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Posts posted by Twisbrogan

  1. I have to say that i am surprised at Ademeyi's reaction to what according to reports was a fairly commonplace insult. that's not to trivialise the offence but in my opinion this sort of thing is hardly a rare event but the reaction most certainly was. players of different nationalties and race regularly face abuse and its designed to put them off their game. It clearly worked this time but most players learn to "get on with it".



    Sepp? Who gave Sepp a login?

  2. Palmer was an idol of my youth and I was thrilled when, after years of unerring goalscoring in Div 2, he finally got to knock a couple in as part of the top flight. In the late 80/ 90s I loved the chant myselfIf we had a ground worthy of it, the bloke should be given a statue.


    However, I worry that the chant only gets used in relation to an action by black players - it doesn't seem to be a celebration of his craft, more "There's a black player, doing a thing". Simillarly, I was concerned when it was rehashed for Oumare Tounkara - just felt uncomfortable with it.

  3. There's definately a tone and attitude that has now been set by Liverpool FC that would lead to incidents such as last nights' and it's up to them to right their wrongs. A side issue is that they would view any action by the FA as persecution (their fans already seem to think they have it in for them).


    Similarly, though I'd much rather we get our own house in order first. When our fans back our team we can be magnificent but heir are certain times (such as the 'Oooh Roger Palmer' stuff mentioned above) when we can be downright embarrassing.


    As far as the incident itself goes, I'm glad that the police are investigating and hope they get to the truth. What this isn't is a wild accusation by Tom - the upset in him clearly shows that he has heard something deeply upseting to him on what should have been a personal career high for him. No-one here knows whether he actually misheard it or not but the ensuing booing, the subsequent Suarez chanting and tageting of Tom on dovial network sites is just...:censored:.

  4. but the BBC said Adejemi and Scapuzzi are here till end of season aswell


    I suppose, the BBC web articles hides behind Radio Manchester and says that it 'understands' that they've signed. The Mike Keegan (MEN) tweets seem to have got it right. According to the Huddersfield offivial outlets, Clarke has been training with them since Tuesday and Lee Clark has mentioned that he's done well. Wouldn't be surprised if he's back in tneir squad as I don't think LC is getting any more cash to waste.

  5. oh yeh cos City are short of a bob or two


    but they may argue that they're not a charity and if we don't pay we don't get. On the other hand maybe loans till the end of the window gives City & Norwich the option of cashing in on Tom & Luca, if they get any other approaches, which may not be there if they agree season long loans now.

  6. can we extend them into full season at the end of month ?


    Yes, I believe so. Whether we do this will probably depend on our league form and our position in the JPT area final. If we're looking good in that then there may be some cash around to fund till the end of the season. I don't know what our agreement with City is but there were rumours that they were paying the full wages of Scapuzzi & Mancini but perhaps they're not willing to do that for a full season, hence we may need to throw something in the pot ourselves to keep Luca for the remainder.

  7. I would guess a big reason would be the new crest that obviously only features on the black kit at the moment. Accepting that the redesign and rebrand will have cost money, it was never going to get pushed to one side when we had an opportunity to give it the biggest exposure it'll get all season.

  8. I see. Signing Simpson for six months is overly cautious and a bit short-sighted for my liking.


    Still probably sensible though.


    Will suit him & gets us his services for the rest of the season. Let's not forget that we've have to pay off (or are still paying off) Feeney.

  9. What we need to do is work out how we can spell something out in our flashes.


    We need a few people to sit this one out and the rest to chip in so that when we do the 'flashing' it spells something good out.


    Words we can use:






    Spider Monkey


    Thankfully, it won't happen. Just the club looking for content on their website and others getting over-excited (Can't blame them - I was young and silly once).

    Having said that, if RR can organise everyone into flashing "Racists!", that'd get some attention.

  10. In the GMR interview Simpson says when/if he signs permanently it will only be until the end of this season......What do we make of that?


    Seems fair enough. The main thing is that we secure his services till the end of the season.


    However, I would expect that we're just not yet in a position to offer longer contracts to players and, as such, we have to see who wants to stay on a season by season basis. I'm sure that a number of players make this judgement on who else wants to give it another year based on the likely targets for the season. If the likes of Furman, Wesolowski, Lee & Kuqi resign then I'm sure Simpson would be tempted on the basis that we'd be targeting the play-offs. If they decideto go, then he'll probably not fancy a struggle.


    In addition, if he is able to maintain the form from his loan period (especially in the latter stages) he would rightly feel that he should be plying his trade in the Championship and I wouldn't begrudge him.

  11. Don't see this as being a gamble at all. We've been busy of late and certain players will be feeling tired. Also, if you're going to give your fringe players a run out, a few days before the opportunity of running out at Anfield is the best time to do it. Great motivation for everyone and much needed rest for the regulars. Very sensible in my opionion.

