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Posts posted by leezyverpunk

  1. As long as we don't go on a waterslide down the table coz that would drive me ape. Some people stand there like we are on the eve of destruction but we should all worship our players and send them fan mail every day so there heads are so big they have to walk like an egg.

  2. Come kick off time I will be swaying and about to jump around like a lunatic - unfortunately I will also be in Blackpool (sorry for swearing) for da punk fest. Will really miss the big kick off but will have to console myself by getting deafened, punched,studded, kicked and p1ssed as a newt. Will make sure find a Boozer with soccer Satdi on as well to keep up with the boys in blue. Please make sure everyone makes loads and loads of noiz in my absynthe!

  3. Go in the clayton green before the game!!


    To have a pint or two in plastic glass but

    all ways a good atmos!!!!

    See you in there vs Swansea then mucker. Cant miss me, the tosser with the spikey hair and ridiculous shorts!

  4. Frankie Frankie Frankie Frankie Frankie, Frankie Frankie Frankie Frankie Bunn, FRANKIE BUNN, Frankie Bunn, FRANKIE BUNN, Frankie Bunn....Woooooooooah! Let the goals do the talking, never forget 6 against the now defunct Scarborough. Always played with a smile. Top dude, played big part in our success. I have a 13 year old bun at home called Frankie in a presentation box. He is a little bit worse for wear these days but what a legend!

  5. I think we may have a similar season to last (which aint that bad!!) We have a cracking starting xi (or will have very soon) but may struggle a little bit once injuries and suspensions kick in. Again I refer back to our super reserves who are another year older, wiser and stronger to bail us out of any mess. Let's face it, Hughes and Davies compared to Molongo and Warney do make me very excited. GK and DF are virtually sorted (we currently have Lomax at LB who aint bad at all), our wing wizards who are refreshed (Taylor again another season wiser) and JPK and Macca in MF (with another probably to follow!) It all makes for an exciting 2007/2008 and I am counting the hours to the big KO - also excited by new transfers which so far, I think are frikkin marvelous....COME ON SHEZZA BOY!!

  6. mediocre? Try fighting relegation.. I've been saying it all pre-season.


    and this isn't unfounded doom and gloom; There's a reason we didn't perform after January last season, weak squad... and now an our starting 11 has taken a few big hits.


    Gregan and Liddell? Past it. Last should have been their final season.


    Not impressed with Shez and his [lack of] ability to bring in talent.


    Anyway, we shall see... I really hope I'm wrong and Shez brings something out of the bag. *thinks positive thoughts*


    Gregan and Liddell past it? Are you on drugs, what a load of tosh. May I remind you we are in the third tier of English football. Had we gone up to the Championship, you may have had more of a case. But last season you could see the difference Gregan made soon as he arrived and Lids was the most creative player in our division last season. NOT IMPRESSED BY SHEZZA???

    Hughesy, Davies, Crossley are class additions and I am sure he will be bringing more quality and no more panic buys eg Wood, Dabo! Nothing but optimistic for next season. I am sure our multi talented reserve squad from last season can also plug any holes for a time. COME ON...WE'RE GOING UP AS FRIKKIN CHAMPIONS!!

  7. Great young player at Division Two level. Great to have a local lad in the team giving it his all. Unfortunately my lasting memory is of him vs Kanchelsis. I am sure Andrei skinned many a full-back but it really was man against boy when we played scum. Top bloke though!

  8. I personally think Eardo had a fantastic first season. He had played ONE game the season before, stepped in and did a great job. Admittedly as did the rest of the team, he went a bit flat towards the end of the season but I reckon he has made the right-back slot his own.

  9. If only we bloomin sold him when we had a chance in January. He did nothing for us from then on and we would have got a lorra lorra dosh. Hindsight is a terrible thing. If only we had a Mystic Meg at the club that could foresee Porter and his bumchum agent would turn into :censored:

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