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Posts posted by Rocky_Latic

  1. Very, very scary.


    Left with no choice but to throw your fists a few times no matter what age. Mate ended up getting bottled across the shoulder, only saved from being hit on the head by me grabbing him away at the last second. That would not have happened at all if Barlows had go there earlier enough. We'd have known the designated coach spot was 500 yards up the road. Instead the game finishes, we all walk out and turn left, where we got dropped off. No sign of the coaches because they are down the road. We all turn back and head towards them. Next thing milk bottles, fists flying and people jumping from cars with milk bottles. Barmy and very lucky to escape uninjured.

    You'd have been directly infront of me then, as I was just behind the lad who got bottled. Most people escaped injury due to reacting as soon as it happened to him, and the shattering of glass could be heard a good 50 yards behind him. No one knew where they were going, and it was a pretty much follow the crowd for me. I'd travelled down with a car full of Hammers I know, and was given the orders - "go to where the oldham coaches are parked, and we'll meet you there before walking to the estate we are parked on, as it'll be too dodgy for you to walk on your own."


    The only reason I didnt get bottled, is because I turned left instead of right like everyone else. That was probably worse, as I ended up surrounded by hundreds of hammers fans, and bang smack next to that numpty in a grey t-shirt (for some reason I can still remember what he looks like), who was bouncing around shouting - "come on oldham, where's yer boys"


    Worst bit about it, was the amount of 'normal' West Ham fans who just kept laughing and muttering, "get the northern monkeys!" as the incident happened around them. I felt a right sitting duck as all the Latics fans got on the coaches, and I was stuck waiting for four unhappy hammers who hadnt a clue what had gone on. Then again, there's a fair few Latics fans who were there that night who said they didnt even see the incident, or know it happened.


    I certainly did. Awful night............especially as I had to travel back home with a car full of misreble sods who kept threatening to leave me in London, and every service station on the way home. Though I do admit, to sitting with the biggest grin on my face ever all the way home.


    Added to the fact, I and many others in the ground were more worried about that 6 year old cockney kid, leaning over the barrier spitting and shouting obscenities. They certainly are a nice bunch down there.

  2. Exile. You cant act innocent. :tongue1: Afterall, wasnt it you who was saying to me on Sunday you used to run around whacking people at football when you were my age.




    Only time i've been caught up in trouble at Latics, was City various at home. Burnley on Broadway, Wolves when they tried storming the Paddock. Swansea too. West Ham away the other year in the Carling Cup, was probably the dodgiest situation i've witnessed in my Latics days. Where the frig did they get dozens upon dozens of Milk Bottles from? :sign0068:


    Hull with Rochdale at Spotland on Sky is probably the dodgiest game i've ever been into. There were about 60 grown men just running about the WMG, smacking man, woman and child. Think i've got that game on video somewhere - Dale won 3-0, but I can only remember wanting to go home. I can even pin point the bloke who started coming towards me, before I did my dissapearing act, when they all casually strolled onto the pitch and over to the away end without a copper in sight. The Sandy lane then decided to start singing. "Well done, you took the family stand" and "You'll never take the sandy." - Needless to say. Outside............Hull fans ran amok, and I ended up getting :fighting: with my mates and chased all over the place.


    Latics had Macclesfield away the day after, and I went sporting a lovely shiner, courtesy of some 30 year old yorkshire barsteward. I was only about 13 at the time. The crowd at the game the following season was some 3,000 less due to what happened.

  3. Rochdale FC did this for the WMG Stand, at a tenner a brick.


    I have my name on the stand somewhere. No idea where, as i'm yet to find it. It's probably right at the top of the stand knowing my luck

  4. I sit half way in Lookers paddock at the front.


    Who are we, Paddock Army.

    The Paddock is well represented on here. I can think of 6 who post on here in the far block nearest the away lot including Myself. R.O.A.M, Melia, Butters, Byrnsey, Macca, Exile and I guess you can class Frankly Mr Shankly, seeing as he crept over against Donny and sat behind exile, and has been in that section numerous times this season (despite his comments he'd have you believe, that he doesnt want to be associated with the apparant riff raff who congregate there) :shock::angry: . Not entirely sure if the likes of Kidderz, Danny and Irish Pad (JK), have joined on here yet. There's another three if they have, That I know of. I know Paddy has, but I'm not sure if he's the same name on here.

