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Posts posted by OAFCinWolves

  1. What you need to remember is we are the 5th largest economy in the World and one of the few that is growing. We are one of Europe's biggest customers by a long way they are not going to risk annoying us if we leave. If they put a tariff on us we will just put one back on them which will raise us even more money as the balance is well in our favour. Out of the 28 member states there is only us and Germany without a bail out and actually paying in to the pot ...which is why Germany is worried as they would be left to pick up the tab. Are European business suddenly going to refuse billions in business I think not. We've already had 2 recessions (a period of TEMPORARY economic decline) well being part of Europe the last being one of the worst. Southern Europe is if financial melt down these economic migrants are already look for jobs in Northern Europe and 3 in to 1 doesn't go. My wife's a nurse and she has a Greek nurse working with her she doesn't want to be here and breaks down in tears misses her family but has no work in Greece...so when you say you want a future for your kids ask the family's from Southern Europe who have had to leave love ones in search of work because of the economic melt down caused by unelected bureaucrat. I'm an employer we are not suddly going to drop wages because we have left the Euro. Remain need to start telling the truth and may be they would convince people. But for me a vote to leave is the best for the UK.

  2. I'd certainly put our youth team out against theirs. I like the way the EPL have put 1 million pound in for the winners...it wouldñt of done them any harm to put million pound in per club they entered and spread it out amongst the rounds so everybody gets a feed. I shud imagine Chelsea under 21 etc would be in with a good shot of winning the million pound back plus the 950k that normally goes to league 1 and 2 side that would normally win it. As if the EPL needs more money

  3. Fan ownership is not a realistic proposition. However, I think Playershare is a route to better things. If the 3000 fans just contribute 1 pound a week, it would generate around 150k a year. That would fund the wages of one or two decent players at this level. In my opinion there is not a lot of difference at our level between most teams, notwithstanding the odd ones coming down from the championship with money. A couple of quality players could just make us competitive for a play off position. If we can be fighting at the right end of the table, it would increase the support and ultimately that increases the income, which has to be the aim of all the fans, the chairman and the board If we are mote successful, our profile is raised and just may make us a more attractive proposition for a buyer.

    3000 fans at a £1 a day and we would be laughing it not unthinkable and I'm sure there be the odd fan like myself who would pay £2 to £5 a day

  4. Never given a chance, his predecessor was in place before a ball was kicked and our esteemed board effectively undermined him from the start, as much as it was a strange appointment you couldn't judge him on his time with us unless you wanted to listen to unsubstantiated rumour that was banded about at the time from those who had an agenda.



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