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Littlemoor Lad

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Everything posted by Littlemoor Lad

  1. Just hope they have the courage of their convictions before the damage done by this man becomes irreparable
  2. Right now, I'd take staying in the division but really??? Was this the great dream we all craved, when we were lucky enough to get our club back in safe hands? You can't make it up!
  3. I find it crazy we're all still debating this Should have all been dealt with back in November, enough was enough then and it's even worse now.
  4. On this basis, When and not If...... he's fired off They'll all get that chip off their collective shoulder and get us to atleast mid-table, Going on a decent run after the event, will endorse this theory.
  5. He's been blindsided like the rest of us, but for him, it's also emptying his bank account as well.
  6. I couldn't care who we're playing against, what you've listed there are the basic requirements of being a so called professional Forget showing too much respect to any other side in this pisspot of a league and go for it, be brave and go toe to toe, That's what all our fan's should be seeing by now
  7. It's pants He knows it and so do we, 2 Alamo's incoming
  8. That's the number of the beast Maybe it was an omen
  9. It would appear that we're once again 'sleepwalking' into yet another relegation Not in the script but there for all to see. I hope and pray we get those wins and fast or we'll be done by Boxing day 3 wins and nothing less Dave!
  10. It's only a stay of execution for a week or so Games in hand mean zilch when there's no sign of any fight
  11. At this rate, we'll all need a shrink, Frank should get rid of his flat cap and buy a tin helmet
  12. Can't argue with that right now Don't deserve anything when you don't look after the ball
  13. Sickening to the core It's collective Abraham first game and already a million miles more desire
  14. Like pulling teeth, Abraham could be a good addition if he gets the right service
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