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Everything posted by mwingle

  1. If you judge us it's cos you don't know how much fun it is

  2. As if she just kicked the camera man in the nuts ha ha ha

  3. RIP Trigger :-(

  4. In my mind my dreams are real

  5. Adam Rooney can :censored: off

  6. I swear this Spanish woman from tarragona is following me every time I go to asda she is there, small world

  7. Think its hilarious all the students getting there students and tweeting "paid off tour"

  8. Salad for tea tonight

  9. Thought he did quite well against us, got a smile off him when I sang s club to him
  10. England is grey and depresses me summer 2014 cannot come quick enough

  11. Heartbreak for the toon

  12. Ryan Edwards should so go on take me out

  13. As if Jamie Bartlett has deleted me off Facebook lol

  14. Luis Suarez player of the month! Scorer against every team except Chelsea, Man City and the mighty Oldham Athletic

  15. Such a sad programme, these people are humans, and living in poverty on our doorstep, my great grandparents from Lithuania were lucky, they weren't judged they were given opportunities

  16. I'd forgotten how much I like glasvegas!

  17. This irratic sleep pattern is killing me!

  18. So I open up the paper the other day and Dan Allam is selling his spouts again, what a LAD

  19. So Matthew and Dan are in but is Peter???

  20. Impressed by Sterling, gerrard and coutihno when he came on but thought a lot of the team were average, Suarez also had a warm 20 minutes in tarkowski's pocket

  21. Ohhhhhhhh when the bluesss

  22. Buzzing, Liverpool away!! #awaydays #oafc

  23. How :censored: is the sport of rugby

  24. Work finished looking forward to seeing my boy Will Mead tomorrow at analfield

  25. Meat pie sausage roll

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