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Posts posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. After a bit of banter with murrayzmint, tv programmes from our younger years was mentioned.


    So what programme's do you look back on with fondness..

    Give your top 5 not in any order


    Mine are:


    1. Buck Rogers

    2. Metal Mickey

    3. Fragile Rock.

    4. Quincy

    5. saint and greavesy


    Fragile rock?????


    WTF is that?????


    If you mean Fraggle Rock it was crap, actually so were the other four.


    Sort the typos out, far too many and over constant appearances of them in your posts.


    Think, then type.


    Apologies for getting all Kets like.





  2. White Hart, match, Royle Bar, White Hart to celebrate my birthday part 2, get drunker, lose some stuff, fall over, go home.


    Blimey, apart from the birthday bit that pretty much sounds like most games I go to.


    It sounds like all of them at the end of the season for the last 20 years too.






    btw Mads, when you say town, you mean you are taking your mates out in Oldham???


    Take them to Manchester, it is much better for a night out.

  3. No arguments that Croft was better for us than KK, the latter seemed lost in the later games I saw whilst Croft got stronger the more he was with us - I was debating whether the Croft of those days would replace Taylor or Liddell now. Granted Croft created a lot indirectly by running the full back all game, but as much as Taylor? Taylor has had the beating of 2 men a few times this season, god knows how many goals that has helped Liddell and Wellens create. I would love to see the assist stats, mainly because I think Taylor acyually creates more than he's given credit for, albeit because he doesn't set up that many for the number of opportunities he creates.


    We can add goal ratios into the mix as well.



    I think Taylor is a decent player for his age but he has so many flaws to his game to detract from the good things he brings to the table.


    For me a winger should play with chalk on his boots and hug the touchline, thus making space for the midfield players by stretching the game to its maximum width. That is the one of the two things that infuriates me about Taylor, though to give him the benefit of the doubt he is playing on the 'wrong' side.


    So many times he goes inside and gets into the spaces where Wellens and Maca or Rocky should be bursting into, but it narrows our game and it leaves an obviously tiring, and at times struggling, Charlton a little over exposed to being picked off should we lose the ball.


    Crofty loved the touchline, every chance he got he would go outside his man rather than cutting back into the middle.


    Another thing is that Croft could actually cross a ball with accuracy, Taylor is a hit and hope merchant at the minute.


    I am not getting at the lad, he certainly has all the enthusiasm in the world and a fair amount of talent to back it up, but he has a long way to go until he is anywhere near being a creative player in the mould of a Lee Croft.


    Maybe it is just me and my ideas of what a winger should be, but if it doesn't take the youth team lads an hour to scrape the chalk of his boots, well he hasn't been doing his job properly.





  4. "Mini-Talbot" wasn't meant to be 100% a compliment :wink:


    Crofty - I can't speak for how he's developed, but I'm not sure he'd make my current first 11 based on how he played for us back in the day. I realise this will be contentious for the Not Andy Liddell folks, but it's about end product - Croft was a bright spark at a dismal time but he didn't really create all that many goals from crosses for all the times he beat his man. I think at comparable points in their career Taylor has more in his game, certainly better at beating a man and running with the ball. One for the stattos here, I'm going to have a punt that Taylor has made as assists with his left foot this season as Croft did with his right*


    *I didn't see any of the games straight after we got the loanees in and we panned everyone by 4 goals...


    Obviously you didn't see Crofty play very much at all LL.


    Be it directly or indirectly, he assisted in a hell of a lot of goals for that rag tag team we had then. A far far better signing than Kilkenny IMO.


    Given the chance to get him back (which in reality is nil as he is catching almost every week at Norwich and the blue tinted specs brigade fawning over a decent four or five games for Taylor who in comparision is not even in the same league - so much still to learn) I would give my right arm for it, and not at the expense of the oft critisised Liddell.


    I think given the respective ages of Lids and Warne they could do a decent swap and change role, let Warney take the legs out of the defenders for an hour and Lids benefit as a striker for the last 30 minutes of a game playing off either Clarke or Ports. Lids has proven quality at a level above us as a striker, if we can't or don't get another front man in there is not much to lose giving him a run at the apex of the team imo.





  5. NK would be an awful signing in my opinion.


    Team spirit is good at BP right now, even taking the dip in confidence after some recent bad results into consideration.


    They don't need a jumped up kid who thinks he has Billys rather large testes filling his shorts back again.


    Good player he certainly was, but in the second half of his tenure here I thought he just wanted to do it all on his own and thought he was better than us. I have also heard from a former player that he was a bit cancerous in the dressing room. I bet he spells team as teIm, with a capital 'I'.


    Another thing to add to this argument would be giving the option of NK back or Wellens signing again?


    It is no secret that RW has said he is weighing up his options and he is a moody player doubtlessly. Seeing a kid trying to step into his size nines would certainly put his nose out of joint.


    I would have Wellens any day over Kilkenny.


    Not been too prolific since breaking through at Brum either dropped a division but still not catching after his infrequent forays into the first team in the relegation season, don't live in the past, he could have shot his wad already.


