual verbal kick up the arse ("he's not as good as he thinks he is/he's not all that/he needs to listen and do as he's told" etc etc etc).

  4. As for scoring and playing against his old club he said it's just like any other game but if anything harder, he said he thinks hes respected at Tranmere and and gets a good reception when he returns
    And failed miserably to keep a straight face as he was saying that. Good job he's a footballer and not trying to make money through fraud cos he's a crap liar :grin:
  5. I am going to put a small wager on the fact that I come from a much nicer area than you, you ill educated runt.


    Why wernt you at the game today mate, to busy signing on???

    'weren't' not 'wernt'

    'too' not 'to'

    'you're' not 'your'

    you were saying something about ill-educated? :wink:

  6. I was a bit of a sceptic, and I will never be at ease with him. My heart will thump out of its ribcage everytime he 'goes' for a cross. But I will do a little joy-wee everytime he makes a stupidly good save.


    Being honest. I'd rather have a different keeper - but I can't argue with his current form.

    Ditto. I'll admit, he's not the worst keeper that ever graced God's green earth, and he was superb today.

  7. I was walking back to my car after the game, the Tranmere fans were all singing "Same old Oldham, always cheating" - how did we cheat today?


    Another Tranny muttered "Cheating Munich Bastards" as we walked past. :lol:

    "Cheating Munich Bastards"? Seriously? Not the sharpest tools in the shed are they....Apparently on local radio in Liverpool they said we were rolling around all over the pitch,which is a bit rich.


    But back to the point...Players can't gesture at the crowd,end of story. They're getting paid enough money to take abuse from the crowd in their stride (and obviously i'm not talking about genuinely offensive/racist abuse,we were quite rightly pointing out that they were playing like sh*te),and if he reacts like that every time away fans get on his back he's in the wrong job.And if you're going to use the argument "well the crowd were using bad language then you can't complain about players doing it" then by the same logic you can't complain about players going for a pie and a beer at half time.

  8. Aye, he shattered Longys cheekbone and was it Gilly he took out as well in the same match? - I can't remember it was about 4 years ago now. Brain like a Swiss cheese...

    It was either Gilmore or Sculthorpe,can't remember meself,but 2 things made me laugh:

    1-Newton had the barefaced cheek to have a go at Sean Long,cos apparently he phoned him the night of the game to apologise but Long didn't answer,mainly cos he was in hospital having his face rebuilt

    2-Newton nearly had to have his arm amputated a few months later cos he had teeth embedded in a bone from belting someone in the face so hard. Ain't karma a bitch. :wink:

  9. i'm on the other side of the river (where the sun always shines) but it stopped raining about an hour ago and apart from a bit of a downpour earlier it really hasn't been that bad so i can't see the game getting called off.

    The local press has been warning about congestion on public transport cos of the ugly mechanical spider thing in liverpool this weekend,though,so you might want to allow yourself more time if you're coming by train.

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