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Posts posted by monkeykieran

  1. I was just checking up on a quiz anser and came across the stat that we were the 3rd highest scorers*, and 2nd best half-time team in the league that year despite coming fourth last. Didn't realise that before, then I was only 11 at the time! More impressive when it shines out that we had no "top" scorers.


    Premier League Stats Link







    And Second highest conceeders :grin:

  2. Not a personal dig, but when you say Barca players showed professionalism till the end, werent they as equally as guilty as Chelsea for harrassing the ref? obviously not at the end, but im sure they surrounded him during the 1st half with decisions going against them and at the end of it! Also at the nou camp, wernt they constantly making 'card' motions to the ref among other things. Dont get me wrong Chelsea were probably as equally as bad, i just dont feel the Barca player were moe professional!


    Ah well, as soon as Arsenal were knocked out, i wanted Barca through jus so it wouldnt be a repeat of last years final!

    What I meant by professional is that they carried on playing right until the end unlike Chelski who had decided to simply claim for everything and feel hard done by from about 30 mins in instead of playing, I can’t tollerate ref baiting/attacking e.t.c from any team :)


  3. Having seen both Barcelona and Man U at their respective home stadiums this year and as I am moving from Manchester to Barcelona two days after the final I can honestly say that this is the right final in all respects for me. This as well as these obviously being the two best teams in the world.


    The ref was crap but the players showed their true colours, with Barca showing professionalism till the end and Chelsea doing the opposite. If Chelsea would have played in the first game it could have been different so they deserve to lose on away goals.


    My least favourite player in the world disgraced himself, he'll never live that down, he's a cheat and deserves everything he gets, I hope he gets a proper ban from football for a while at least. I was so so happy when Iniesta scored, and the funny games afterwards just added icing to the cake.


    There's only two players I feel sorry for and that's Lamps and Essien, both incredible last night and in general and deserving of glory at the top end. The rest of them I couldn’t give a poo about, especially Drogba & Ashole.



    Bring on the final, I can’t wait!!

  4. Rudemedic, having grown up around shrewsbury i can assure you it's a great place and i also love proper cider (especially after going to uni in bristol) however proper cider does not come from nor is sold widely in shrewsbury, you need to go further south into southwest territory for that.


    You had your chance with Hereford this year, and still have Yeovil & Bristol Rovers next year though!

  5. Ambition? Despite their faults TTA keep us competitive on crowds likely to be sub 4,000 initially next season.


    Gannon - Surely will go on to bigger and better things, I would have like him but...meh!

    Robins - I can see where people were coming from but thank fook we didn't employ a real rookie

    Knill - Still in with a chance of promotion

    Hill - See Shez

    Ince - way above our level

    Boothroyd - Ditto

    Jewell - Again would have been nice but he's hardly used to winning games over the last couple of years is he? Had :censored:loads of cash at Bradford and Wigan, Championship level easily.

    Joe - Joe knows it's a big job and why should he start from scratch?


    We've appointed a guy who hopefully will get the chance to build a side capable of challenging, a guy who will need time, a guy who is removed from Oldham Athletic a guy who will stamp his own identity and authority on the team. A guy who is ultimately ambitious and probably on his way up unlike people like Talbot and Moore who were guys living off past achievements, Penney is a top 6 manager and has proved that year after year, ok the progress stagnated somehwhat at Donny but only after the chairman started throwing silly money around and if the rumours are to believed began interfering in the squad.


    So if appointing a hungry, young and successful manager lacks ambition, who would you have appointed Kieran?

    Well it's not my decision hence why I stated that this was simply my unprofessional arm chair opinion, but I would have appointed (if he'd have had us with the right deal) Ian Holloway.*



    *And yes I know he was relegeted with Leicester


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