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Posts posted by mcgoo_84

  1. Agree.

    I think it has got to the point where he cannot afford not to make the braves decisions. Pretty certain we will be out of the top 6 once the games in hand are played.

    It needs a few games for those decisions to work, but drilling in what is needed should make that change quicker.

    I am not sure it is away games per se, just who you are playing against



    Boring boring boring!!!!


    Same excuses after every defeat (which tends to coincide with every away game at the minute) -


    "I have to look at the team away from home. Even if we're doing well and winning at home, I think I need to make some brave decisions regarding personnel for away games."


    Well I'm sorry if I don't believe you John because you've been saying that for 6 months and I'm still waiting. It's clear he has his favourites and that will never change.


    That game last night was crying out for Davies, someone to be a nuisance, put their back 4 under pressure, scare them with his pace and hopefully create something because of that for Hughes, Windass, whoever. Where was he? On the bench? Nope left out completely! Great move John!!!

  2. That doesnt belong on the pitch, its not up to Hughesy to bollock Taylor. Its up to either Gregan or Shez.



    Big positive to come out of it though, you cant deny Hughesy has the passion for the club :)



    Bo11ocks! He has passion for his own bank balance and the goal bonus he would have got if he scored instead of someone else.


    Don't mind people complaining when others don't pass to them, when in better positions however Hughes is a hypocrite, would he have squared it in the same position? Would he hell!



  3. Whittaker (a passenger away from home).


    Whittaker, Allott, Windass, Hughes to name 4.

    Not having Davies at the very least on the bench last night was criminal!!

    Lets face it, he doesn't change things because he doesn't know what to do.


    It was clear at 1-0 his selection wasnt working and we were being overrun in the middle, like we do in every away game, the gap between the midfield and whoever plays up front is as big as the bloody grand canyon and we have two slow arses up front who won't get stuck in, chase balls down and make life difficult for defenders.

    He always waits until it is far far to late to change things and when he does its always like for like - if you've started with Windass, don't take him off when 2-0 down - get a 3rd striker on and do something different!


    Sheridan needs to grow some balls and quick! He says EVERY week, I'm not afraid to change things around, but does he? No because he has his little friends who he won't drop regardless of how bad they are.


    And on another note - Lee Hughes is a disgrace, I've never seen anything so ridiculous as when he squared up to and shoved Taylor because he had a shot instead of passing to him - kettle and pot Lee?!?! VVanker!

  4. I think you may find that is libelous.


    Maybe it is but it's a fact that he ran away from an accident that he'd caused by 'irresponsible' driving which lead to some poor bloke dying which is down right disgraceful and unforgiveable - as I'm sure we all agree - and after being given a second chance you would think he would just be grateful and keep his head down, but as I said before, he's cocky, arrogant and blatently doesn't give a sh1t about anyone but himself.

  5. he should be a prisoner nevermind wanting to negotiate a better deal in football leaving another football club


    Exactly - once an arsehole always an arsehole, yes he's scored some valuable goals for us but the stick we've had as a club and all the grief we've taken on his behalf you would at least think he would be grateful and feel a little bit of loyalty to the club, as well as trying to keep his head down and not draw attention to himself but he doesn't. He's cocky, arrogant, not half as good as he thinks he is and is only interested in how much money he can make in the next 2-3 years before he retires.


    I think I'll be quite glad if he does go in the end because it will put an end to all this, I don't think I could stand it carrying on until June - when lets face it, if he stays in Jan he'll shaft us by going for free at the end of the season - remember by going for free, he'll be able to get a nice big signing on fee from wherever he goes - a la Wellens - don't be suprised if his agent has informed him of that though!

  6. I'm finding this really wierd but for the second time in a week I'm agreeing with you Dean!! Yes so he's a decent finisher, I'm bored of his lack of effort, it's the same every week - he's not arsed unless someone else is running their backside off for him laying all the glory on a plate - why would he want to work for other people though? He wouldn't pick up his goal bonus then would he?!?!

    He's only interested in himself, if there's nothing in it for him he's not interested.

    If we got £300k / £400k for him I'd be delighted!

  7. yes the ref was an absolute joke but did his decisions only spur us on to get something out of the game, if it was a definate penalty and they would have scored from it we would have been 3-0 down by half time, but fleming saved it the fans went mental and it seemed to spur the team on. Great spirited fightback against a capable but LUCKY, JAMMY posh side



    100% Dean, I think I made that comment at half time - possibly to you and Murray. We definitely had that seige mentality after they went 2 up. It was us against the world.


    For once we all pulled together, instead of getting on the players back and it worked.


