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Max Damage

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Posts posted by Max Damage

  1. I would call it out and out stupidity from a guy who couldn't organise the accounts of the local cub scouts. Spend everything we got, start selling everything off so we can spend more, then start borrowing like mad, and then blame the banks when you are busted.


    Do not take that as someone not blaming the banks because I hate them and their actions and lies as thier lies cost me alot of money.

  2. But she would never ever sign the Lisbon treaty, Would never send our troops to illegal wars to make the rich richer, never bankrupt the country, allow total mass unchecked immigration, use a tax system to encourage welfare dependency, etc, etc


    I voted labour twice after Major was in. Didn't vote the third time, and am praying for the day Brown and his crooked unelected mate Mandleson are gone. but will it be too late by then? will we be ruled by europe with their boss the king of lies Blair in the boss seat?


    As for the free market yes Thatcher backs it but she also backed regulation. Labour just put useless stooges in all the positions and regulated nothing. This banking disaster were the banks went mad happened on labours watch and with their full backing over the last 10 years so they could waste the tax revenue.


    Labour do great on some things but shockingly bad on others and now their time is well and truely up


    Last post. I will shut up now as it is way off topic.

  3. Yeah ok mate. Put an X next to labour then and it will be the last vote you ever have when they sell us down the river to europe and give themselves the best jobs for selling this country out. Having said that with the country now totally busted by them maybe we need europe to save us. Illegal wars, lies, bankruptcy, unelected crooks in power, despicable new laws, the list is endless and I feel sorry for people like you Pete who remember labour when they cared about you.


    Back to football and away from the "independent" BBC...




    Sutcliffe has also called on the FA to work more harmoniously with the Premier League and Football League and expressed his disappointment at their lack of development in crucial areas of the national game, such as women's football and the increased participation of ethnic minorities in all levels of the game.


    I'm sure hyde could do with a bit of that which was the point since the tax people ie this government are winding them up

  4. Kieren Lee played well last season when on the pitch showing good touch and vision. How you can judge him after 13 minutes in his first game for a manager who wants rid is beyond me.


    Good Luck Kieren when you find a team who might actually give you a chance to play football.

  5. Personally I think if this discussion is based on the Palace goal then it is a no vote because the answer is blindingly obvious. what complete tool at the FA allowed clubs to put metal bars across the floor at the back of the goal? they are not needed and should be illegal as we will see more of these happen.

  6. Second half of the season Hughes missed a pile of sitters that could have changed alot of games. Porter was better than hughes in my view. Far more than a simple poacher who scored long rang, short range, and plenty off the bonce. SImply because Porter stitched us up does not reduce how good of a forward he was for us.

  7. HUGHESY best striker i've ever seen at the club, give him another year please.



    Not even close but that depends on how long you have been watching. Clearly Stitch was better comparing their times at the club. And in recent times I would say Porter was a far better striker than Lee hughes was last season for us.

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