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Posts posted by Latics4Ever

  1. Well more fool you....


    We have not got the consistancy to go up this season. But we are a good young side and IF (and its a big if) we can old on to these good youngesters and add to the sqaud next term then I see no reason why we cant go for it.


    Alot of doom and gloom merchants on here making mountains out of mole hills. I fully expected us to get beat by Luton and I am surprised so many didnt. But for people to be once again attacking the manager, coaching staff and players again then I find that sad. These doom and gloom merchants have been slient over the last two games sliently sharpenning their swords......need to take a look at yourselfs guys....


    For one reason or another, I haven't been on this site for a while. However, I honestly believed we would beat a poor Luton side....Until I heard those fateful words..."Luton haven't won a game under new Manager, Mick Harford..." and irrespective of our form going into the game, that alone guaranteed the defeat as we ALWAYS seem to lose to shyte teams who haven't won in an eternity.


    I also nipped into the Live Chat room yesterday and no word of a lie, some prat stated that they had predicted we would lose 3-0 and have 2 players sent off! This was just as we had gone 2-0 down and Hazell sent off. How someone can even consider such a prediction for their own side is extremely bizarre, maybe predict a defeat but to predict our own players to be sent off is just absurd.


    Another fan also declared that Luton's penalty was Karma for the fact we had been given 3 (genuine, nailed on) pens in our last 2 games. FFS, with fans like these 2 its not a case of beating the opposition on the pitch but changing such negative opinions of their own team!!!


    And as for changing the manager/coaching staff, forget it. Shez is doing a fantastic job with virtually both hands tied behind his back. We just need to put Saturday's result to the history books and move on. The kids in the side will learn from such a game/display/result and it can only make them stronger in the long term.

  2. If the guy does it in the first team..who cares about training? Conversely, are we only going to play yes men and those who train hard? What has happened to skill? I guess it is down to man management.... and dare I say that is why so few came through via Mr Urmson.


    To be honest the training pitch is where the ideas of what happens on a Saturday are formulated and prepared and the whole squad are drilled into knowing who is doing what, etc, etc. If LA isn't training correctly and others are doing what is required of them, then Shez is bound to pick those ahead of a non-trier. That ethos applies in all walks of life - Its also not a case of Yes men being picked or those who just train hard, but those you listen, digest and then display the training they have received are the players the manager should pick. What image would it portray if you picked someone who didn't do those things?


    That said, Alessandra was excellent on Tuesday and in view of Hughes' injury maybe he will grab the chance with both hands and realise that what he has been told about his attitude towards training is something he needs to heed.

  3. Why get rid of shez hes a good manager give him a chance. This is the problem managers do not get enough time to show they are the right man. Course shez is going to make mistakes hes a new manager.


    I totally agree mate.


    Have read a few comments which slate Shez and yet only 9 people voted him out! Also, its amazing how many people can do better than him if they were in charge!!! If that was true then they would have been discovered by now, surely!?!?!


    Shez needs time to build and mould his own team to play the way HE wants us to play. Sacking him would be completely and utterly pointless and we would also effectively be a further three years behind where we are right now!


    Ever since the 3 Amigo's came in we have not had any stability in the managers office, first Dowie quit, then after a detailed search the job was handed to Talbot and then when he couldn't hack it we had the second clueless lump in Moore!


    All along, the owners have made it pretty clear they want a manager in place for the long term and if you read their comments after Dowie, Talbot and Moore all left it is clear that the owners weren't delighted with the decision. The only way the club can move forward is by keeping the manager in place and allowing him the time to build the team up.


    Yes Saturday v Huddersfield was bad but overall our home form has been abysmal this season, probably one of the worst I have ever known (Can't be bothered researching this). However, last night v Carlisle was a delight to watch and we played some cracking football with the biggest debate being exactly who was the MOM - Shez was responsible for picking both sides, the tactics used, the formation and the morale; last night moreso than Saturday!


    Also, its Shez's sides that have remained unbeaten away from BP since October/November 07 which has seen some fantastic wins along the way.


    Personally, I reckon Shez should be backed with a long-term deal along with Tommy Wright, Duxbury and Philiskirk. They can then continue the good work they have started eg Trotman, signed for £0 played 20 games for us and 32 in total + 4 sub appearances and we raked in £500k + more in the future! Great business for the club.

  4. If those Oldham fans who had already drifted out of the gates at the end of the game had stuck around, they would have seen Ritchie shake the hands of each and every Oldham player as they left the field.


    We also chanted his name as loud & as proud as when he was our star player & manager and he obviously still appreciated it as he turned and applauded the Chaddy End.


    The fact Beckett (A loanee from 2 seasons ago) decided to celebrate his goal is neither here nor there for me. Beckett's had his own problems getting back into the team and therefore every goal he scores is vital to his team. If he decides to celebrate it then fair play to him, just wish we had someone who could score the type of goals he can bring to the side!