    We were brilliant and I was so proud to be a Tic yesterday, I just wish it could be like that every week home and away, where every one gets behind the boys instead of all the moaning!!

  8. Jeez Nik - can tell you weren't there today. Normally when a ref is bad it can't all be his fault - today it really was. From the first 5 minutes you could tell we were going to have to play well to get anything out of the game with the way they passed and moved.


    Just when we seemed to be settling down they score a fluke, a cross from the right wing which Stammy did really well to get a block in, which unfortunately looped up and over Fleming and dropped in - no fault of anyone's, it was only a speculative cross by McClean because there was nobody in the box!


    10 minutes later, again just as we start getting the ball down and playing a bit they get a penalty which I'm unsure about - if it was a foul I think it was outside of the box, so for me, if it wasn't a foul then it had to be handball(?) by Fleming, either way, once a foul was given GF was very lucky to stay on the pitch, but what made a superb save from a pretty decent penalty - to make it better he pushed it wide so there was no rebound opportunity.


    Even up to this point the game had been fairly even, nothing between 2 decent teams apart from a fluke goal. Then Mr Williamson gives them another penalty when CMS missed a diving header - apparantly Stammy pushed him, he would have had a job mind, he was no where near him!!! Even their players could not believe it!


    CMS steps up - Fleming went the right way and it hit the post, could have gone anywhere but just to sum up our first 35 minutes it bounced right into the path of McClean who shinned it goalwards but with Fleming on his backside there was nothing he could do.


    So all of a sudden we're 2-0 down through no fault of our own in a game where we've been every bit as good as them.


    What we saw then from fans, players and staff alike in terms of passion was fantastic, in fact I've not seen an Oldham mentality like that for a long long time, every one pulling together because it was us v the world. The fact that the lads went in 2-1 down and didnt let their heads drop after the 2nd fluke goal and shocking refereeing was a credit to them and their will not to be beaten. We all pulled together and were arguably the better side in the second half and nearly nicked it at the end when somehow Taylors shot was headed off the line - that was awesome defending by the way!!


    Overall we would all have taken a point before hand, and when we went 2 down in such shocking circumstances we would have all killed for a point. The performance the 481 of us saw (which from your comments Nik you obviously didn't) made me so proud to be an Oldham fan - the boys were magnificent and deserved to walk away with all three points.


    Get a grip and if you dont witness games keep your ill informed comments to yourself.


    We all kept the faith today and it paid off.


    Well done lads - I'm proud of you and I'm sure the other 480 are too.

  9. I know this is from the Sun so a pinch of salt tends to be needed when reading such stories but I wondered if this could be something to do with Chalmers and why his contract was cancelled. Just seems a bit funny that 2 days after we cancel his contract this story hits the press.


    A FOOTBALL League club is reeling after four youth side players were quizzed by police over claims of a sex attack on a team-mate.

    The lad — at a Coca-Cola League One club which cannot be named for legal reasons — was allegedly assaulted with an object in showers when horseplay got out of hand.


    The 17-year-old went to hospital on Tuesday afternoon, and medical staff tipped off police. Another patient told The Sun: “The lad was in a lot of distress and was hobbling as he came into casualty.


    “He told nurses he had been attacked by a group of team-mates in the showers. It sounded absolutely horrific. It wasn’t long before police came down and he was asked to go through what had happened again.


    “He was in a right state. He was constantly in tears and was in a great deal of distress and embarrassment. I really felt for him.”


    The four players were arrested. Last night three were released on police bail until next month. The fourth was freed and told he would not face charges.


    The club said in a statement: “We are aware there has been an alleged incident. We will assist and communicate with the relevant authorities.”

  10. http://www.footballmanager.net/


    Tbh I'm quite happy with our stats, I think they're pretty spot on, lots of enquiries about Hughes and Allott. Hughes by the way is the best striker in League One at the start, well that's after compraing him with Beckford and Fryatt and if he's better than those two then I don't think they'll be anyone else with better stats than him. Taylor might be a tad underrated but I'm hoping his stats will boost up quite fast. Chris O'Grady is quite naff and only has the potential to become "a good striker in League 2". Lewis looks pretty good and is valued at £160,000 from the start.


    It's quite good, just got Geoff Horsfield on trial!



    Cheers Pukka - it's good to see decent feedback (I do the stats for FM). To be honest I had to try and be as realistic as possible with the stats. We did the stats for this game at the end of last season, so bearing in mind we finished lower last season than we did the season before (6th v 8th) I had to try really hard to justify making the squad better. They do clamp down on you over doing it as well - which is fair enough or else everyone would make their team the best!


