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Status Updates posted by mwingle

  1. Great night out in 007 Bar Salou last night was pumping out the most random set of tunes but it was :censored:in epic!

  2. Mike Bickerdike is a bad influence

  3. Oh :censored: the French are back in salou here comes 6 weeks of violence and trouble

  4. Cannot wait to give Kayleigh Moore her birthday present ha ha ha!

  5. Had a great night out last night for zoe pops birthday, keith lemon was out in salou aparrently?

  6. Finished work for the week im gonna sleep all day and party all night!!!!! LETS GET :censored:ED UUUUUP

  7. Ese portuguese hijo puts es!!!!!!!!

  8. Celta vigo fans I tip my hat to you, you were fantastic last night

  9. What a day today has been!!!! Off for some 4* food now then off to watch nastic tarragona vs celta vigo!!!!!

  10. Congratulations Chelsea you have done the English proud tonight

  11. Come on Chelsea, I hope all the brits get behind them!

  12. Happy st.georges to all my English bretherin out there, keep st.george in my heart keep me English

  13. Forca barca!!!!! Lets have these madristas

  14. Haste luego ingleterra!!!!

  15. right time to sign off FB in England off for another amazing adventure ooooooosh!

  16. Frank Bruno god bless you, I love you and England loves you!!!!!

  17. ched evans jailed for 5 years for rape!

  18. Just watched SSN goal of week OMG!

  19. Aidy lewis amazing arrows son hope that gets the boo boys off your back, COME ON JACKPOT

  20. right, ive put it off for too long time to start packing! then time for some tungsten

  21. Old lady just stopped me in the street, hows your dad not seen him for a while, that's cos he has been dead for 2 years!!! Brilliant

  22. is getting sick of this abu qatada saga, why would he want to stay here when he hates the country, if the european court of human right care so much let them have the :censored:! SCUM OUT NOW

  23. Off to mcfc tonight for little bro's presentation evening defo having a good scrub when I leave middleeastlands

  24. Busy day today do much to do do little motivation....oh wait its all for salou there's some

  25. Over the moon Dean Furman has confirmed as signed for next year!!!!!

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