  5. I wasn't Carrs' biggest fan as a player, it has to be said. I think people were, at times, blinded by his effort.


    But no one can doubt the guy's attitude. They don't come any better than him.


    If only we could field eleven players with the same attitude towards the game, the club and the fans...


    Think this and OAFC 2002 response sums up Carrsy in a nutshell.


    Personally, I liked him, and thinking about it its probably because of his efforts rather than his actual abilities that made such an impresson on me. Ernie Cooksey was similar, plenty of guts but a poor professional footballer.


    The other side of the Tony Carrs coin is a player who left us last season, Chris Hall. Basically someone who couldn't give a toss about the fact he was privelleged enough to have made it to the professional game and then decided he didn't want to put any effort into being a footballer.


    A team of 11 Tony Carrs might not win cups or promotion but at least they would be determined in their actions which would be appreciated by the fans!

  6. There are many thousands of fans who wish they had a game today - it's great to be among the Havants rather than the Have Nots!


    Quality line that Diego!


    I can fully understand Prozac's sentiments and in many ways the majority of us will echo some if not all of his comments in our capacity as an Oldham fan first and a football fan second.


    Personally, I moved out of the Oldham area (Chadderton) over 12 years ago to Farnworth near Notlob. Since then I have continued to go to BP for virtually every home game, I have also done my fair stint of away trips. Sadly due to work and finances I have not been to anywhere near the number of Away games in the last few years as I would like to have gone to. However, this doesn't detract from the fact I bleed blue blood and anyone who knows me would testify to that fact.


    On top of this, I am married to a staunch Man Utd fan. My missus has been watching THEM since 1974 and she is a season ticket holder of many years standing. However, we argue like cat & dog when it comes to football and our respective teams. So much so that we were still rowing last night about the FA Cup Semi Final from 1994! After reading Prozacs comments I realised that while I also feel the same sometimes, especially the money side of the game, the fact I am still arguing about the '94 semi with my missus nearly 14 years later proves that I could never give my Latics up becuase it stirs up so much emotion inside of me that its an addicition I would never want to be without.


    Keep the Faith and together we will enjoy future victories that taste as sweet as those against the likes of Everton, Arsenal, Man City, Man Utd, Liverpool, Southampton, Sheffield Wednesday and countless others we have all enjoyed over the years!

  7. I remember that moment and your right he should have passed as being 2-nil up should have finished the game..


    But I'd rather have a greedy forward who wants to score and shoot than a player upfront with no confidance never shooting. IMO thats were we have failed for a while, our players pass the ball that one time to many and loses the advantage.


    I agree with you Wardle in respect of a greedy forward, providing he does score. All too often this season, Davies has taken the greedy option and missed when Hughes has been available for the pass.

  8. CD is being asked to play as a striker, thats something he is not ... he's more comfortable on the left coming into the box but we dont have the luxury of allowing him to do that ! The lad just looked confused when playing against their CB he didnt know if to run inside or drop off when the ball was played to him.


    One incident with Davies summed him up perfectly today. In the first half, he was coming in from his "more comfortable on the left coming into the box" side of the pitch. Hughes was in space near the penalty spot and Davies was being closed down. Rather than pass it to Hughes - and CD was in a position to do so - he greedily kept the ball and the shot was blocked & cleared.


    For me, Davies is too moody a player and wants all the glory for himself and as soon as Hughes scores he spits his dummy out and sulks throughout the match. Its as if its 10 men plus Davies just to support the Craig Davies show.

  9. well if you watched setanta sports news at all today, you will have realised that Andy Ritchie's Oldham side beat Everton away, and have drawn ex oldham player...Andy Ritchie's Huddersfield side in the 4th round!! what a :censored: channel!!


    That has to be the quickest managerial change in the history of the game!!! :shock: Prats!!!

  10. Fanciful as it seems at the moment, to aim for such an eventual scenario is the only way to take a club like this up a level (or two.) If the finance-generating side of the redeveloped stadium comes off, why shouldn't we look towards it? After all, the likes of Bolton might have a more illustrious history than we do (mostly based on what they achieved a very long time ago), but as a town the place is little different to Oldham, whether in population or its close proximity to Manchester.


    Nice to see some fans still think ambitiously. It sure beats settling for being a bottom half of the Third Division side, or one that occasionally glimpses the second tier.



    I have had this opinion for a number of seasons, and personally, I would rather see Latics establish themselves in the Championship and go on cup runs with a view to possibly reaching Europe than see us go into the Premier and the club suffer as it did post-94.


    As for the comment that "the most established mid-table Premiership sides' can only dream of such a scenario let alone plan for it!" the thing is, most Premier sides are so anal they believe that life ends once they are out of the Greed Is Good League. We will never win the Premier League, and until Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal get bored with the Prem and whinge for more money from a European league, I can't see any other club than possibly Liverpool from winning the Prem. So rather than see Latics struggle in the top flight I'd prefer us to hold our own in the Championship, aim to go as far as possible in the League & FA Cups and who knows, Europe could then become a possibility.


