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future football fans

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Sadly I think my nephew got away. He was the star of his year at both Gaelic and real football up to about 13. He was interested in Latics ever since I snuck him off to a game at the age of about 10 under the eye of his dad, who is of the Redd Soxx persuasion, and sold him on Shez being an Ireland legend and the brilliance of David Eyres. I can honestly say that he took in more of the game than most adults I talk about it with, including the conversations I have with myself. Sadly it looks like he's turned away from sport, but I can console myself that there was a part of County Derry that rang out with a normally very quiet boy singing a song about Steve McMahon for years afterwards :)

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What do people find the best way to have your own kids to follow your team?


my lad is only 14weeks but I would love to follow Oldham and hes already got the kit for when his 6mth Old.


whats best age to start to take them?, what is available for young kids at Oldham?


Cheers Michael



my lad in his oldham coat



i took my nephew at 5 he didnt seem interested but now at 7 in august he loves it especially the away games.....

dont pressure let them decide thats what i done...

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