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Posts posted by FLAGMAN

  1. oldham vs chesterfield on monday the 30th, will be the trial of the blue brigade at oldham, any oldham fans wishing to be a part of it, you can exchange your season ticket of the rre down to the chaddy end in sections 'o' and 'a', homemade flags, and scarves can be brought down, to bring the atmosphere back... this is official... ive spoken to many fans down the rre and they would like to bring it back down to the chaddy end, the more singers the better! the drummer and a couple of singers down the rre are behind this idea and will hopefully be down the chaddy end for the game on monday night

  2. oldham vs chesterfield on monday the 30th, will be the trial of the blue brigade at oldham, any oldham fans wishing to be a part of it, you can exchange your season ticket of the rre down to the chaddy end, homemade flags, and scarves can be brought down, to bring the atmosphere back... this is official... ive spoken to many fans down the rre and they would like to bring it back down to the chaddy end, the more singers the better!

  3. thanks Oh Heck C-Beck


    In theory standing off on your own sounds fine but all i can think off is the 50 Gillingham chavs on the stand beside us when we got drowned over Christmas

    and yeah thats the idea of changing that... theirs no chance of them drowning us out, if were louder, the more flags, scarves, drums and all the singers of bp in one section, will create such a louder atmosphere, i know many down the chaddy end that are singers, but nothings organised

  4. It's an awful 'chant' when it's dpone by British fans. It does nothing to back the team, it's foreign, it's stupid, it's dull and everyone's doing it. Why can't we be original? We sing OWTB in a way no one else does, Zigga Zagga is our chant but we could do with some more originality. "Everyone's lazy" is a poor excuse for not being inoriginal. We're English, not Italian. It's awful when I see people trying to imitate foreigners.

    well does it really matter? its a football match? we pay £200 quid to sit down and be bored? why not enjoy ourselves... doesnt matter if a song comes from italy or not, aslong as theirs an atmosphere and were having fun... is what being a supporter is pretty much about, cheering on your team

  5. Some sort of contact with the rre usual crew wouldn't go amiss, point them in this direction and tell them what we are gointrying to achieve. I would swap my usual seat in the chapel of rest to go and join in, I would maybe enjoy the bp experience a bit more, as soon as you sit down now in the chaddy its depressing and miserable, I might be a bit old but there's Nowt wrong with my lungs or vocal chords. Count me in as a member of the " blue brigade"

    well if anyone knows anyone from that group, start seeing what they think about it, and get them to inbox me or something, to try and organise something, it'll make it easier to make it happen

  6. thats the whole idea, is to create the banter again that used to be at boundary park, such as 5 years ago, i used to love coming to the ground to watch the football and basically have a disco in the chaddy end, now the most eventful thing is the pies at half time... as fans were their to cheer on our team and have a good time... so anyone wants to help me do something about this would be great?

  7. also, they could situate it in the small section of the rre which would then mean that everyone else that doesnt want to sing and wants to watch a game will go the chaddy or main stand, which will make the bp look more full, and then the singing section is still next to the away fans? what does everyone think?

  8. yeah it doesnt necessarily mean that their needs to be capo's all fans can start songs, just to get the whole look of ultras, such as banners, flags, and drums, most teams like i said have got their popularity from having such good atmosphere... + if they had the section next to the away fans it would also include fans banter, and all oldham songss, also all the foreign songs, also im sure if the rre wanted to sing all the way through the game for 90 mins, im sure they would, but starting something like this has to be brought in, not specifically organized just so other oldham fans hear about it, and do something about it

  9. sounds stupid, and everyones doing it now, and you can go on and on, but look at the atmosphere at their grounds... i think most people would prefer to have something like that than a boring quite ground... like it pretty much is now with the slight beat of a drum.. just an idea, but many teams have done it, and their attendances have increased ever since, such as fc united, accrington and stevenage, they may all be crap, but still makes games more enjoyable

  10. Lower league Italian football.


    Compare that to lower league British football when it tries imitation...





    atleast if their gonna do songs like this, get all of them in one section... hence why the italians are amazing supporters, because they have a section of nutters, which is why it sounds crap cause theirs about 50 of them at the top of the rre... otherwise its a great song, and ina way many songs come from copys of others, cause everyones lazy

  11. liking all the new songs at oldham, but their not really english, so what do you guys think to starting something like before the game, like liverpool do and have never walk alone, or something else? any suggestions? something that will bring a bit of atmosphere back at boundary park, even if you cba and youd rather sit their through the game thats fine, but still as fans we've gotta atleast make it a interesting ground to come to even if we do have 3 stands... so any suggestions on songs or anything? and we could possibly have something sorted out

  12. ive just been watching videos on you tube from 3 years ago, where the chaddy end, the main stand and the lookers stand was full to the brim...

    over the years we've lost so many fans! where have they all gone! the club and supporters need to do something to bring the fans back, the atmosphere was incredible, we need that back!

    what can we do to help it?! ideas people... as the fans we cant do anything but cheer the mighty blues on!

    lets find ways to bring them all back, show them what they've been missing! lets show the league were the best supporters

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