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Posts posted by Rick

  1. Here Here. I have to echo these words. I am no less a supporter than anyone else who comes to the Latics. JP seems to think he has the only relevent view on this. I sing occasionally and discuss with all those around me football matters whilst applauding the good bits and berating the bad bits. Thats my right as a paying customer.


    Sometimes this "I pay my money, so I will say what I want" attitude makes me wonder if Saturday afternoon is the time that these people get to put someone else down as they get put down at work and home all week.


    If I realised that I was a serial moaner, I would stop going and do something enjoyable with my time.


    I am not saying that you shouldn't go - we certainly need as much support as possible - both financially and vocally. I am 39 years old and despite receiving dirty looks off other people when I sing, I do so as I want to help out my team. I enjoy going and I enjoy getting behind the team. Yesterday was disappointing both on, but more disappointingly OFF the pitch.

  2. Go on Rick, at least redress the balance by admitting the performance was poor. You've said it's a 2 way street - the supporters have paid the wages and got a poor performance in return. It can't ALL be the fault of the fans can it?


    I have no problem whatsoever in agreeing that the performance was poor yesterday.


    Latics scored, so the team had done their bit. Many people talk about how the atmosphere of the game as whole very much depends on the team. I could understand the rubbish atmosphere at Walsall as we never got going at all.


    Now, you have to admit that the atmosphere after we had scored and were winning was very poor indeed. Therefore as we agree that it is a 2 way street, the home crowd should accept some responsibility for the end result - not just start slagging players off left right and centre.


    If you look back to Leeds and Everton, the atmosphere was electric even BEFORE a ball was kicked. Yesterday was embarrassing.

  3. If we get that amount (or more) then what impact will it have on this club?


    Would the owners use all of it to wipe out the whole debt or provide some of it for players?


    I was just wondering that it we didn't have a debt then would our annual income - ST income, advertising revenue, concessions - cover our current wage bill?


    Do you think we're near our limit, overspending or have some scope if we weren't burdened with this £40k a month (or whatever it is now) debt?


    Whatever we get and however it is spent, some people on this board will complain and tell everyone how they know better.

  4. Nice red writing there. Doesn't alter the fact that those players let us all down yesterday. Seen the highs and lows with this club throughout the past three decades. Thats a supporter......


    No it is not. That is a long term spectator. A spectator spectates, watches. A supporter supports the team, gives support and encouragement, is supportive.


    Massive difference.

  5. I am one of those who demands 100% commitment Johnny and I will rant moan and slag the highly paid prima donnas who turn out for my club as long as I want. I will not however, slag a player off for making a mistake. Thay happen. What I will do is continue to support the club of my town long after Sheridan, Davies et al have gone. You have no right to blame the fans for that fiasco yesterday. There was no commitment, ability or pasion on show from the majority of that team. IT WAS A DISGRACE.... They ought to be ashamed of themselves. They earn in a week what I pay tax in two years. I still buy my season ticket every year though. Get your face out of mine and point your criticism where it belongs. IN THAT CHANGING ROOM>>>>>


    I think that you need to change your username Terry.


    The atmosphere yesterday WAS A DISGRACE....The people who ought to be ashamed of themselves are the other naturally negative people (I cannot bring myself to call them supporters and certainly not fans) who would like to blame everything on someone else. They need to take some responsibility themselves as it is (as previously stated) a 2 way street.


    I am not saying that you shouldn't go to the game, but if you are so disillusioned with the game in general, why do you go? It obviously doesn't make you very happyterryb

  6. The mentality of those posters is absolutely right Rick. Why is it only the ex pro's and people like yourself who are the font of all knowledge when it comes to football. There are millions of hours of experience watching football at all levels sat in those stands and they are more than often right when it comes to the game of football. Davies is a disgrace to the shirt of the club that I love. I would personally sack him outright. It has nothing to do with his skill level or ability. He has behaved like a spoilt child since Hughes took the ball off and scored that penalty. I am sure £6.000 pound of wages per week could be better spent.... I am furious at his attitude.Oh and yes I would say it straight into his scowling sulking petulant face....... He lost my beloved club a football match yesterday. :angry::angry:


    You have a differnet opinion on Davies to me - that is fair enough as we both have the god given right to have an opinion whether that is right or wrong. If Davies is such a bad player, why do opposition managers big him up and talk about how many problems he has caused them?


    I really don't see how you feel this witch hunt on 22 year old lad is helping anyone.


    PS I don't know where you get that he is on £6000 per week.

  7. As you sew so shall you reap. You are damn right I was booing him, the selfish, arrogant, one dimensional, lazy sod. Had he played for the team yesterday instead of thinking he is Ronaldo then we would have been three up at halftime with Hughes having had a hat trick. I watched him walk straight down the tunnel after his deserved and much too late substitution. So much for team spirit and supporting your mates. I have never in all the 45 years I have supported and loved this team seen such a waste of a wage!!!!!!!! :angry::angry:


    Nice post. You must be very proud of yourself. Well done.