    I'm happy with Hughes looking as good as he does, with Taylor the stats I gave him made him one of the best players in the league, I increased him massively from last year - a little too much at the start so we toned down his stats but made his potential very high, also his loyalty to the club is better than on the last one - when he always used to leave. On the demo that I started he signed a new 5 year contract straight away!!


    O'Grady was a funny one, as was Whittaker, because they had come from what are now League 2 clubs, their ratings were automatically quite low - for example a star player at Port Vale could only be as good as one of our top reserves based on the positions we finished in the league last year - the same for O'Grady so for now we'll have to put up with him not being so great I'm afraid.


    The same thing happened with Allott last year - because Chesterfield got relegated he got transferred to us with the same stats he had at Chesterfield (ie: a star player in a relegated League 1 side). However when we updated the stats at the end of last season I tried to upgrade his stats to reflect the fact that last year he was by far our most consistent player.


    I hope that load of waffle helps people to understand how the ratings are done and why sometimes things are lower than we would all hope - however if any of you ever want to discuss the ratings etc in FM just PM me or add feedback on here.





  11. Hi all,


    A mate has just contacted me saying two lads he was going with have dropped out leaving him with an Under 16 ticket and a student ticket for tonight (Latics end, not sure whether behind goal or on the side). If anyone wants them PM me and I'll sort it out.


    I wont be held responsible though for anybody (like me) who is blatantly over 16 but tries to use the Under 16s ticket!!!



  12. i heard one today sung to the 'hey baby' tune, couldnt make out the words though, just his name. anyone on here know what it was?



    The one from today was a belter -


    Oh Chriisy Taylor,

    You are the love of my life oh Chrissy Taylor,

    I'd let you sh*g my wife oh Chrissy Taylor,

    I want ginger hair too!!!


    Hats off to the ROAM and the boys for that one!


    What a day!

  13. What a fantastic start - well final 35 minutes anyway.


    I agree with the sentiments on here, Davies and O'Grady for me were both pretty poor where as Lewi and Hughesy looked great together, however to be fair to both of them, while Maher was on the pitch him and Allott are both defence minded so we constantly had 30 yard gap between the 2 centre mids and OG and CD. When Whittaker came on he filled that gap and ran through it, becoming a link with the two forwards.


    I wouldn't write OG and CD off just yet as a partnership due to the lack of service they were getting today, so would be tempted to start them both at Dale but with Whittaker in for Maher as the link between back and forward.


    I'm not even going to comment on the back 4!! Couldn't believe what I was watching, it was like they'd never seen each other before, it could be understood if all of them were new players!! However They're not 4 bad defenders so am sure once things sebenchttle down they'll be ok.


    Anybody sensing a season of Joe Royle proportions? Goals goals goals??? How exciting would that be??!!


    Loving the strength off the bench - great to see.

  14. A while back BigFin suggested a particular block to all sit in - I think he knows the layout pretty well from watching the Ice Hockey. I think it is definitely a good idea to know in advance where to head for as its unreserved seating - gotta be easier than blindly wandering round the concourse trying to track down where all the noise is coming from :bluearmy:


    As for a pub beforehand somewhere in the Printworks eg Waxies, Wetherspoons would be a good bet - or the Hard Rock Cafe if they have the same happy hour on as they did before the darts. I plan to grab a bite to eat somewhere round there then have a couple of pre-match pints. Really looking forward to it.



    I would imagine the block mentioned was block 109 or one of the nearest to it. It's right behind the goal and is traditionally the MEN home end!!! Or it was for the Ice Hockey back in the day anyway.


    I can't wait - what a way to spend my last Saturday as a single man - out on the lash with the lads watching Latics old boys!

  15. Don't know if anyone can help me with this, but I am looking for a copy of an unusual piece of Latics related artwork.


    Back in the "Pinch Me" era, my Dad had a green A4 card folder from Latics Commercial Department that contained a number of sheets inside that detailed the types of corporate sponsorship packages - Boxes, Pitch Side Advertising, Match Sponsorship etc. The sheets inside were cut at an angle at the top and were in different lengths so you could see the titles of each sheet when arranged in order in the folder.


    Within this pack was a picture of the Latics Owl (pre-Chaddy :wink: ) landing on the ball with wings outstretched and tallons ready to grip the ball. The background was the diamond (or rotated square) we still have on the club crest today. It was in black and white and looked like a line drawing.


    Does anyone remember this? Have a copy? Have any suggestions of how I can find a copy?


    I have already spoken to the club (when Sean Jarvis was there) but to no avail.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Speak to Gary at "museum de latique".


