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Posts posted by bluear

  1. For me, respectable results were the 1st order of business for Kelly and I think we achieved this.


    For the next month or two performances become much more important. Our season won't be decided by then but we'll have a much clearer idea of where we are headed and if it's worth making a change.

    I'm sorry but it seems sensible, thought out posts like yours aren't allowed on here. Please remove yourself lol



    Eloquently put.


    Why don't you put forward a coherent argument for his retention, instead of slagging-off the people on here for expressing their opinions?

    When dealing with idiots I tend to find myself dropping down to their level. No point putting across a well worded argument about why we should keep him to someone who thinks a manager can be judged after his first 7 league games EVER. He needs to be given a chance. Who would replace him? What if our best players only stayed because they like Kelly? Everyone has to start somewhere and unless you clean toilets, there's not many jobs you go into and can instantly be amazing and make no mistakes. If it was as easy as some people on here suggest it is, then I would think they should do their coaching badges and earn a decent living.

  3. I didn't blame anyone, I said the atmosphere at BP is poisonous and has led to

    People I know leaving and not coming back and when I've heard so called fans shout to things like "you useless ni**er :censored: off" to Craig Davies to highlight just one motivational speech it's no wonder the players are scared to try and express themselves

    You're fighting a losing battle on OWTB, because I think this is where they all congregate.

  4. I'm grown up enough to know we need to cut our losses now. We are going nowhere this season with him in charge. Let's not drag it out. Get rid now and we have a whole season left. Leave it a few months and the inevitable will happen anyway but the season will be dead.

    So 7 league games makes a manager? Haha. Some people on here amaze me. Joe Royle instantly start winning games?

  5. Sack him now. He aint got a bloody clue. stood there today and didn't say a word all game, statue all game. Compare him with Phil parkinson who is talking to his players constantly, handing out instructions and getting involved with what is actually happening in front of him.

    The only time kelly takes his hands out his pockets is to drink his water.

    It's only a matter of time, might as well get rid now and admit we made a mistake going the cheap route again.

    Grow up. Give him a chance! :censored:ing morons if you're calling for his head already

  6. I have said before that the atmosphere at BP from home fans is downright poisonous at times. Both my mum and dad the latter was a long time season ticket holder for a long time stopped going a few years back because of the vitriol spouted from the stands - the away support is quite rightly praised because no matter what it remains largely positive throughout. One stray pass at BP and the knives are out - players just seem frightened to death at home

    Disgusting our home support at times.

  7. All this talk is irrelevant because nobody actually knows what is happening. Although not knowing what is going on means DK must be sacked for forcing this poor hard working boy to do something for absolutely no reason. Bullies the lot of them. :censored: me, some absolute :censored:e gets posted on here

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