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Posts posted by OAFCM35

  1. Agreed stop stealing the Munich/FC Munich and whatever else you've heard on YouTube.


    The simple Winchester La la la you had in pre season was good enough, again stolen off Manchester but by far better than remove Anderson insert Winchester nonsense.


    Get on with it anyway, he'll be gone in Jan

    The correct terminology is Munich and Mini Munich

  2. please explain.if theyre working to pay their way they deserve anything they can afford

    Very true, just don't see why foreigners are given a helping hand in to work when we have thousands upon thousands of our own nationals who can't find work.. Similarly I fail to see why asylum seekers are being housed when we have thousands of our own nationals that are living on the streets

  3. The match day experience is pretty bad at the Sportsdirect.com. Ground regulations are the same for everyone but most places do it better than us. Even MK Mongs allow people outside for a smoke at half-time.

    But if you want a decent match day experience, you might want to try non-league football. 2856 watched Dulwich Hamlet in the Isthmian League yesterday. You can have a pint (and a fag if you like) standing by the touchline. You can even take your own in. You can nip out to Sainsburys at half-time for a scotch egg and a bottle of pop, or a packet of fags and some lagers. And it's £10 to get in. (Everyone I saw paid the regular admission price, even though it was pay-what-you-want day.)

    Best chant of the day: we're the famous Dulwich Hamlet and we're off to Tuscany.

    What's with the Che flags at Dulwich?



  4. Those three or 4 home game game packages would make a great gift idea, bundled with a birthday card or such. Not too expensive and would be great town centre sales idea.


    Only get back to Oldham every 2 years myself but I get to see 2 or 3 games in that time. I always feel the marketing of Oldham Athletic to the people who are possible customers or at least sympathetic to Oldham has always been lazy at best and frankly often just piss poor.

    That's a quality idea

  5. Who's tearing him apart?


    Plenty, like me, are saying we've essentially gone like for like; in terms of age and the raw attributes that they both have, with some cash in the bank as a result of JCH going for more than we've paid for Dominic Poleon.


    And - in an obvious (i would hope) development, it will take time for the side to get used to Poleon and the way he plays; and for Poleon to settle into the way his teammates go about things.


    I'm a bit pissed off; as - just as it was looking like it might be starting to come together; another 'start again' moment happens.


    He'll need time & games to settle in; and so will the side to get used to him. If he manages to grab a couple of goals or assists whilst he doing that; all the better.

    Looked a handful today despite the negatives that have been writer about him on here

  6. People forget he was a naïve 17 year old at the time who was sticking up for his mate.


    Regardless of how :censored:ing stupid the comment was (and it really was stupid) and as little as I condone it, he doesn't deserve to be tarred all his life for something even he will admit was a stupid mistake.

    100% agree, we've all done silly things when we was young and foolish, having spoken to him (all be it very briefly) he seems a good kid

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