  5. A Stockport fan, has just said he went to watch Latics a few times in the mid 90's, and recalls the games against United being 'very friendly affairs'. Particularly the replay at Maine Road.


    That's not really how I remember them, despite only being a little nipper at the time. I remember the '94 game, when me, my brother, his mate and my dad ended up in a McDonalds which was anything but friendly. So much so, that I went hungry as we couldnt even make it too the front to order.


    Also. Does anyone remember the song United used to sing about 'that' goal. I've had it sung to me on the train going to Forest last season, but I dont have a scooby what the words were anymore.

  6. If we get there, I'm going to be absolutely plastered all that weekend. Birthday weekend.


    Not bothered were it was at, so long as we get there. Would be nice to go to either. The Millenium looked impressive from the outside when we went to Swansea, but being one of the first teams to play in the new Wembley would be amazing.

  7. a great day on that bus!!!

    just in case a few people dont know who i am i was the 'w :censored: er on the bus' lmao!

    the carlisle fan apparently!

    great laugh on the way back singing and that!

    when is the next beardy bus happening?



    Thought the w*nker, was Danny the City fan. Who said he enjoyed it to me last wednesday, when we went upto Scotland for a gig.


    Next one is Crewe.

  8. Haven't we reached the amnesty for five yellow cards now though? In which case, he'd only get a slap on the wrist from the FA for picking up his fifth.

    Yeah. Forgot about that. It's the 10 you have to get now.

  9. Anyone think Shez warned him about his goal celebrations in future.


    He's on 4 yellow's now. So I think he's had a little word in his ear, about how he reacts. Cant be getting him booked for another celebration. No matter how much he wants to jump into the Chaddy and run around the pitch.

  10. best one of me ever!!!!

    :laugh4: :laugh4:


    How on earth has it taken me so long to see this.


    Beardy with the pinky finger when drinking, oooo errr :applause1::applause1::OASISscarf: I got accused of that at Torquay away the other year, by Wilson and Frankly Mr Shankly, and the two lads from Torquay we were meeting. :hitwall1: I got them back, by offering to buy a round, when they all had newly bought pints. :D:lol:


    Some good pics.

  11. Also we used to have the odd riot at our school, as there was a lot of Asian and white battles, and cars and cars of lads would turn up at 3pm waiting for it to go off, one afternoon there was word that a teacher had been stabbed, but obviously it was playground rumour, but the whites thought the asians had done it and vice versa, but infact nothing had happened, after school there were police, ambulances and hundreds of cars lining Roman Rd, we then started to believe our own fabricated story about a Teacher being stabbed??? (it all sounds stupid now but at the time was a major event!)

    It then came to a head with a mass brawl on the grass across from school (which is now the M60) roughly 100+ lads just going at it, a teacher foolishly tried to step in but got his arse handed to him, who was the teacher???

    They didnt come to a head Beardy.


    I've heard loads of stories about the race riots in various Oldham schools. In Particularly, those at Kaske.


    Sounds a bit like Oldham college when I was there a few months after the riots. By Eck. It werent half dodgy

  12. Really not happy tonight. About absolutely everything.


    From before the game, to during it, to after it.




    Very nice nearly being run over by a Tactical Video Unit Van. 8 young lads came out of the white hart, and made there way to the ground. It being about 25 to 8, and finishing my pint. I supped up, and walked out with my old man too.


    I was stood roughly 30 yards behind them for the majority of the way, and watched as police riot van, after riot van drove past, slowed, took a look, and drove on.


    This happened, all the way along Rochdale Road, and again Down sheepfoot Lane.


    The 8 lads slowed down, as they came walking by the away end, and this is where myself and one or two others walking behind them too the paddock somehow moulded in with them.


