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Frankly Mr Shankly

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Posts posted by Frankly Mr Shankly

  1. I think you could tell the moment Alesspellingnightmare came on that both he and Smalley knew each others game. They scored a hatful of goals for the ressies last season and took the step up with ease.


    Wonderful ball control, tricks in the locker and a blistering turn of pace. Looks a good 'un. MoM by a mile and immensely pleasing to watch given the frustrations of recent weeks.

  2. He rejects two players as he says they aren't good enough and hasn't seen them play, we then sign a player thats hardly played and isn't great for a position we are covered in. STRIKER FFS ITS NOT SO HARD


    Well, you're bending the truth a little because he just said he didn't know enough about them, not that they weren't good enough. I'm sure a striker is high on his priorities list, but more so is a midfielder to create more chances for our strikers to fluff most of them and score a couple of them, hopefully.


    I get the feeling we'll see a striker in by the end of this week.

  3. Smalley up front with Hughes for me. We need someone who can get up for headers and Wolfy just can't play like that.


    If it's not going swimmingly (as per) then get Allesshardtospell on for some key pitchtime.


    God, pitchtime. I'm sounding like those commentators on Boston Goals now.


    Actually, I feel a bit sorry for Wolfy. I'd really love to see him play along a tall centre forward who can lay the ball off to him. The odd cameo with Ricketts aside, I thought we saw good glimpses of what he can do against Accrington Stanley in the paint pot. Shame that he's never had the luxury of a chance in the side with a big fella up front.

  4. worthwhile target?


    Yeah, bit of unfinished business but probably the wrong type of striker for us just now.


    could we get him?


    I think he's probably be deemed gettable by us. Not sure he's in Shez's mind though.


    Would he come?


    I think so. Unfinished business, loved the club when he was here... why not?


    Don't think he's the target man that Shez is after anyway, and would probably take the place of Davies in the team.

  5. I don't know about you, but I have no intention of cutting my wrists over a bunch of substandard footballers.


    Well I wouldn't even consider taking a prescription drugs overdose. Man, lots of people think you just slip away when you do that but that couldn't be more further than the truth. See, they mess with your insides y'know... so you're in complete agony for quite a while before passing out. Yeah, most definitely not the best way to go.

  6. Both were available Dan, From the horse's mouth in the Chron. Strange move, Shez admitting that, started to dig that hole for himself methinks........


    I actually thought it was pretty honest of Shez, He didn't have to say anything really. We don't know who they were and how much they were asking for.


    Thing about gambling is, it's best to gamble on something you know a little bit about rather than 'blind'.

  7. sorry

    but somone didnt read my post properly we have money to spend so we are not breaking the bank,just made me angry wont let it happen again. :huh:


    The key to buying a good handbag mate, is to bide your time first. It's no good plunging straight into the first shop you see, and getting the one that looks really nice with it's gold clasp and polished leather only to find out it's not big enough or it's pretty shoddy inside.


    You just need to be a bit patient with such things.

  8. I was walking behind the Rochdale Road end straight after the final whistle as the girlfriend wanted to buy a hat for her dad at the club shop. Looked very tense in a standoff between police and Huddersfield fans as they all had the coshes out and looked like they were lashing out indescriminately. I say this because an Udders fan with a broken foot hobbling around on crutches was one of the lads who got hit which looked bang out of order.


    So, it seems most of the police were busy chasing random Huddersfield fans around directly outside the away end, and not further up Sheepfoot Lane where evidently the major aggro was.


    God, I felt like Danny "gawd, I'm nawty" Dyer at one point.

  9. Well that's fair enough, and I'm not going to change your opinion of it because you've firmly nailed some manner of colour to some manner of mast.


    Personally, I think your gripes are quite small ones. The focal point of the story was about the young lad, so to give too much exposure to the other characters (like the girl who kisses him for example) wouldn't have been right. And that's what it was, a kiss just to symbolise that particular stage in his development - you're not meant to know about her character in depth, just like you're not meant to know about any minor character in a classicly written film. The whole movie was cut quite a bit as well (to fit in with agreed running times) so perhaps more was written about other characters so it could be an editing thing? Anyway, like I said, to me it was more of a 'time capsule' film, about a young boy growing up in a particular age with dark, unpredictable people.


    The film is self autobiographical, so who's to say you have to follow with "what normally happens" in scenarios where Combo goes radio rental on Milky? That would be quite boring, no? This may have actually happened like it was acted out and written, and Combo sobbing like a child at the end of it seems to me like he's overcome with guilt (adding weight to the unstable/unpredictable element). You mention the "most mental skinhead" (I assume you mean Combo's mate, the big bloke) but can't quite get where you're coming from on that as he says nothing during the entire film and doesn't really erm, do anything mental. Just stands about looking moody for most of it.


    Combo for me did his role justice. He was unpredictable, you were never sure what he was going to do next. The way he 'befriended' milky in order to get him back to the flat and do him in was a classic 'ambush' scenario, and written/acted superbly. But yeah, my opinion and all that.


    I kinda wanted to see why you thought it was badly written, but your explainations don't hold much water, so it's not really about opinions. It's not a magical film by a long chalk, but if anything lets it down it's the accent-mix and perhaps other minor details. It's not Meadows' best film either, but for attention to detail, grim feel and acting (especially by Turgoose, who is astonishing for a mere 10 or 11 year old) you won't see much better anywhere else, which I feel overcomes any minor flaws it does carry. How you can call his character bland seriously makes me question what you've said. Seeing the world through Combo's eyes would have been bland and wrong but seeing it through a child's eyes at a bleak time to be in Britain was how I wanted to see it.


    So yeah, my take on it and all that.

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