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Posts posted by stargazer

  1. We have umpteen games already this season where RRE Oldham fans have had to move to the other stands.


    So how on earth do we need an experiment to see if it creates a better atmosphere ?


    The twin causes of an hapless team & a stadium with only 3 stands(new stand coming any day now) are the root causes of any issues in this area.


    Take out the bizarre exception on the Peterborough game and we have a home season of tedious games with few goals scored by our boys and away teams waltzing away with 3 points after playing in first gear for 90 minutes .........any fanbase would be sick and tired of this.

  2. The club have plenty of time to hold their hands up and say sorry it was a poorly thought out idea ,alienating some customers(sorry fans) who would have expected to be able to sit in the RRE with their RRE season ticket when a club visits with a miniscule following ...............not holding my breath though.

  3. The keystone cops would run this club better than the clowns in management .


    One thing this does not do is 'give the opportunity' .....it stops your choice of sitting in the RRE.


    Get your hapless ,toothless, passionless mercenaries working hard every week and the atmosphere will be terrific irrespective of where people are sat.


    Yet another staggeringly poor piece treatment of the customer and fan.

  4. The Pyramids at Giza went up quicker than this stand.

    You see housing estates appear in no time these days.

    Yet we build a stand , where a stand existed before and we don't even appear to have an end date.

    Do the club not see what a morale boost it would be for it to exist.

  5. What on earth is going on at the club , it is utter madness . Short term loanee after short loanee. And let's be honest if they are not catching the team in March they must be superstars.


    We have gone from smoothly building a team during the summer to seeing what is left in the shop at the sales ,just before closing.


    hopeless and hapless.

  6. The squad we are left with do not look to have desire , spirit , craft and know how to stop us going down. With very few exceptions we have consistently swapped inferior players in for those going out this season long.

    In no sense of the word do we resemble having a team , just a jumble of players and formations .


    I think this shower will take the club down.

  7. Great to see the lad is going to play at Wembley in the FA Cup semi final.


    He would probably have been press ganged into being a left back if he had stayed here ,as we were not able or willing to build a team around the most talented player ......no wonder we are going nowhere fast.

  8. Not only is the team vastly changed every 12 months , we manage to do it from August to February as well.


    If you add the ludicrous and farcical situation where we regularly have some player of 21 or younger as our longest serving professional , it is no wonder we can't move forward.


    It is difficult to imagine anything other than the current fight to stay in Division 3 every season .

    The only way we will leave this division is if we get a season where we are unable to find 4 worse teams than ourselves.



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