    The fact no other side has planned this can only be a good thing, it means that we would be pioneers if it comes off and if it didn't, providing we plan financially for 1 round of each cup we wouldn't lose out financially. Which is not the case once relegated from the Premier with players on high contracts!



    And remember, we are now only 5 matches away from playing in Europe! :grin:

  11. Not seen anyone else mention this on here, but apologies if it has already been posted and not spotted by myself!!


    Anyway, on Sky this morning they shown the highlights on Sky Sports 1 on Kamara's show and the opening shot was of Paul Scholes watching the Latics from the Everton Main Stand. Now I know he's currently injured and is reported to be due back - He was even rumoured to play for Utd this weekend - But I was pleasantly surprised he was allowed to be at Goodison when you consider that United were also in action at 5.15 on Saturday night. Maybe Shez might make enquiries about his availability????


    Wonder what Scholesy made of the victory, would be fantastic if there was a shot of his face when Macca scored and at the end of the game.

  12. Gutted he didn't return to us as he seemed to be keen on coming back and Shez wanted him to return, however, you have to think Chelsea believe he will develop better at the Championship level over the remainder of this season. And given the fact Norwich are in a relegation dog-fight means he'll get plenty of involvement.


    I see he made his debut yesterday v Bury, so you have to wonder how long this deal was arranged beforehand as Chelsea refused us permission to play him - Also, theres another side with Ex-latics involvement, as well as Ben Futcher in Bury's defence, Norwich had Lee Croft and now Bertrand in their ranks!

  13. I find it difficult to accept that we are a significantly smaller club than the likes of Barnsley, Blackpool or even Preston and Burnley, let alone Colchester or Scunthorpe. Admittedly, the latter pair are unlikely to survive in the second tier long-term, and perhaps the others too. None of them have exactly rolled over though, particularly Preston and Burnley.


    You say that, based on our setup and fan base, we are best suited to where we are currently, but if that's what the club settles for the fan base will only decline long term, and the club will stagnate. And ultimately, there is no long-term for full-time professional football at this level if current trends in the game continue.


    Our only hope is that the stadium generates the income that will enable the club to afford the players capable of getting us into the Championship and staying there.


    I agree with that, and as an added incentive, once we are established in the Championship I see no reason why we couldn't also concentrate on the League and FA Cups as potential routes into Europe. The majority of the Premier Clubs don't rate the League Cup yet it is an avenue into the Uefa Cup and given the fact a lot of sides have won sweet FA for years it surprises me that they don;t take this more seriously. We have managed to reach the final once, we could do it again if we were an established Championship side. Win it and its a passage to Europe. As for the FA Cup, if you manage to reach the Final (A la Millwall) this would also potentially guarantee a european adventure assuming you were up against a Champions League side (Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool).


    Obviously the luck of the draw plays a huge part in this as does the fact you need to be successful over the various ties, but it would prove an alternative source of revenue for the club if it could be achieved.

  14. lets say for arguments sake that we dont go up this season....


    that will be two seasons on the bounce that tta's have given shez money for new signings......and two seasons on the bounce we have blown our own chances and let the season fade away like a bad smell.


    how much longer are........

    1..the tta's prepared to put up with mediocraty season after season with no real progress by keeping faith with a manager who's ability is yet to be proved.


    2..the fans prepared to put up with no real progress by someone who is arguably one of our greatest ever players,but sadly one of of our worst managers.


    bear in mind now that planning permission is granted and all things in the future are rosey,surely they will want a winning team in a higher league to fullfill the prophecy they are setting up.


    could you blame them if they gave up on shez and got a proven manager in???



    Not sure if this has been said already, but I think TTA will stay loyal to Sheridan for as long as possible. The only reason they got rid of Talbot and Moore was due to the fact the fans lost faith in both of them, and ultimately the board were forced to listen and take action.


    I think your comment that Shez is 'one of our worst managers' is well wide of the mark - In 1 and a half seasons we have had a failed play-off campaign in his first full season and a second season that has seen Shez guide the team to 6 away wins in a row.


    We also try to play football where possible, which is possibly to our detriment in this division. Granted our home form is appaling this season, 2 wins at home by the turn of the year doesn't bode well, but the thought of sacking yet another manager and starting all over again would simply set us back even more years! Personally, I think Shez should be given time to mould his own team to play football the way he wants us to play and to build a team that not only can win promotion but can then hold its own once up in the Championship.

  15. Ideal scenario : Trotman tackles Pricketts with a legitimate challenge. Trotman then places Pricketts into his pocket for the next 90 minutes and the muppet fails to touch the ball apart from the kick-off each time we score.


    We then sell the Pricketts to Walsall and he returns to the normal, fat, lazy useless blob that was puffing for breath after 2 minutes v Swansea on the opening day.

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