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Everything posted by Edin_Dzeko

  1. These are very impressive stats, especially considering all the stick he was getting earlier on in the season.
  2. looked like shudda been a pen for the initial tangle, Gregan wrestling him to the ground.
  3. the straw that broke the camels back. Just because gregan is our only good player doesn't mean he didnt cost us the point on saturday.
  4. Rather than moaning about the penalty being soft etc, why not focus on the fact that our club captain and most experienced player has let us down again, costing us a valuable point. No need to raise your hands to an opponent you get enough of it at sunday league level, cant believe Gregan isnt big enough to rise above petty pushing and shoving. I hope Penney has punished him, as it could well cost DP his job.
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