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We are generally just not good enough...

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It may be relevant to point out that only 4 of the players who started the season so well were playing yesterday.

Bringing so-called 'better players' in doesn't necessarily mean you'll improve. The whole balance of the team now appears to be missing, and players don't appear to know where to find each other.

Morais is an outstanding player, but giving him a free reign doesn't seem to work. Give him a role as an out and out winger, and we may see more product in the box.

Evina seems to be panicking and hoofing because his easy outlet has gone missing, and the midfield appear to be defending more than attacking, because they just can't be sure where to make the pass any more.

We are no longer a team - we are just a side. Sheridan was slated for doing the same thing, remember?

so true,someone said it to me yesterday we are accomodating players and its not working

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nowhere near that extreme, but I can see us dropping into mid-table before the season's end.


Not that I'm too disappointed, it's been an enjoyable season on the pitch and we've done/are doing better than expected all in all. Just hope we keep Dickov for next season and things stabilise off the pitch.

It got beyond this point very quickly, I'm sorry to say. This was only about 4 weeks ago? What a slump.

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