    He should be able to sort it out for you (maybe from an old programme or something!!)

  16. We will have to save "his great reception" until another time.


    Warney is not going to be involved at all today - Not even on the bench.


    I have suggested to the club that we get him to do the half time draw - so that we can give him the applause that he deserves!!

    He left this club without having a chance to say goodbye to the fans and was absolutely gutted - Top bloke!!


    Dave Hudson


    Sorry Chris McGoo - I really will have to get my own account set up on here!!

  17. Arsenal - Yes (Emirates)

    Man Utd - Yes

    Chelsea - Yes

    Everton - Yes

    Liverpool - Yes

    Aston Villa - Yes

    Man City - Yes, Maine Road and Eastlands

    Portsmouth - Yes

    Blackburn -Yes

    West Ham - Yes

    Tottenham - Yes

    Middlesbrough - Ayresome & Riverside

    Newcastle - Yes

    Sunderland - Yes - Roker Park and Stadium of Light

    Bolton - Yes - Burnden Park & The Breezeblock

    Wigan - Yes - Springfield and the JJB

    Birmingham - Yes

    Reading - Madjeski & Elm Park

    Fulham - Yes

    Derby - Yes - Baseall Ground and Pride Park


    Watford - Yes

    West Brom - Yes

    Bristol City - Yes

    Stoke - Yes - Victoria and Britannia

    Charlton - Yes

    Ipswich - Yes

    Crystal Palace - Yes

    Hull - Yes Boothferry. (Not made the KC yet)

    Burnley - Yes

    Plymouth - Yes

    Cardiff - Yes

    Wolverhampton - Yes

    Norwich - Yes

    Barnsley - Yes

    QPR - Yes

    Blackpool - Yes

    Sheff Utd - Yes

    Southampton - No

    Coventry - No (going there in a few weeks!)

    Leicester - Yes, Filbert St (not done the crisp bowl yet!)

    Preston - Yes

    Sheff Wed - Yes

    Scunthorpe - Yes

    Colchester - Yes


    Swansea - Yes - Liberty and the Vetch

    Doncaster - Yes, Belle Vue and Keepmoat

    Nottm Forest - Yes

    Carlisle - Yes

    Walsall - Yes

    Tranmere - Yes

    Leyton Orient - Yes

    Leeds - Yes

    Southend - Yes

    Oldham - Yes

    Swindon - Yes

    Northampton - Yes

    Huddersfield - Yes (McAlpine, not Leeds Road)

    Brighton - Yes (that crap thing they have now rather than the Goldstone)

    Yeovil - Yes

    Bristol Rovers - Yes

    Hartlepool - Yes

    Cheltenham - Yes

    Gillingham - Yes

    Crewe - Yes

    Millwall - Yes New Den

    Luton - Yes

    Bournemouth - Yes

    Port Vale - Yes


    Milton Keynes Dons - Yes (Hockey Stadium)

    Darlington - Yes

    Hereford - No

    Rotherham - Yes

    Peterborough - Yes

    Wycombe - Yes

    Chesterfield - Yes

    Rochdale - Yes

    Stockport - Yes

    Morecambe - Yes

    Grimsby - Yes

    Brentford - Yes

    Shrewsbury - Yes (Gay Meadow, not done New Meadow yet)

    Bradford - Yes

    Chester - Yes

    Accrington Stanley - Yes

    Barnet - No

    Lincoln City - No

    Macclesfield - Yes

    Notts County - Yes

    Bury - Yes

    Mansfield - Yes

    Dag & Red - No

    Wrexham - Yes


    Conference Former League Grounds


    Torquay - Yes

    York City - Yes

    Oxford United -Yes, Manor Ground

    R'den & Dmnds - Yes

    Cambridge - Yes


    Other Non League


    Southport - Yes

    Hednesford - Yes

    Kings Lynn - Yes

    Thurrock - Yes

    Burton Albion - Yes

    Stalybridge - Yes

    Hyde United - Yes

    Barrow - Yes




    Stade de France - Yes

    San Siro - Yes

    Nou Camp - Yes


    Counting that lot up it looks like I've done 112 football grounds to watch a game. There may be a few more that I've forgotten about.


    In terms of football league grounds that stand at the moment I only have: 6 of the 92 left to do and am going to Coventry in a couple of weeks which will make 5!




    How the hell could I forget Wembley??!!!!! Also just remembered Douglas Bowl in the Isle of Man and the Suncorp Stadium (Brisbane Bronco's Stadium) for Queensland Roar v Sydney FC!! The standard of that was appalling! It was like watching us but with 25,000 there because they have no other footy to watch!!

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