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Posts posted by M35FYC

  1. i know there is far more important things at hand but who would you like to play?


    id like the isle of man tour to come back against any scottish prem side, a well supported championship side and a conference side we haven't played in a while i.e stockport, luton, wrexham or grimsby


    knowing latics we will be playing a few local non leagues sides and a PD will call in a favour from a previous employer

  2. here is the win rates for lets say the most "un-favored" latics managers in recent times


    talbot {36%} dickov {29%} penney {27%}


    thing is with PD is he isn't going to get sacked anytime soon and i cant see why any other club is going to headhunt him

    the target this season was the same as it was last season... survival

    yes PD has brought in some good players but lets be realistic here, we have not got the money or squad depth to be pushing for promotion, PD is new to the management game and his still learning his trade as he goes along, he needs time and and i think the club are willing to give him that, for me if we get relegated he has to go, if he keeps us up which i am fairly confident he will do the club and him will not go there separate ways

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