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Posts posted by sarausa

  1. The Club has mentioned getting you to draw out a couple of winning tickets at half-time. Don't worry about a speech, you'll pobably be asked a couple of obvious questions, but it doesn't matter how you reply, because nobody can hear the PA system.........except in the toliets, where the sound quality is perfect.


    Haha! What are the winning tickets for? I think they should be for a date with Amber :grin:

  2. Worthy out, Wolfy in!


    Ruth Brown said: A fox is a wolf who sends flowers.


    Lana Turner said: A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.


    Will Wolfy be sat in the Chaddy End with us or, with you and Amber being the Club's guests of honour, will he be sat with you near Simon and the cute little bald one? :unsure:


    And I want to sit with all of you. Are they going to make us do something? I'm getting very nervous -- should I be preparing a speech and a ball gown? Do I need a date to this? Zorrro? :omg:

  3. Don't bother getting tickets. The cute little bald one will sort out the tickets for you. If not I'll get them nearer the time.


    Could we just buy them at the game? It was so confusing last time because we asked to have them sent to Millwall but then nobody knew where they were and then I almost ended up buying an extra pair when I could have just bought them there to begin with.

  4. Don't merge threads FFS :petesake:




    How come Worthington gets an anaesthetic for an injection in his ankle but Taylor's having to have injections in his pelvis fully conscious? That doesn't seem fair...


    I agree. That's not fair. As a future physician, I do not believe he needs princess treatment. And that's my very professional and non-biased opinion.


    Ok, I'm sorry I left my corner. Going back now. As you were. :peepwall:

  5. Worthy out, Wolfy in!


    Ruth Brown said: A fox is a wolf who sends flowers.


    Lana Turner said: A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.


    Will Wolfy be sat in the Chaddy End with us or, with you and Amber being the Club's guests of honour, will he be sat with you near Simon and the cute little bald one? :unsure:


    Haha, no nooo Worthy and Wolfy were never in to begin with. :blink: Now I'm just digging a hole. (I think they're friends too -- Wolfy calls him "Worths")


    I have no idea where we're sitting. We haven't even booked flights yet. Are we still supposed to get tickets?? Getting tickets was so difficult last time, had to do a lot of trans-Atlantic corresponding. I have no idea! I don't even have gloves yet. I can't even get through a page of neuro and exams are next Monday and Tuesday... :cry: I think I'll go to bed and try again tomorrow. xx

  6. You wanna be a footballer :shock:

    I guess we can say that now Sara is not interested.


    Now Sara, I am taking a wild guess here, but he did not reply to the texts etc. SO the big question for us blokes is did he get more grief of the misssus (there is one involved is there not?) or his team mates. Might be worth a poll... :wink:


    I don't really understand the question. Jon didn't reply to what texts? (P.S. If you're talking about the text that I got at 3AM, I never said it was Jon..haha... :dntknw: )

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