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Status Updates posted by mwingle

  1. No more sleeps till the courteeners yayyyy

  2. 1 more sleep till the courteeners yayyaaaa

  3. 2 more sleep till I start my new job and the courteeners

  4. Had a great time today for Jessica's 1st birthday champagne and cake mmmm

  5. New week, New job and then the courteeners on friday cant wait! #cross my heart and hope to fly, and :censored: right off into the middle of the sky#

  6. #I'll never dance with a sycophant, i'd rather entertain disdain#

  7. 3rd round draw time my arse is going 50p 20p


  9. An idiot abroad time!

  10. Happy St.Andrews day to all my Scottish friends I hope you stuff you face full of Iron Bru, Lorne Sausage and Haggis! Good Luck the mighty Arbroath against Celtic tomorrow SMOKIES AND WINE!

  11. Got an unexpected £70 from Thomas cook today thank you so much should help to get my house warm

  12. I thought Andrew Butler must be bored living where he now lives but the fact he is taking pictures of the m62 that takes the piss I bit ill get him a book or something

  13. got a :censored:in gasleak and no heating now FFS!

  14. After many many years watching MOTD I still find alan Hansen the most irritating pundet ever

  15. good god what a busy day!

  16. Franky fryer is following me on twitter what a nutty geezer!

  17. Sandra Broadfield just farted down the phone to me legend!

  18. Hitman will always be one of my heroes!

  19. The only substitute for now being at the football on a saturday is listening to the grunts and groans of soccer saturday!

  20. Can you play guitar my boy? can you :censored:!!!!!"

  21. Love that skysports are discussing what female horses a retired stallion is going to serve! What a retirement

  22. Hey! stay young and invincible cos we know just what we are!

  23. 2nd day back at m and s and urmmmm im leaving (awkward turtle moment)

  24. Sooooo happy I got the job say hola para Thomas Cook retail :)

  25. waiting for news eeeek!

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