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    Oldham Athletic

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Brian "Killer" Kilcline

Brian "Killer" Kilcline (1/15)



  1. His build and strength is def not his strong point and far from a solution to our problems, He was the best bet imo. We can only pee outa the hole we got.
  2. Maybe? would like to know what. He's not in the front of Royals mind for a reason. He has the ability and the quallitys of a good striker, even when i've seen him havin a bad game his effort is 110%
  3. Agree. Lewis Alessandra over Kabba or Wolfy. His footwork, turning and space finding is far superior, he's been overlooked all to often this season. Imo todays changes unsettled and wasn't the best changes to make.
  4. Took my lad to his first away - he's only 4 so loves chaddy. As you do i recorded the whole incident thinking he was larkin about. hope you ok chaddy my lad has been ssoooo concerned lol
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