  8. Rose tinted or what. Davies obviously has a major problem with Hughes that much is obvious. On at least two occasions yesterday Hughes was wide open on goal and all it needed was for that Greedy B*****d Davies to play the simple pass. Davies looked totally disinterested for 89 minutes of the game and I for one wouldn't pay him with washers. He should be in the reserves and on the training pitch learning to recognise the other ten players on the team. Having learned that simple lesson he should then learn to pass to them occasionally.... :angry::angry:


    That is probably why you are not the manager of a professional football club.


    Outofttheblue, I have also been watching Latics for 35 years and to say that nothing has changed is quite ridiculous. If you have any spare time, dig out the Arsenal DVD from 1990 and tell me how the atmosphere compares with that of yesterday.


    There will always be moaners, but the people more at fault for yesterdays lack of atmosphere are the peole who were singing their lungs out at Everton but sat down yesterday and kept quiet.

  9. Well said Prozac. He's been sulking for weeks now, maybe months. He's playing with his head down and shoulders hunched, choosing the wrong option more often than not. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's happened since Hughesy has come into the team. Seems to me Davies wants to be the only superstar around here but when it comes to it he's light years behind Hughesy in so many aspects.


    And I forgot about him sulking off up the tunnel straight to the dressing room. Now that's a great attitude eh?


    Also forgot about the time, I think it was after he blazed wide in the 2nd half with Hughesy wide open. Well moments later Shez and TW just stood there staring at Davies for a good period almost in disbelief. Don't think it was due to the miss, just his all round terrible attitude and lack of desire. I'd put money on him creating a bit of a divide in the dressing room as well. When you've 9 outfield players running their balls off and they see Davies sulking around up front, wasting the ball that they've worked hard to win, well I'd be peed off. And great support for the rest of your teammates from the dressing room Craig.


    And sorry, I'm not one to use the line "i'll pay my money..." but as long as Davies continues to act as though the world is against him he'll continue to get stick from me.





    What a shame Craig Davies doesn't have the footballing brian of LatikNik, neiladamsheadband and oafcprozac.


    Then he would be a world beater - providing he can get his head sorted out. He clearly doesn't do any running or put in any effort and doesn't care for the team. Oh apart from being upset at being subbed, and that was really wrong of him.


    I really can not understand the mentality of some of the posters on here at times.

  10. for me he isnt the partner for hughes up front. also too greedy, there was a great chance to go 2-0 up halfway into the 2nd half. the guy is too greedy with hughes screaming for it in the middle as usual he shoots.

    we need to kill teams off, you could tell from that last minute corner it was going in the net.


    What a load of rubbish.


    1, It is his first full season (both with us and back in this country).

    2, He is 22 (I think ?).

    3, Defends from the front.

    4, Causes opposition defences problems. (as stated recently by recent opposition managers)

    5, Has pace to burn.

    6, Doesn't hide if his misses an opportuntiy.

    7, Can use his head.

    8, Can score from long range.

    9, Has scored 10 goals this season.

    10, Is our leading goal scorer.


    PLUS - I would be REALLY worried if our top scorer was not shooting when he thinks he could score.


    So he is an unknown quantity.


    Many other managers (opposition and pundits) raved about him and say how much he unsettled their back four.


    He is young and he is keen and he is involved in a lot of the play. You therefore tend to see a lot of him during a match and will therefore see more mistakes or decisions you disagree with.


    I sadly think he may go. I am not sure that I would stay and try and fight it out with some of our fans if I were him. :disappointed:


    Still, we could always look forward to him coming back and scoring a winner against us - or even watching him on Match of the Day and Sky on Sunday afternoon; or Wales at some point - and we'll all say "He used to play for us you know"....... and you know it is going to happen.


    It is really sad and I am seriously not happy.


    Also, I don't care if anyone disagrees with me - because that it just the way I feel -_-

  11. Don't often post on here - just a reader.


    However, had to comment on the atmosphere today and some of the fans. I must say that some of our fans are a disgrace. Booing at the end, what is all that about? The atmosphere was non-existent - fair credit to the lads in the Uppers Lookers and the usual drummer et al in the Chaddy for at least making a stab. BP is like a morgue, there is no wonder the players don't seem to like playing there. Whilst we can say the poor home form is down to tactics etc, there must be some credence to the fact that the players struggle in front of a grumpy crowd. We have our fare share of moaners that still think we play in the Premiership, intent on having a pop if things aren't going own way. What happened to encouragement? Away support is much better and that is why I am looking forward to Yeovil away more than I am the next home league game. FFS I heard one guy going on about Allott saying he'd had a terrible game'. Mr Allott has been our best player for weeks. It's all about opinions but the booing is going too far. We have just beaten Leeds and Everton for god's sake. Walking to the ground I thought that today would be a good atmosphere, everyone celebrating the recent results and cheering on the lads to a victory. I now realise that I am very naive. I usually join in with all the singing where I sit in Lookers Lower, but it is always difficult because no-one really makes an effort at that side of the ground - bar the lads in the Upper Lookers.


