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Posts posted by oafc21

  1. someone on fb today was talking about it too

    ii seen about 20 of them gettin body searched on broadway at the lights with middleton rd around 2 oclock,felt sorry for the wedding going on outside st herberts with 4 riot vans and half the mcr old bill present when i was drivin past,i wondered what was going on in quiet chadd ha ha

  2. ...... if david penny leaves this season [sacked]i reckon's it's goodbye vienna from me ...I''ll probobly call it a day...Had enough of the fans whinging for every managers blinking head...


    i was very close to that a few weeks ago too! in fact i just renewed today as i was just about 'convinced' by the ever so slight decrease in the price of a season ticket ...


    but penney will stay IMHO, and the reason is simple! MONEY we can't afford a manager any other way! and also, who the frig would want to come to boundary park now? awful looking ground .. populated by the most disillusioned eejuts i have ever heard! face facts people, it's now 2010 and it's not the 1990's! ... our club doesn't have a pot to urinate in (even my company would pay for a B&B if i went to so'ton!) so why would gannon come here? not like he's been to a club with lack of funds before is it?

    we have very large & noisy neighbours who have one massive advantage over us .... TELEVISION! and that we'll never be able to overcome irrespective of where we play!


    oh and one last thing ..... the ginger one from down the road! he aint coming either ..... taggart just gave him another year to stop him!!


    onwards and upwards! (hopefully)


    ps .. before the mention of 'happy clappers' arises! i'd rather be one of them, than the miserable barstewards that frequent BP every other week!!

    open your eyes fella,if dp is still in charge next season st sales will be half (fact)the 250 oldham fans what travelled down to yeovil,which one of them was me,if we could of got hold of that clown after the game we would have strung him up,what a piss take still defending with nothing to play for,that man will never change his boring crap tactics hence why we left at halftime,5hr coach journey to sit a pub watching mr steling because our own manager wont attack mighty teams like YEOVIL,4 of us have a season ticket 2 of them have stayed at home i would say the last 10 home games,if he is still in charge next season all 4 will not be renewin,i for 1 will not totally turn my back on my club because of this negative clown,i will just pick and choose games,ive never been so hacked off with a manager as this yorky clown :angry:

  3. We should not be playing Goodwin, he has been out for 2 months and does not even belong to us. I can only presume that Penney has already decided to add another Hudders reject to his already rank squad. With the news of a cut in the budget and probably more rejects from Darlo,Hudders or Donny the outlook for next year is terrible. We must all remember that while April got us the points to save our league one place it was not full of top rank performances that gave us all hope for the future. I believe Hudders and Southampton where good showings but can we really say we turned it on in the home games ?


    Sorry but Penney needs to go, he is a league one version of Megson who the Bolton fans detested. Managing a football club is a results business but you also need a bit of pr every now and then and Dave just does not seem to give a damn about the fans who are paying his wage.

    just got back from yeovil, all i can say is i am glad i left at half time with the other 50 oldham fans back drinkin in the arrows,we had more fun cheerin charltons goal than watchin that shower of :censored:,give penney another season my arse we never had a shot on goal,good day gatesey nice booze cruise shame about the :censored: on the pitch,-------- get out of our club :angry::angry:

  4. Give over. It was a :censored: offer that was never going to get people to buy STs....they've realised it and binned the idea. Simple as. Fair play to them for thinking of something a little different in the first place, and fair play to them for having the balls to admit a mistake and :censored: the idea off.

    if they had put at the end of the offers,by the way that useless yorky knob will not be here at the start of next season i would think happy days and renew my season ticket,until may the 8th ?????????

  5. debating having my own protest march......from pub to pub and not bother going watching Penney's pillocks again. Bored with it, it really is that bad with me now.

    im with you oafcprozac,go on the lash and leave the season ticket in the house,i cant face another home game watchin dp stareing at the grass playin with his balls an havin a laugh with the opposite manager,he is a totall joke and allways will be,fair shout to the ones who want to protest,everyones had enough bar 5% on this forum <_<

  6. Hopefully so. I had a similar thought and was going to say that if he was a rich man (maybe he is, I have no idea) he may be more inclined to look after his CV as opposed to his bank balance.


    Seeing as he can't fancy his chances of another league job any time soon I fear may just keep going and await the compensation.

    get rid of this useless **** now,after tonights game,which i left(again)as soon as their 3rd goal went in,he is killing this club,i will gladly kick this spud all the way up the m62 back were this yorkshire sh*t belongs :angry::angry:

  7. I think you missed the point.


    Try thinking about what you would say if he hadn't sadi something along those lines, or even something completely opposite to them.


    DP "Well I don't think I'll be here next season, but I'm working as hard as I can to get the team up the league"


    Now, what would you have said to that one? "Ok Dave, fair enough" ??

    i would have cracked open a few beers,and told the mrs to forget her shopping plans for next season because im renewing my season ticket :grin:

  8. he's right though isn't he? Say if we won one and drew one that would be pretty decent. Two points from the games in hand would put us in a much stronger position to survive. I'm not a huge fan of DP but I don't like it when it gets to a stage where anything the manager says is taken any way that suits people who hate him.

    its the fact he said,planning for next season what piss*d folk off,ah well say hello to1500 season ticket sales if that spud is still hear next season,how can the next 2 games not be a must 6 points has he seen the run in after them we never cross the halfway line when we play anyone in the top half of the table with his negative tacticts...

  9. what a joke today everyone one booin the penny outers,then when we went two nil down they joined in,as the second goal went in i dun one as i have dun many a time this season,penny is a joke all the game all he does is have is hands in his trackies playing withhis balls,brighton was two nil up and poyet was still rantin and ravin,4 of us have season tickets,2 of them have not been to latics since millwall at home,and if that clown is still in charge next season it will be minus 4 season tickets next season,i know 2 of us will still go but only 2 chosen games sad but true..


