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Giving youth a chance on Saturday?

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One of things that concerns me and seemingly others too is our supposed lack of depth. Now I know most of the bench are very young and inexperienced at the moment but would we really be going that far wrong chucking a few of them in on Saturday?


Walsall seems similar to last year at Yeovil, a dire performance with the promise of impending doom! One of the best decisions that Dickov has made at the club was to take out Smith, Morais and Lund from the starting lineup and chuck in Winchester, Mellor and Parker. It reinvigorated the team and offered hope that our squad wasn't that bad, surely Saturday is a great opportunity to do this again?


I look at the bench and think that none of the outfield players have really had a run in the side to prove themselves. This may be with good reason as Dickov doesn't believe they are good enough and are there to simply make up the numbers, but by giving them a chance on Saturday we would give ourselves the opportunity to realise that the squad isn't good enough and that reinforcements are needed to keep ourselves competitive in this league.


From the reaction to Tuesday's game we haven't got a lot to lose by doing this, in fact we might also have a lot to gain.


Hypothetically, who would be the 3 players that you would take out of the starting XI and who would you replace them with?

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I would try 4-2-3-1


With Slew coming out and being replaced by Winchester in the middle of midfield and giving Mmmmm'Changama a little more freedom (he likes to drift miles away from CM anyway). Tempted to play Hughes on the left as Montano doesn't look match-fit and even though giving games will help this I feel 3 games in 8 days may be too much and he will cause havoc coming on after 60mins. Simmo on his own up top isnt ideal but needs strong runs from all midfielders to get past the game line (to steal a egg-chasers phrase) and Dickov adopting the passign game we look so good at when its employed.


I don't buy into the TERRIBLE start to the season that's being banded around this forum and this is simply an opinion on something that may work. Far from being unimpressed with Mchangama he is not currently capable of playing in a midfield 2 imo and this was clear on Tuesday night. He constantly drifts away from his post and despite finding himself on the ball at RB, LB, RM, CF etc. he is really hindering Furman's ability to influence the game as Deano is covering way too much grass. Play Carl in the middle as he has an excellent future if we put faith in the lad. Use the wide men as wide men which means having to play 3 CM's atm, especially without Wes.

Edited by eyres_28
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