    Now, if we were offered Crofty back again.......





  6. Come on Derek, dont leave the carrot dangling, what happened???


    I wasn't in the same carriage when it happened but the police were a little fed up of all the singing and shouting apparently and ejected two at Stoke (Nik and Walshy).


    There was a bit of marching around the station by a few of us trying to find out what happened and threats of further expulsions from the train if we didn't get back on despite the fact that others were only asking questions.


    A further two were put off at Stockport.


    OK everyone was drunk but the policing was a little heavy handed to say the least, very little tolerance. They would have been better chucking us all in one carriage, we probably could have filled one, and letting us get on with our rowdiness. Wasn't particularly a very good journey home, but we hung on in Manchester and waited for the returning bad eggs; not that we needed any more beer but it was an excuse to do so.





  7. Now that i have recovered enough from yesterday, if we play every game as well as we played in the second half yesterday, we will not have any problems whatsoever.


    What a great day out, it must rank as one of my best away days ever, Great crowd in the Coach And Horses, very vocal in the ground. Good to meet a few people.


    Got speaking to a nice guy in the Doric Arch after game really nice guy he had travelled from Dublin to see the boys, hope you got back safe mate.


    That little sh ite giving it large to us really did my head in.


    The guy from Ireland is called John.


    The lads that I go with met him a few years back in Bournemouth, and we have since seen him all over the place.


    He probably does a good dozen games a season at least and you will always find him in a boozer.


    Proper nice chap to boot, I have had many a drunken conversation with him.





  8. The winner this week is Tactically_Naive! Well done!


    T_N weighs in with ALL TWENTY CORRECT!




    And not a Wilson in sight!




    Don't worry Wilson fans, I haven't been kidnapped.


    I had an early night after being up at 5 for an interview in Bradford at 7.30am!


    Lucky me though, I can't play dingbats, now if you want to put some psychometric testing questions on there, well bring it on!





  9. And so we move a week further toward out 2006/ 2007 destiny.


    Some good results whilst we haven't played but more poor ones, though one of them was always going to go either way unless it was a draw.


    Anyone getting a little more nervous about slipping away from the top 6 yet bearing in mind we have our bogey team in the offing on Sunday.


    I am not trying to be purposefully downbeat, just realistic.





  10. Boethius, obviously.


    Right, off to bed. See you in a couple of weeks, squire.


    Head of Steam it is.


    Looking forward to it, though be warned I may be drunk when I arrive.





  11. No doubt about that.


    Speaking of which, I wonder if he was a Hot Chocolate fan...


    Boethius or Ronnie?


    Then again given the :censored:ty situations they both found themselves in at the time, believing in miracles wouldn't have been a bad idea. Not sure about the 'you sexy thing' though ;).





  12. Boethius:-


    "Roman philosopher and mathematician. Falsely accused of treason, he wrote his greatest work, The Consolation of Philosophy, an investigation of destiny and free will, while awaiting his execution."

    Christopher Eccleston:-


    Dr. Who???


    Try www.imdb.com and Blockbusters.


    It is amazing that if you are attentive how much clever information can be picked up from something seemingly meaningless.





  13. She's a mouthy little sod, not like her sister. But she's fine - perfectly health and all that.


    Looking forward to the Orient match - am remortgaging the house and putting it on 2-0 to them.


    Oh and never mind on the interview front. Summat'll happen.



    Two nil to them. Isn't it always?


    As the wheel of life turns, so all things eventually return to their natural conclusions.


    I think I am getting a bit Boethius like there, of course in a round about manner. I could go on about the wheel rising then falling, but I am sure you get the idea.





  14. I agree with Derek. But then I'm a grumpy, cynical old git who's seen too many Latics disappointments as well.






    If you are a grumpy cynical old git and I am a few days less than a year older than you, does that make me a grumpy, cynical oldER git?


    The one good thing about this viewpoint is if we finish sixth there will be at least two Tics happy at that position.


    Ah well, there is always the Orient jolly up to look forward to, it has been to long mate, and you will get to meet a few more JKL-ers (of course mostly now OWTB-ers).


    See you in two weeks mate. How is the new little McCorm doing? Settling into the world OK?






    BTW, Interview down there has been cancelled, another internal promotion to battle against.

  15. Do as I say, not as I do? <_<


    It isn't a matter of not having faith, I just don't think we have it at the minute.


    A few weeks back when everyone was going 'Champions' crazy after we beat Swansea I put a post on JKL about how we could be possibly facing our toughest run of the season. It was particularly aimed at the Millwall game (given their form) but was also in a broader sense aimed at all these 'nothing' games and the complacency that the lesser games can engender in teams.


    I said there would be one team in the shake up that would fall away, it always happens, and one team come from next to nowhere to get that prized last spot in the playoffs.


    On current form we have that inauspicious tag of the team that could fall away and there are several that we should be looking worringly at over our shoulders.






    Edit for she-ite grammar.

  16. Truth?


    A heart wrenching seventh place for us as injuries and suspensions continue to take the toll on the squad.


    Please god don't let it be Ronnies lot that take our place.





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