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Posts posted by downender2

  1. I actually thought we played better in the 2nd half.....we moved the ball a lot quicker....and you can't fault the lads for effort when down to 10 men....


    however, we hardly ever threatened and on a number of occassions either failed to deliver the right ball into the box or just didn't get anywhere near the odd decent delivery...


    think there keeper had 1 save to make in the 2nd half....


    colbeck and brooke and smalley worked very hard for little reward...


    jacobson.....we now see why rovers let him go...


    furman....suprisingly ordinary...


    enough been said about the sending off....(shakes head)


    coupled with not being allowed in the saddlers and burning me gob on a balti pie....4/10 from me





  2. Well for the past two seasons I have lived in South West London and last year made 34 games in total (15 home and 19 away), maintaining my season ticket.


    This season I have been to 4 and only 1 at Boundary Park. Partially due to the lacklustre feel (it takes a full weekend out for any home game and costs £900 to attend 15 home games - the break even point of a ST - so doesnt feel worth it to me right now) and partially due to being so busy during pre-season and the early part of this season meaning that I failed to keep track of who was in and out and don't feel quite the same amount of loyalty and with it.


    I didnt post my reasons for a reaction more because it sums up how I feel at the moment. If you would like to disagree, thats ok. I think its a perfectly plausible reason for not attending. I am part of the "I dont find it as fun anymore" along with many on this messageboard and don't see a problem with letting people know that.


    appreciate the response, hope the mood swings and you omce again get the urge to make the effort you obviouslly have in the past B)

  3. I'm working in Birmingham at the moment. It's really close and accessible for me but....


    At the risk of abuse: it's cold, wet and frankly only entertaining if 3 sheets to the wind. This can't happen on a school night so I won't be there. £20 well saved....



    can I ask you how many home games you get to a season?

  4. I'd have far less of a problem moving to Saddleworth (or even Thameside) than moving to Failsworth, as Saddleworth isn't an area dominated by one set of supporters i.e. Citeh as long as the proposal had ambition and a decent capacity (i.e. 20,000 plus) with top class facilities etc.

    its Tameside, no h...and I have as much of a problem moving to saddleworth as some do moving to failsworth...ying and yang...


    tell you what lets just stay where we are... :blink:

  5. how does one tell the difference...could be from the west indies, therefore west indian...or from Ghana and therefore African...but how do you know if someone is or isn't african/american...other than I suppose their accent... :unsure:


    my old dear...after we pulled her up on what she use to say...now just says " that nice/unpleasant coloured bloke"...as the cap fits.. :blink:

  6. i don't know, pointless rebranding exercises seem to be what senior NHS managers love spending money on, especially with the move towards 'patient choice' and the idea that hospitals should compete for 'custom'. The hospital i work at's planning on cutting somewhere between 100-300 jobs over the next 5 years because we need to cut £22 million off our budget, but that hasn't stopped them spending thousands on putting up massive signs claiming that we had no MRSA bloodstream infections last year (which i'm not convinced is even true), changing the name of the hospital, setting up a new 'Customer Care Team' (FFS we're a hospital not a branch of Tescos) and the chief exec posting cringeworthy videos on YouTube. had a look at the link on that report for our results, out of the 62 assessments they did we only failed 3, one of which, quelle surprise, was staff satisfaction.



    they could start by getting rid of all those posts that have zilch impact upon the clinical output of the service...layers upon layers of bureacrats and pen pushers producing reports and strategies... :angry:


    most working cushy 9 -5 monday to friday hours... :mad:



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