    I was that angry with some of our fans at the end, I wanted to chin them. I'm usually a placid guy but these moaning gits are creating tension with the normal fans that do their utmost to support the team and have been doing for years.


    The home attendance too - absolutely appalling - hope those gloryhunters are sat back nicely in their armchairs. How many other clubs suffer from this problem? Huddersfield perhaps? Bet they had a big home support today after their cup win. I am speechless about some of our fans at the moment - yes, football is expensive but if 5,500 can afford a day out at Everton, then why not go to the follow up league game to celebrate that victory and cheer the lads on.


    If we get past Huddersfield and draw a big club in the 5th round - they'll all come out out of the woodwork and get their tickets. The way I am feeling tonight - the total opposite of last week. Thought our fans were great at Everton - terrible today.


    TTA must feel aggrieved at the attendance today - when our new stadium is opened - if people think we'll fill it, they're living in cloud cuckoo - even if we are in the Championship. Pathetic support today. Roll on Yeovil away and fans getting behind the team.




    The most sense I have heard in a long time. I was going to come on here and rant tonight because I am so..... :angry: but I think you have just about summed it up.


    Thanks for the mention to the Lookers Upper - mainly Our Kid. :imnotworthy:


    Come and introduce yourself - the more the merrier. In fact, all welcome.

  12. Having just read all the post on todays game, and archived through past games, i cant believe that people are justified in blaming the fans for the team not performing at home.

    Agreed it isnt easy playin in front of serial whingers, and agreed it probebly gets on players nerves, but to blame the fans is ludicrous.

    The same fans who fork out week in week out so these players can participate in a job everyone of us would love to do.

    The same fans who sit through all kinds of weather at the coldest place on earth, its easy sayin feck off to old trafford, then what would the club do if 50% of the support did this, we are in the 5hit as it is.

    Like i said it isnt ideal but, the players should rise above it, ala Hughesy at Millwall, they are bloody professionals for fecks sake, i am sick of hearing the maoners myself, no matter where you go in the ground you find em, but please dont blame for being gash at BP, thats down to the players and mangement, no one else!


    As Ricky Thomlinson says..... :ass3:

  13. so many to choose from really.


    but for me it would have to be

    andy ritchie

    vic halom

    mickey quinn


    maybe not everyones but its my opinion.and throw kenny clements in just for the hair.lol


    My shout would be for Oooh Roger Palmer. He was a quality signing and much under-rated for years in my opinion.


    Another one who rarely gets any kind of mention on this board is Willie Donachie. Not only a decent full back, but also played a pivotal part in the glory years as Uncle Joe's number 2.

  14. How about trying to get Tango on board as a sponsor............I can just see the phrase after seeing GM slash in the winner at Goodison.....you've been Tango'd.


    Tangerine must stay (even if in a small way). I seem to recall seeing a white one lasy time with some tangerine flashes.


    That might be OK.


    Blue and Tangerine Home

    Tangerine and White 1st Away

    Tangerine and Blue 2nd Away (current away kit)

  15. The SECOND choice away strip,which means third choice.No vote from me tangerine or nowt




    I will vote for Tangerine this time......



    So Home kit = Blue and White


    1st Away Kit = Tangerine


    2nd Away kit = the Orange and Blue we played in at Everton



  16. One Craig Davies....there's only one Craig Davies..............Genius!!!!!


    We sung that to him at Leeds and he turned and gave a big smile and thumbs up. I really do think we need to send him some LURVE!!!


    Also could sing Walking in a Winter Wonderland for him....

  17. spot on! Everton were nasty over those three games, tried bullying us out of it but failed. I'll never forget Cottee and Sharp giving us the v's and I'll never forget what a set of eejits their supporters were either. Also, the only time Mr G.Sharp ever spoke to me personally he said 'shut your f****** mouth'. 'Orrible git!


    You should have given him a slap!!



  18. Kelvin Lomax for me.


    He had been frozen out by Bertrand and loaned out to Rochdale. He stepped up to the plate superbly on Saturday, cleared one off the line and made a great pass cutting 2 of their midfielders out for the goal.


    Well, that said, every single Latics player was MOM for me, but I think that Kelvin did particularly well. He is probably one of the players that is on £200 - £300 per week too.

  19. This is my favorite....


    Gary "Who put the ball in Everton's Net....Super" McDonald...

    I just wanted to celebrate with our fans because 5,500 of them were there giving it their all and they were our twelfth man today. It gives you such a boost when you come out and see that many of our supporters in the ground. You want to put on a good display so as to not let them down.

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