    From absolutely nowhere, Tactical Video Unit, and Riot Vans came storming into the back of the Rochdale Road End, and pretty much tried to run every Latics fan down. Much too the amusement of a good 200 seasiders still waiting to go in. The Old bill virtually pushed everyone towards the Blackpool fans. A few of whom didnt have a clue what was going on, and a few who looked quite keen. The old bill for some reason, filmed from there van, and said lines like, "smile boys, why wont you smile for me." - Some quality lines flew back, which raised a giggle and a half from me, "I would if I wasnt staring at such an ugly boat race." :lol:


    Makes you wonder though, why they waited until the Latics fans were in spitting distance of the away fans in there hundreds waiting to go in, before actually rounding them up. Make's you wonder if the dibble actually want it to go off sometimes.


    The Game


    Boring first half, but we never really looked in danger. Then again, did we ever look like scoring?


    I dont understand why we for some reason, seem to try and walk the ball in the net constantly? Why not just ping it like everyone does against us.


    Some very silly mistakes, and the goal was bloody poor to say the least.


    I dont like pin pointing certain players, but Poggy's kicking was absolutely shocking. The pitch possibly??? Easy excuse I know.


    Useless lumps upfront to either Porter or Warne for a flick down, which never really came off. Knocks out wide to Taylor who struggled to beat his man all evening. 'Too f**king easy', I think the term is.


    Simple mistakes would have lead to the most simple of goals. That would have been had the Blackpool player not missed the sitter of the season. :lol:


    They hit the post. Cracking shot. Really impressed with there winger, and Forbes when he came on. Terrorised us them two.


    We hit the bar at 0-0. Absolute rocket, and that I think was the first chance we pinged it from outside the area???


    90th minute. We got a get out of jail card. Free kick just outside the area. Again, a cracking shot which pinged off the bar.


    Must admit. Pretty impressed with Blackpool's numbers tonight. 2,000 on a Tuesday night. Not too much there support though, which to be fair was pretty good. I just dont understand how they cant muster a chant without that drum.


    Stewards in the Paddock. Phuck sake man. Twenty people all stood up, not blocking anyone's view is no problem. Though to be fair, it did help the atmosphere a touch. Cheers to the Upper lot for joining in ;)




    Having to listen to the moaners all the way up sheepfoot lane. Names coming in for criticism. Rocky by one old chap, who I kindly asked whether he was at Swansea. No was his reply. I told him to find someone who was, and tell him what you've just said, because I dont have the time now. Liddell, Porter, Poggy......the list goes on. W*nkers the lot!

  13. Im off now.


    Gonna go the White Hart, and wait for my old man to finish work. May as well try and cadge a few pints whilst i'm there. The usual suspects, Dan, Punkster, etc. Start dusting the cobwebs off your wallets boys, i'm thirsty! :lol::lol:


    Not too confident tonight. They're a good side. Think it's better to go in underconfident, rather than over confident like I was against Millwall and Bournemouth, expecting three points and nothing else.


    Should see the biggest away following of the season too. I'm sure the Paddock/Lookers will give them some 'friendly' banter


    Just hope they start calling Wellens a w**ker, like last season, and at there's this.


    Oh when the Blues.

  14. I remember Billy bunter (Mr Hunter) from Royton and Crompton. If you ever went with the excuse of Ive forgot my PE kit you'd be made to do PE in your underwear...lol I never forgot my kit again I can tell you.

    We had the gypo cabinet for those times.


    It was all stuff from lees days, which had been left there. Awful. Never been watched since. Worn by hundreds of youngsters who forgot there P.E kit.


    What we would have gived to do P.E in our underwear, when we forgot our kit. It got too the stage, where people used to hide each others bags, so they'd have to use the Gypo cabinet. :lol::lol:



  15. God Bless Mr Skilling, eh lees. How he's never been sacked, I do not know.


    The girls p.e teacher was just as bad.


    Mrs Cook. The Scouse nutcase, who ran and cycled everywhere. She used to tell the girls too absolutely leather each other, and be as aggresive as possible in friendly hockey games. :lol: Good entertainment for the boys, watching the girls leather each others shins, trying to hit a ball.

  16. Smash and grab win for bournemouth.


    Just couldnt break them down in the 2nd half.


    Absolutely gutted, as they were poor.


    Taylor injured. Gregan took a nasty knock, but told the stretcher people to f**k off. Why dont the players have confidence enough to give Eddy the ball to run at them? :angry:


    Turner deserved to go, should never have raised his hand. There lad should have gone too. The Challenge was shocking. Inconsistant ref who never let the game flow.



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