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Posts posted by ChrisA

  1. Of course he fits in! LJ has practically stated he was building the team around him.

    A few results don't go our way, he sits on the bench and we win one so many assume he doesn't fit anymore - ridiculous and shows how fickle Oldham fans can be

    I suggest if he leaves we will find out how much he did fit over the course of a season because we WILL NOT being able to replace a talent like Jose

    Our loss will very much be sheff utds gain

    Totally agree.

  2. But they might have signed for other clubs she cries.


    Yes and we would've been due compo as well. When was the last time that happened.


    No one isn't supporting the signings of them. If anything it'll just reduce website hits as people won't fall for this stuff again.


    Give us a shout if Mvoto signs, Jenny.

  3. For reasons I won't go into, Mark and I are settling in at the Sports and Social bar in the Houses of Parliament to watch the Everton v. Oldham replay when this young Everton fan comes over to chew the fat. I swear on the Holy Bible and on the life of my mother that this lad was patronising us for being Oldham fans. Perhaps this is a new trend, where fans of the supposedly superior team believe their chosen football team confers social status on them. I hope it was a one-off social error, but I doubt it.


    They all have this.


    "When we won...."


    We? You did nothing. You didn't attend. You've never been.

  4. I remember him really enjoying their promotion up at Carlisle. He was doing his best David May impression.


    1 start and 2 sub appearances all season he had made.


    Live the dream Cedric. Or Cecil as the bloke in the Main Stand called you.

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