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    Oldham Athletic

blueandwhite80's Achievements

Brian "Killer" Kilcline

Brian "Killer" Kilcline (1/15)



  1. http://www.fourfourtwo.com/news/football-league-launches-club-android-app Try using this link in google play for the Android version
  2. I use the app from Googleplay works fine for me it's the normal football league one just need your log in to use
  3. first row seems to have a couple of feeds not sure if working yet though
  4. Never in doubt , 2 yrs with the option for another year seems a good deal to. Very pleased this has happened.
  5. I love the comments about the pitch and how :censored: it was it was like Wembley compared to the Mansfield pitch in the previous round. Also the knob that said if the foul was given on sturridge it would have been a draw eer if Suarez goal with his hand hadn't been given mansfield would have earned a reply. Its football and magic and for all the poor performances we see at bp that result is what you support your club for fan feckin tastic
  6. ........and all that promising of coming back if he was going out on loan ! He will be sat on the bench for the rest of the season now. Nice one Derbyshire! Enjoy the beach
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