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Posts posted by ritchie82

  1. I think he has until next November, no sign of progress by then i.e. solid place in top 6 or above, then i think he should go. As said in other posts if he was not a latics legend e.g. the same as Moore and Talbot, he would be hounded out over the next few weeks.

  2. Rose tinted specs time!!

    Sheridan can do no wrong, we beat everton - all that garbage.

    He can not carry on the way he is going, is he active in trying to get anyone in??

    Puting players in like Allessandra and Smalley in with performances like the first half on Sat will damage them because majority of performances at home have been below par all season

    Get a grip Sheridan and dont rely on the kids, get in experience for now.

    I'll probably get slated but never mind eh? We beat Everton FFS!!!!


    Did i mention anything about Sheridan or Everton? :shock: So where the rose tinted specs come from i don't know.


    My point was that the guy was suggesting we can't attract WBA reserves when we have no evidence that we are even interested except the recommendation of someone on the internet.

  3. strange how we cant attract these types of players but hereford can!


    How do you know we were even trying to attract them? :blink:


    Some people really are thick! Just coz someone on a message board rates them and they can perform well in the stiffs and league 2 doesn't mean we have tried to get them. Plenty of gash players look good against kids and at league 2 level but doesn't mean we are trying to sign them all!

  4. Rick Holden or Davied Eyres

    Joe Royle or Jimmy Frizzell

    Luke Beckett or Chris Porter

    Earl Barrett or Fitz Hall

    Neil Kilkenny or Richie Wellens

    Wayne Andrews or Jermaine Johnson

    Ronnie Jepson or Phil Starbuck

    Sean Garnett or Guy Branston

    Roger Palmer or Frankie Bunn

    Neil Redfern or John Sheridan

    Jim Fryatt or David Shaw

    Dennis Irwin or Andy Barlow

    Toddy Orlygsson or Gunnar Halle

    Andy Goram or Paul Gerrard

  5. We're not getting anyone in today, are we?


    Obviously, I'm prepared to be wrong about this, but it's not gonna happen. Loans will be the way we go, which won't be good enough.


    Anyway, it's all about next season, innit.


    Think your right. If we had a striker at the ground this morning discussing terms then i reckon it would have been announced if he was coming. Hope i am wrong though, another fresh face may give us the boost to push on this season.

  6. Just had a quick look on Betsys move to Walsall and saw this:


    "The Saddlers are in need of strengthening their options up front with Ricketts' future far from certain.


    The former England striker's loan at The Banks's Stadium has expired and the club have hit an impasse over negotiations to keep him. Michael's short-term future is open-ended and we're all comfortable with that


    Walsall boss Richard Money


    Money added: "We have been in some discussions with Michael and his agent.


    "Obviously he has an injury at the moment and we want to wait for that to clear up before doing anything.


    "His short-term future is open-ended and we're all comfortable with that."


    Ricketts has scored five goals in his second spell back at Bescot but has missed the last five games because of an Achilles problem."


    Sounds to me like Ricketts may be on his way back to BP unless we have freed him.

  7. He should have been offered a 3 year contract in the first place, what were the management thinking of, it was obvious even when in the reserves he was a colossus.


    Give Wolfy another 3 years he is awesome in the stiffs as well! As has been said we can't afford to gamble on unknown talents and an untried Burnley reject was never going to get a 3 year deal no matter how much cash we had. I think the club have got a great deal. Would have loved him to stay though.

  8. I don't think Jarrett can sign for more than 3 months...thats the maximum you can extend an emergency loan, which he is. So at the best we can keep him until the end of April unless we make it permanent before 5pm today which is unlikely....


    He can be signed on a season long loan but only before 5 today. We got him on an emergency just so he could play Tuesday.

  9. I reckon a striker on loan 'till the end of the season, with us holding onto Jarret for the next three months. Can't see a left back coming in, anyway, I think we should stick with Lomax. Probably a centre back may be drafted in.


    I hope a late push may be on the cards, but still think we will eventually settle in the top ten.


    Would think Jarret will be sorted for the season today

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