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Posts posted by Twisbrogan

  1. I honestly feel that the JPT represents our best chance of making progress as a club. At the very least, if we beat Bradford then we can look forward ro meaningful games in Januay & February. Get to the final and we will actually have a chance to win something. That, is surely, what means most to any group of professional sportsmen.


    More than this though, I think that the momentum that winning and tasting that kind of success would provide to the team and the club would not only impact on this season but also next.


    I'd be delighted to see Furman lift a trophy. Not just for that moment, but for the optimsm that would follow.

  2. Just finished watched his interview on Latics Player.


    That is one scary individual! Comes across as completely focussed and totally professional and I really hope the younger squad members take as much on board from him as they can. Many have already picked up on how he was streets ahead of everyone else v Crewe in terms of reaction and chasing lost causes which brought him the two goals but you can see that that comes from his attitude in applying himself as much as any other instinct.

  3. Will City let Scapuzzi play on saturday though? Huddersfield have already said Clarke & Simpson are unable to play for us in the FA Cup.



    Unlikely. As I see it, City have chosen to loan him out for a couple of months so he can get experience and sharpness for their own FA Cup run. Given that he'd played for them so recently before arriving at BP, it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

  4. I believe this is how the Greeks and Italians started falling into debt.


    The disappointment he showed when being substituted told it all. He knew he was about to tear Crewe a new one. (Cheers PD! :wink: )


    How great is it though, to have a striker that is so obviously a real threat that the opposition must spend hours worrying about?

  5. I won't be at the Bury game tomorrow (fecking wedding so will sit there with a face on all-day, checking live text on my phone) and would have been looking forward to seeing this Scapuzzi chap based on what some City fans saw in him against Wolves However, whilst I'm normally optimistic, I have the niggling doubt that - unless I'm mistaken - he still hasn't scored including in 22 appearances in Italy's third tier.


    Yes, yes - it was a bit harsh to take a goal v Wolves away from him and to play for AC Milan at any level you would need to be able to do more than dribbling round a few cones but I think I'd be expecting him to be very raw. As long as he doesn't hide and take to L1 with some enthusiasm then I'm sure it'll all be mutually beneficial but I'm not sure we've snared the next Toto Schillaci for a few weeks.

  6. Bloody long but bloody good. Lots there to get the memory banks going and I still have the Oldham Chron & MEN reports from 86 to 90 in scrapbooks that I kept at the time.


    I notice you don't reference the inaugural play-off defeat in 86/87 where we had finished third which, in any other season, would have taken us up but instead, we were condemned to conceding two late goals in each of the play off legs v Leeds. The second of these was just tragic with Cecere seemingly clutching the tie for us with a few minutes to go before Keith Edwards wrote a million 'Tears For Souvenirs' headlines. With you being a newer/ younger fan, was this out of your emotional awareness zone at the time or does it still hurt too much?

  7. I didn't read too much into it. I think the 'custard pied' reference is nothing more than being benched when everyone's fit and, to invoke a managerial cliché, you don't want any of your first team squad to be happy when they're not playing. Working hard in training and making the most of any opportunities that he gets when coming on is what's required but I'm sure, as a professional, he'd know that.


    If (and I'm not suggesting that FM is of this mindset) a player chooses to sulk and get disgruntled after being out of the team before the first game in November (rather than knuckling down) then they're not going to go too far or add much to any squad.

  8. Oh dear LDA and TB


    Kuqi has scored two today an it's only half time!!!!



    Has he heard of your pledge??????......you will have to sell your kidney's before the end of the season you two.laugh.gif



    I can see how this is panning out.


    I wasn't at Carlisle game and didn't get the clearest view of his goal at Preston. (Latics Player has since revealed that the goals from open play had very classy touches)


    I'm currently building up to a week of sulking as I'll have to miss the Bury match due to a wedding (in-laws, pah!) but this can only be good news to everyone in the Chaddy End. There's now nothing more certain that he'll be making the netting there bulge against Bury to the tune of, most likely, several. Once again, the kids college fund will take the strain and my enjoyment will be limited to the BBC live text, "63 mins. Kuqi goal, right-footed from 30 yards. Assist by Kuqi."


    Aside from that. Kuqi. Different gravy.


    (BTW. I'm making these Kuqi payments by bank transfer. All looks fine from this end but if, at some point, you can just confirm that Playershare received the two this week so that I know the rest will be hitting home OK that'd be lovely. - DM me if you need dates and bank account names)


    Still pretty buzzing if im honest after tues, it was a great game ans we really stood up and made a statement; players & fans alike.....great comeback and a real hard earned & well deserved point




    I've honestly felt like I've been in a parallel universe since Tuesday. Yes, it was only a point and we didn't look like the world beaters of yore but the attitude shown, mixed with the heady atmosphere that we generated in our end, particularly building up to half time and that final ten minutes or so, made it a real highlight of recent years.

  10. I'm already in Playershare but will chuck an extra fiver in for every time Kuqi scores. It'll be part of the pleasure/ pain experience that I have with Latics.



    Paid with pleasure. I'd appreciate it more if he could start scoring at the end I'm sitting in though. Now I'm committed to a fiver a goal I don't want to have to wait to see them on Latics Player. ;)

  11. The most telling feature of last night was the initial reaction of the players at full-time. They looked gutted not to have got three points and rightly so. Despite needing to fightback, there was only one team going to win it and where, one would normally expect an onslaught from the home team, it was us piling forward and us that were unlucky not to get a winner.


    There were a number of very decent performances (notably across our midfield particularly in the 2nd half) but the third Latics goal was a real highlight from recent years and all that our support deserved for turning up in numbers and turning the volume up.


    It was my son's first away match last night and I'm jealous of him. My first away was a miserable defeat to Simon G*rner inspired Bl*ckburn - my son will always have Wes to look back on.

  12. I would contact the police and/ or the club. I would have thought that there would have been CCTV cameras in the bar area and hopefully this cretin has been caught on film so that the police can proceed as they see fit and the club can ban him (put his picture in the programme if needed).


    Chaddy is one the good things about our club, the kids obviously go potty for him and the current incumbent strikes me as a thoroughly decent bloke. That the tool that did it feels it OK to be violent around kids for whatever reason is deeply disturbing.

  13. I've read a few comments that we didn't play that well which, although I'd concede that we weren't brilliant, I think we were pretty good.


    The only (obvious) criticism that I could direct at the team would be that we didn't take enough of our chances and that better teams would have punished us. Wycombe were very much second best and may well get relegated but don't overlook that fact that they turned Hartlepool over the week before. Of course all teams at this level are inconsistent but credit where credit's due, we were able to create a good number of chances to score in both halves.


    At times, we were knocking the ball around to good effect and I really don't understand how a performance where our keeper may as well have been selling programmes, whilst we had so many shots on goal, is viewed so indifferently. Still, opinions eh?

  14. More fantastic reporting!


    I remember doing a post a month ago (maybe longer) looking at ways to boost the crowd for the NK game. The club did nothing and got what they deserve. Sod all.


    Which is why, when they do proactively try to do something (such as the Family Festival or early kick-off and discounts for the Crewe match) then everyone needs to get right behind it and let the club know that the fans want such events to be part of a regular matchday.

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