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Posts posted by tangerinedreams

  1. I had a lot of admiration for him when I first saw him in the Olympics however, that fell by the wayside when he lost one of his races and said the other chaps' paddles were illegal, nothing like being gracious in defeat...head case all day long. If SA is such a dangerous place to be living in, given his status there I'd have thought he'd have taken the necessary steps to up his security within his grounds- alarms, CCTV etc


    Compulsory voting? How does that work?

    I'm not quite sure what you mean there but everyone should be entitled to a vote, whether they want to vote or not, whether they spoil their vote or not that is entirely up to the individual, there are arguments both for and against compuksory voting...

  3. I agree the trust gets more stick than it deserves. Part of the problem is communication, which people are demonstrably trying to address, but they've all got day jobs or otherwise lives to lead and it isn't easy. Nevertheless, as the only fans body with club recognition (apart from OASIS, who are all hopeless drunks) it's probably time for everyone to jump on board, given Corney's latest murmurings.


    Its going to require some serious coin though isn't it.... £6 million (our debt) + the asking price for the land = very few buyers

    Pound to a penny that repayment figure will change if premiership status is achieved...edit: championship status.
  5. It's all over the place Real.


    More people to do what? The Fans' man-on-the-board puts in six hours a day for Trust purposes alone? How people have you got and how much do you want to do? I'm wondering that it may not need any more people, just management of the resources that are already at your disposal. This isn't a :censored:ing dig by the way Trust people, I just sense a lack of leadership and direction. As I've said before - let's see what you want to do and what you are doing, there might be some really quick fix solutions to get over with the crowd again. Trust popularity must be at an all time low - which, on the other hand, could mean that there's no need for a trust if the fans can't be arsed either.

    I haven't got a clue about the Trust and what they do?

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