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Posts posted by OAFCM35


    Yeah, because all sensible people seek truth by visiting the UKIP website.

    I may of taken your view onboard of you would of actually bothered watching the video on the link..


    It's not a UKIP member saying this it's the EU's institutions senior European Commissioner Viviane Reding saying it


    Maybe if you took on board what other people say instead of dismissing it all the time you MIGHT learn something for a change

  2. That's bull:censored:.

    more bollocks from you.did you fact check your news source?



    anything from 15% to 50% of uk law comes from the eu,but some of the laws are not actually used in the uk even though they apply to the uk. so you can see,15% or 50% you can spin it anyway you like.

    And they're usually laws about really, really small stuff, such as the standardisation of this or that thing that no one ever thinks about. It's not as if your Eurocrats change the law against murder or anything. There's loads of reasons to despise the EU without that load of bollocks.




    That's been answered. It's not the eighties, however there is still lots to be done.

    Like what exactly what's the specific need to nail colours to the mast when there's no evident of racism, sexism, homophobia or anything else you wish to oppose going on at these clubs?


    Ohh and whilst we are at it.. What the bloody hell has the Spanish Civil War got to do with Dulwich, Clapton, FC United or any other of the Non-Spanish club?






    The sums don't add up, it looks like a very small pay back to firms. Also, when you say 'foreigners' you mean EU nationals who are entitled to work throughout Europe and do a fair days work for a fair days pay, as you are? Also if Britain has 800,000 jobs on offer and France 40,000 it looks like we have a healthy job market, albeit unskilled work and probably low-paid (and that's a different matter) - but work nonetheless.

    It's just a damn shame our nationals miss out on this "thriving job market"

  5. Bradford had a rainbow flag over the ground. I thought it was a bit random but it didn't offend me at all. Personally I find it a bit tiresome if going to shout at people kicking a bag around gets turned into a political issue, but we all know if we are honest that it could still be a bit daunting for many minority groups to take the first step, so it's not a bad thing to have some people being positive either.

    I do take your point and the rainbow flag doesn't offend me either but I'd feel a lot less comfortable having to explain to my four year old son why there's a picture of two men kissing up at the back of the Chaddy..

  6. I'm actually crying with laughter at this. It's a positive statement of an attitude, not a...never mind. I'm enjoying this too much.


    I'm joining the ComFast faction as soon as they let me in. I think it's a portmanteau word referencing one's commitment to both Communism and Buckfast.

    Another one who can't answer the question


    Listen im all for opposing something if there's a valid reason to oppose it but it's seems to me there isn't or hasn't been at any of these clubs


    It's not the 80s anymore.. The NF are at these games handing out right wing literature


    Read the Daily Mail if you want to witness a slice of 'offended by anything types' - can't vouch for them all, but they're there - and considering that statement, I think fan pressure is still needed at a lot of clubs.

    Top swerve there Rummy


    so what your really saying is you don't know if there was actually any homophobia or racism issues at these clubs beforehand?


    Maybe we shouldn't have started the idea of travelling overseas to make lots of money?

    Maybe we should get the spanish to send all the ex-pats home? And the portuguese? and the cypriots....etc...ect


    Maybe, just maybe, if (some) of the unemployed were as hard working as some of the foreign nationals, they would be able to get jobs?


    And where did you start with all this, saying that "foreigners" are given a helping hand into work? Which isn't true, but if it makes you feel better to pretend you are hard done to and that it's not your fault you can't get a job, then maybe you should carry on believing it.

    I'm currently at work but when I get home i will be sure to post my sources on here for you to read at your own leisure

    Maybe in a fashionable corner in a London suburb, maybe not. I wouldn't know. However you'll often see other flags alongside Che flags at Clapham, United Glasgow, AFC, FCUM, St.Pauli, Cuidad de Murcia, Null Drei, Minsk, other fan-owned or social community clubs and so-on across the world, making a peaceful, positive statement for whatever it might be.


    Another Football Is Possible.



    Did any of these clubs really have serious issues with racism and homophobia etc but these communist offended by everything types turned up with there Left Wing ideology and man love banners?


    It the revolutionary aspect that is used - maybe wrongly - however the fact still remains that the positive statements displayed on flags made by fans at football matches similar to Anti Racism, Homophobia, and others are sometimes seen with a Revolutionary Che flag. I can't change that.


    Che image is definitely wrongly used by the left wing considering the bloke was a racist himself

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