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Posts posted by melia

  1. seen both lees games and a couple of reserve outings as well,i know he is better than whittacker if given a chance,can you tell me why whittacker keeps getting picked week after week without doing anything other than run around not tackling to waarant his place...


    stephens looked good pre season and some ressie games i saw,i dont think there is any harm bringing him into the first team squad and even maybe a bench place,just to give him the experience of match days etc etc....you say he isnt ready yet for this league,in which case if we do manage to go up hes knackered then,hell of a jump from league 2 to championship....yet other young players manage it


    chris taylor,lewis allassandra,smalley lomax have all been brought through from the ressies,given an oppertunity to show what they can do and are now establishing themself in the team,who is to say young stephens cant do the same.


    today is the last day of the transfer window,if he doesnt bring in a midfielder to play alongside allott were goosed.

    you cant play 2 wingers and leave allott on his own to cover 2 players positions,its impossible.



    Spot on there Andy, said myself how on earth at 19 you can be one for the future, when there are lads younger than that playing, and if we do go up will he ever play a game for the club? 70k down the pan. I also think there might be a fee if he plays.

  2. Yes. Thats why we were within inches of scoring two or three goals.



    Brilliant decision today Shez, left the team as it was, put his confidence in the players and they delivered. Didnt win, granted, but deserved to.



    Yeah brilliant, 0-0 draw with a team in 17th place i think. Tactical Genius!


    Delivered but didn't win? I think someone needs to re-think dont you?

  3. It's funny, every Kelvin Lomax thread, gets turned into something negative about Neil Eardley.


    No, it wasn't Lomax fault alone for yesterday, he was gash but as were others.


    The fact is though, he's not good enough and we need a new left back.



    On another note, have we had a steady left back who plays consistently whilsts we have had shez in charge?

  4. 1 win in the last 5? Ok, draws not losses, but, regardless of what people says being unbeaten does for your confidence, ( which seems to be doing nothing for ours) I can't help but think a few more wins and losses would be better for us in the long run.


    We may well draw again on saturday, then lose our next away game. Then, when do we turn things round? If it means a loss now for us to start winning games, then roll it on! However, if we are to just keep drawing games and picking up the odd win in five, I somehow believe we are not going to be in the playoffs, due to our own form and the form of other clubs around and below us ( huddersfield, Carlisle, Tranmere.)

  5. Byfield did nothing today, i dont think ive seen him win a 50/50 ball in the air since he's been here and he is dispossessed with ease. Davies must start the next game.

    I thought Whittaker looked dangerous on the ball today and was willing to take people on.



    You been drinking??

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