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Posts posted by mikeroyboy

  1. The report covers an anomaly that is more cultural than racial. Why are English and Chinese fast food and restaurant establishments rarely patronised by, Asians? It is also rare to see any 'Asian' fast food outlets patronised by Asians, why, there’s not a hygiene issue, is there?


    A couple of years ago I visited an Asian festival in Oldham park with my wife. We felt perfectly comfortable amongst a predominantly Asian gathering. But, we couldn’t help noticing that the Asian fast food bar, run by Asians was doing a roaring trade but the White run outlets, staff were leaning on their elbows? Just another anomaly, I guess!


    Oldham and Burnley were headlined in the article with a zero percentage quota of Asian fans. There was no comparison quote from any club that was doing better, even from the Premiership, why?


    “Abdul Hamid, a member of Red Star Bengal, believes Oldham are doing a lot of good work with the community, but he has thrown out a challenge to the bosses who run the game.”


    "One day, when we have an Asian player at Latics, a lot of Asian people will flock to the club to support him." Where is the evidence, Abdul?

    The Football League is awash with black players but the terraces aren’t awash with black fans.


    Cultural anomalies across the board cut both ways and is a a fact of life.

  2. My impression of Lee Johnson is that he is a geek of Football Coaching, the same as Brain Cox is a geek of Astrophysics. He has lived it and studied it for nigh on 20yrs.


    He watched us for half a dozen games before his interview and then told Corney what was wrong and precisely how he would improve it.


    He also turned up at interview with a list as long as your arm, of players who would be out of contract in the summer.


    He persuaded Corney to go for Smith even before he was officially appointed.


    He also arrived at interview with a promise that there is no way he will award a permanent contract to a player without first vetting them HIMSELF PERSONALLY to make sure they had the right skills, mentality, and social background that would include their social networking status.


    It’s what people with ambition do to be the very best they can that stands them apart from the money grabbers and jobless journeymen that are on the circuit.

    Dickov, also talked a good game but without substance. Johnson is backing it up with personally gathered data, sought input and methods from bigger clubs at his own expense. He studied sports science so as to cover all aspects of our high tempo game.


    He met the fans face to face on a day that he could barely have had time for a pee. WHY? Because he absolutely knew that he had all the answers and wanted them to know.


    Can he transfer his knowledge and enthusiasm to a group of young professional footballers? I was sceptical on his appointment because I knew nothing about him. On listening to him on and in the media I quickly realised he was unique. I am expecting the players to do the same. They would be stupid and dispensable if they didn’t want to try. Tuesday night was a positive sign, with some things he had changed welcomed by players and fans.


    Johnson was proud and excited on Tuesday night to be representing Oldham Athletic. And he dressed to suit.


    I think he will comfortably keep us up (by more than 3pts) and he won’t be really appreciated until the summer and into pre-season.

    It’s only my opinion, but I feel better for having said it

  3. Observations on the basis that I know nothing about Lee Johnson and his appointment is still a rumour:

    The happenings at BP in the last 3mths are unique and are far from finalised, resulting in the unusual situation of comparisons being unavailable.

    Johnson would be an unbelievably odd appointment on the face of it.

    He must have made some impression at interview. Dickov was a biggish name when he talked himself into the job, nobody has heard of Johnson.

    If Johnson hit the ground running it would be a massive stroke of luck. Or, genius.

    ‘IF’ new owners are in the pipeline you would think they would never condone a kamikaze managerial appointment (even short term) getting us relegated.

    If no one is in in the pipeline relegation would again be a major negative in attracting a buyer.

    If Corney is thinking of doing a Moore’s (I doubt it) why has he put in a planning application in the middle of the up evil and given Baxter a two and a half year contract.

    I know it’s madness but I can’t help thinking that all of this is NOT going where we think.

    If he is our new num1 I sincerely hope the majority of us have egg on our face come the end of April.

    Can he really be coming in as top dog? I can’t believe he is.

    But, if he is I will in all fairness give him a chance. He may well impress the lads in the dressing room the same as he must have Corney. We have only 7 weeks to wait for the outcome and probably only 10 days to smell blood.

  4. That's exactly my concern. It gives out the impression that either -


    The owners may not be around next season so they dont want a manager in situ in case new owners are put off because they are paying for someone they don't want




    The owners may be around but can't guarantee the funds to pay them or may want to change their mind dependent upon league position


    Not really long-term certainty and confidence to whoever they're recruiting

    Your first option is the outstanding favourite IMO. It may even be a ‘condition’ along with planning permission for the new stand. I can see Corney frantically negotiating on two fronts with increasing relegation fears adding maybe a 3rd condition. Rather him than me.

  5. Accrington Stanley – my first visit to Boundary Park was against them in 1955. I was going to the flics with some mates and instead we jumped on a football special bus from up the side of the Paragon on King St. I was hooked. I soon realised that Stanley were good and we were bobbins. I don’t have a fondness for Stanley because it was my first game, I remember thinking their name was cool and it’s never worn off. Awwwww!

  6. The events and non-events since Xmas certainly indicate a buyout is a possibility. Planning permission for the new stand could be a contract requirement, while new owners would want to make their own managerial appointment, thus explaining the delay in that area. Not sure about a meeting in a public place in Oldham though, unless it was Corney interviewing Lee.

  7. If it's not about the new stand I think it will be a change/addition in the boardroom. Corney said as much a while ago.......whatever it is, as we have come to expect, it will almost certainly not be earth shattering news!

    But it may be! Nothing that has happened in the last 7weeks is normal, least of all being in the 5th round of the FA Cup, with all the publicity that has given us. To recap; backroom staff being stood down, leaving the (on-trial manager) manager to replace them? Nothing whatsoever apparently done on that front? 6 weeks down the line manager walks? Corney spends a week in New York, where the clubs 2 biggest creditors happen to be based? No new manager yet and no interviews given? These are facts and could be described as unusual. But not if a change of ownership is on the cards???

  8. Saying something once is still spreading a rumour. Because you've heard it and are telling others.

    And , to be fair without being harsh, you don't know if he has asked too much, nor if it's negotiable,

    Sorry if you missed the attempt at humour in my first sentence, it’s a saying, highlighted by a different font. Maybe I should have used quotation marks. All fan sites thrive on rumour. The source is fairly close to the club (closer than just a fan) and that Dowie put forward a remuneration figure, (you would assume some sort of discussion took place). It is not suggested he was offered the job, possibly just a tentative enquiry and I can confirm I do not know whether any remuneration is negotiable, like I stated. But I would have an intelligent guess that it is, as are most things. I do not believe the source just made it up, and neither did I. But it is just another (of how many now on this subject)? Rumour!

  9. Season ticket holders in the RRE can chose any available seat of thier choice in the Main Stand Upper. There are are loads of non Season Ticket holder seats and there should be no problem getting small blocks of 4-8 together if you include seats behind each other. As ST holders you will have first shout because the regular MSST holders will be having their own seats. Plus, people tend to sit where they are put in the MS because the many ST holders would soon kick up a fuss.

  10. The longer Corney leaves it in sacking Dickov the more stupid it makes him look.Corney needs to be proactive and fast before its too late.If it means Dickov leaving Latics I'd take us getting a humping off the scousers on Sunday.

    First, Corney needs to try and make sure that his next managerial appointment is considerably more effective than his last 2.

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