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Posts posted by Senor_Coconut

  1. Stopped playing ten years ago now due to injury. But even then the improvement was massive between 3G and the old style ones. I would guess they've come on even more and maybe scope for more development. Do they still have those horrible black rubber bits that get everywhere in em ?




    Yes and theres studies looking at them causing cancer.



    You've got to imagine too big for us, realistically. He could have a pick of football clubs. Maybe just maybe we get some luck we are due,

    I imagine they are in the UK/Europe looking at a number of clubs and we've managed to get them to come to BP for a game.


    Highly doubt anything will come of it and personally I hope it doesn't.

  3. I`m not going to rant about the manager - my view has been pretty consistent for a long time now - he will take us down as he simply isn't a manager. I couldn't get to the game tonight due to work commitments and my overwhelming feeling is just one of sheer sadness. In our situation, a minimum £40k payout was pretty vital but, aside from that, we simply cannot go on game after game after game not scoring. I mean the odds against that happening time and again in a game of football between 2 teams of eleven men (even if a chimp was managing) must be considerable?


    Gutted - really gutted.



    And thats the main point, there may be other things behind the scenes but the lack of goals is down the manager and the way he instructs his team to play.

  4. He needs to stand aside, we need to bring in a competent board and not just one who wants to constantly line their pockets with anything going.

    How you can support a chairman who over the course of 10 years has continually asset stripped the club.

    A chairman who has overseen attendances drop to crippling levels. Corney also has continued to syphon the club of money to build a new stand and said stand is owned under a different company!? Another example of Simon's incompetence was cashing out on the tarky clause just so he could have 50k quick in his pocket.

    He's a failed business man and has single handedly destroyed this club.

    How on earth can you suggest he's done an alright job? He's devious and unfair.

    Some serious allegations there, I for one hope this post is taken down before it damages the board.


    For me, the fact that OEC and Brassbank exist suggests the football club and more importantly things on the pitch isn't SC's or the other two's first priority......


    Making profit on the land and stand etc, taking that money from the club is......which to me feels like not the dealings of a true fan.......(whether or not any of us fans thinks it's fair game that the owners wanna do that is another conversation).


    If any of us fans came into life changing money and bought the club, the stand, the land, everything, do you think PR would be non-existent until something stinking has hit the fan!?


    And why does whether a fan attends a certain amount of matches have anything to do with whether or not he / she believes SC is an oldham fan or not....it's just adding to divide and conquer which seems to be the retorhic for OAFC....shame


    I wonder what our wage budget would be if the owners of OAFC put everything related to us (land, stand, everything that has a tie to the football club) would be. Surely not as poor as it is now....


    Until TTA officially leave we're going to continue in this downward spiral. Unfortunately no one with more than x2 brain cells that isn't an Oldham fan will buy us....Who would buy a football club with no stadium, stand, land, just the name? Who? Crazy!! So annoying!!


  6. Can't help thinking that if we had a Fans Trust like say Swansea City that we'd all be more engaged and informed


    Like 'HarryBosch' I have tried to join our Trust without success


    see www.swanstrust.co.uk


    Their Statement regarding the Appointment of Paul Clement reads: The Swans Trust is pleased to confirm that we were fully consulted by other Shareholders in the appointment of Paul Clement as the man to replace Bob Bradley as Swans Boss




    There's a hint of sarcasm in that since they weren't fully consulted when the other shareholders sold out to two Americans last year

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