  12. do you think we will have to sit in the seats allocated or could we just grab any once inside the ground?


    As it's sold out, definitely only in the seat allocated. The last thing the stewards will want is thousands milling around trying to find their mates or arguing because some clown with a restricted view ticket is refusing to move from their unrestricted seat.

  13. Given that many thought we'd struggle to sell out, this is rather good news - isn't it?


    Here's some thoughts from me:


    1) Season ticket holders getting 2 each is fair and right. They're the lifeblood of the football club and there were always going to be 2,000+ tickets left over for others. Equally, it's right that season ticket holders are limited to 1 ticket each for Chesterfield away when significantly fewer tickets are available.


    2) The programme tokens were advertised at matches. My only criticism of the club here is that (1) the PA sysyem is :censored:e and (2) they should put tokens in every programme from the start of the season, so that those who want to attend a big game (should one come along) know to buy a programme for each game they attend.


    3) There should be a limit on those queueing today. I'd suggest 4 per person maximum, plus any outstanding season ticket holder entitlement. But clarity prior to queuing is important and that doesn't seem to have happened.


    4) While it would be nice to have online availability, there is additional cost to setting this up and is it fair that the person with the fastest internet access gets tickets ahead of those who queue for 4+ hours? Similar for telephone sales.


    5) Finally my big issue with Latics and big match ticketing. 2 windows. This is just silly. Could they not sell tickets out of some of the food bars where you could have 6 sellers in each, or a corner of the club shop? If there are issues with the number of debit card machines you could easily advertise "cash only". I appreciate that there are potential security issues, but surely it's not beyond the wit of those in the football club to find ways to make this queue move much faster.


    Anyway, fair play to those who have queued. Fair play to Dickov, Butler, Taylor and others for serving the drinks. Fair play to Latics for getting themselves a big game.


    Hopefully we'll get the extra tickets, sell them, and make more noise than Anfield has ever heard.


    Pretty much sums up my view as well. I'm not sure what else the club could have done to make it any fairer. ST holders had long enough to sort themselves out and the official site had ticket news on for a good while now. Of course, anecdotally there will be stories of regular fans who have turned out at BP and been able to claim a whole row to themselves who will now be missing out and I have great sympathy for them*, and maths tells you that there are a lot of people going who haven't shown any inclination of late. The bigger picture though is that, we're in line to make a tidy wedge out of this 'bonus' match and even if a couple of hundred feel inclined to come back every now and again then it's not too bad an outcome.


    My only complaint is that I bought mine on the snow and didn't have Dickov brewing up for me or Morais getting me a seat on the coach! In fact, I was 'done' for an extra tenner when I bought my lad a sledge from B&Q so we could go on Clayton fields.


    * One guy in the office was looking to buy 4 on Saturday. He doesn't have a ST or generally buy a programme but is fairly regular. I had offered to give him my programme tokens but he wanted 4 seats altogether and now will, most likely miss out. However, thems the breaks. I don't see how the club could have accommodated fans in this scenario.

  14. He said he's given them the day of before a game few times before and the team ain't performed, so he already knew there was a chance of this.



    Quite alot of clubs bring the players in on christmas day for a small time for some training, or make them do their own fitness work at home.



    As soon as the players were tweeting their Christmas plans instead of the usual training stuff, I started looking at William Hills' to back against a Latics win*. No-one should know more of the characteristics of the squad than the backroom staff but, to my mind, a day off before a match is always oing to leave a team slightly under-prepared and unfocused.


    * Having said that, I still only went for the draw. Backing a defeat just wouldn't feel right.

  15. Fully expect a good tattering and I'm hoping that they get bored and stop scoring after the first 4 have gone in. To be honest, I can't remember caring so little about the outcome of a Latics match (whilst still looking forward to it immensely) other than I want a big crowd for the club coffers and I hope that the genuine group of lads that represent us - players, management, staff & Corney, give it their all and enjoy the occasion. Similarly, I hope us fans have a great night out, with plenty of singing - feels like we've deserved it.


    Having said that, we can unsettle Agger by constantly shouting "Dan" at him; I think Wesolowski & Furman could bully Adam; Parker & Taylor will be up for it and can make inroads and I just like the idea of Kuqi chasing backpasses through to Reina who will do something silly like pass it to Johnson who, in turn will, panic when he sees that Shefki *really* wants that ball and is preapred to clatter him into the Albert Dock in order to get near it.

  16. The better facilities and bigger potential may be tempting but I don't see him leaving just yet. Strikes me as loyal to his players and the board who have supported him through his first months in management - giving him space to learn from his mistakes. Certainly wouldn't blame him for leaving for a biggish Championship club but Preston? Nah!

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