  10. Without getting into debate and counter debates - tonight was ALL about 3 points - I expected nothing more and was given no more - do i give 2 hoots? - not on your nellie. A massive 3 points imo, yes game was crap on a crap pitch in a crap atmosphere - 3 points!! that's what counts!!!


    As for the chants towards the end and after the final whistle to DP - It's possibly the first time i'm ever ashamed to be associated with fellow 'Tics fans away from home - disgraceful!!

    There is real momentum by a shameful minority of 'fans' who believe that chanting the song they did towards Penney after a VITAL 1-0 win is the best way of showing their support - frankly i'm disgusted by it.


    Not a great performance but a required 3 points - that's what it's all about now until the end of the season. Opinion is good and should definately be encouraged, but to the detriment of the fellow fans, team and manager having to listen to that, then it's not on!!

    If people can really justify those chants after a victory away from home against relegation fodder such as Stockport tonight, then you're expectations need to be re-vis

    just got back from stockport,we set off from chadd 12 of us in a mini bus,7 of them 12 left the game with 30mins to play to go back to the pub,this game was the biggest load of :censored:,not one shot on goal all the game when stockport had 3 maybe 4 clearcut chanches,as everyone was singing, get out of our club,get out of our club,you sh*t yorkshire bast*rd get out of our club,what a joke tonight was regardless of 3 points,it just keeps that clown at the helm longer

  11. For me bringing on Whitaker changed the game. Brill and Gregan were solid but we had nothing going forward and no quality passes at all. As soon as he came on we looked like we might get back into the game - which we did.

    a lot of folk on hear slag whitaker off,but he is the only midfielder what will have a pop on goal given the chance,maybe thats why clown penney doesnt play him much.....


  12. No it hasn't. The results have been dire, and the fact that the team have not looked like scoring consistently has seriously cast a shadow over the season but the games that I have seen have not (Hartlepool aside) been awful.


    The fact about this Latics side is that they have a good work ethic, play some nice stuff but then utterly fail to carry a goal threat. However, to blame DP for all of that is pointless because there are more than a couple of occasions where the team has missed really good chances - one-on-ones or free headers - and there is nothing that the manager can do to change that. Maybe we could play a more attacking formation or style, but we also could do with Taylor rediscovering his form and Parker learning how to beat the keeper.


    If you want to criticise the procurement policy in the summer then fair enough - I for one bad-mouthed the signing of Parker. However, a lot of people on this site were hailing it as a good move.

    roll on exeter, leyton o,brighton,an when we get stuffed off stockport maybe we might be all 1oo%on telling this yorky clown to do one,no goals yet again and cant see many more,accy stanley here we come

  13. Since November we have won three (yes count em all on one hand, one two three) games. We've also drawn three and lost 10, and failed to score in half of them

    dp is a joke,allways has been,allways will be,just glad dale got beat tonight hopefully they will go on a slide so we will still play them in league 3 next season because thats the only place we are heading under that yorkshire clown :angry:

  14. If you include the £2, £5 and £10 ticket offers resolves in hardly any in much value. It saves you just over the price of 1 game, which i guess for 75% they will miss at some point of the season anyway. You have paid up front to watch every game, so despite the football being so rubbish at the moment, you've still got to pay no matter what. We've had no cup priorties and big game tickets, so yet again the loyalty we've shown at the start of the season, has gained us nothing, and could if more offers are included towards the end of the season, cost us more money.


    I just hope Guy doesn't forget this in all his marketing techniques, and offers us a quarter of our money back, of offers us a quarter price off next years ticket, as i dont see the point in purchasing it again, as paying week by week isn't that much dearer.


    As well as attracting new fans, the club should be looking after its loyalist ones.

    totally agree

  15. o grady gone,blackman gone, heff gone,who do we bring in up front two replace them no 1,try parker(:censored:e)then lets try super smalley(utter :censored:e) then taylor,then back to parker for ffs we hav had enough,get two new strikers or say hello to accrinton stanley, which at least i could get a free ticket at stanley because i work with luke joyces dad who is ther main midfielder......taxi for penney

  16. I fail to see why anyone is feeling any sympathy for the Irish. They've bollocked on about how great Maradona was for what he did for years and rubbed our noses in it, now it's their turn and they're so butthurt it's unbelievable. Did anybody see the press conference on the BBC website? It's some dull Irish bloke (probably high up at the Irish FA) talking like someone has died, it's ridiculous! I hope Fifa laugh in their faces.


    Like Jonny Punkster said, we should start and appeal to replay the 1986 Argentina game, in fact this could have some serious 'lulz' at Irelands expense by starting a mass campaign to get it in the media.

    i hope fifa laugh in their faces,r u for real,u would rather hav platini bent views i.e getin teams seeded at the end of the qualifiers and who openly slags and hates out to do with england,just to c his face if they went out last night whould of bin a picture,only for le cheat to start playin basketball,no one is feeling sorry for the irish u tool,just how football is going downhill with all this diving and cheatin.....

  17. ive never known this club 2 be as bad as it is at the moment,everything about it on and off the field is the pits,i am a current st holder and hav bin for the last 15 years but enough is enough,in the last 3 years the amount of times i hav left the ground with 30mins,20mins left is unreal,and like someones posted if we carry on the way we are doing the hardcore st aint going to renew,this striker situation isnt helping, dp and the tta get your heads out of your asses sign or loan a striker and lets play some attackin football,what we wer all used to at boundary park.....

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