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Littlemoor Lad

OWTB Member
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Everything posted by Littlemoor Lad

  1. Fondops just been seen running up sheepfoot lane with a Rhino chasing him down
  2. Just a bit of frustration coming out Seems everyone who plays under Unsworth has some of that in em now
  3. The champions losing after 2 minutes, they don't Dieseruvwe that Now 0-2
  4. Well done that man A win it is then OWTB go marching in,
  5. I'll take a 1-0 or ANY win for that matter The rest I'm not really fussed about, can stay as it is
  6. Rent-a-ghost will have us firing on all 5 cylinders today It'll take that many striker's for chance of a goal. Clean sheet incoming!
  7. I just pointed out that he'd left, he wouldn't come back here or would he???
  8. I think it's just too tough down here, wonder how he'd fair in league's one & two? Would it be the same or worse? These are the questions that need answering, especially by those on here, who treat him as if he were some kind of God.
  9. 'All we are asking...........is give us a win'
  10. We are, we have been and I do but then we run into the stumbling block keeping us that way. Nothing's ever that cut and dry
  11. 1 very good win, 2 very good draws and 2 bad defeats Hope the manager can even it up tomorrow and send all of us home happy Not too much to ask is it?
  12. It was 1991 when I was your age, wish you'd seen it Still have my original 1967 Ker Plunk though
  13. Hahahahahaha You've been playing Ker Plunk too long
  14. We already know about that one It was a one off
  15. It's going to be difficult to get a win tomorrow and the longer it continues, the more perilous his position becomes, Not bothered about a clean sheet, just as long as it's 5-1 or even 2-1 Come on Dave, make our day and bring back that Aldershot feeling, it was magnificent
  16. You best start making your shortlist of replacements and let us all know who meets with your approval Then it'll be a smoother transition when the inevitable happens
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