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Firstly, having heard the line-up and formation en route to the game, I was instantly put on the back foot.


As a home game against a team, who frankly, are no better than we are on paper at least, we need to be setting out with the emphasis on taking the game to them and pinning them in.


Secondly, warm ups, it appears that all ours are based on neat, passing and movement, which is all well and good, and its a sound approach to take, however, watching Stevenage, they had a simple "piggy in the middle" game, then moved to a drill which was around working the ball out wide, laying off and having men attacking the ball in the area, whilst working the goalkeeper.


This is something we need to work on, we're over passing, our play needs to become much more direct in the final 3rd, not to say long ball, but at the current rate we need 2/3 touches to get a pass out wide, with a futher 2/3 touches before looking to cross.




As we all know, Simpson, never a target man, credit to Stevenage, they know we're a passing team, so they pressed high, closed the space and limited passing options, meaning we where left to playing long balls up, which inevitably came straight back at us.


Tarkowski - As much as I want the lad to be a success, his confidence is shredded and frankly, I think some time on loan lower down the leagues might sharpen him up.


Byrne - never a right full back, lacking in technical ability, much better to pair him with M'Voto and bring in Brown @ RB.


Taylor / Smith - 2 words. GAME TIME. Both of these lads need to get games under their belt. We need to be looking at working the ball forward, getting it wide, 1 touch - cross and let a player like these 2 attack it. Either that or Slew or move Montano uptop and get Hughes on left mid.


That at least would draw defenders in and leave some space for Simpson to pick up any knock downs.


Personally, I think he's over thinking things. 2 years ago when he first started this job, we'dve been having players overlapping, creating space, working shooting opportunites, now I think that he's trying to keep us tight at the back and focusing on ball retention. Unfortunately, I cant see this changing, and i fear that this will be PD's last season, im not calling for his head by any means, but I just think that in football things will eventually run their course and this seems to be the case with this.


To sum up, very poor, confidence already low, especially that between GK and back 4. More attacking options from midfield required to support striker(s).

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