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Posts posted by th2003

  1. OK, OK. Tone down the sarcasm, I have only just got back from two weeks away and have not bothered to read the last 14 days worth of posts. For all I know Latics have made a 100% start to the league season and are sitting proudly atop the division, but thats just pipedreams!!.

  2. they play saturday mornings.


    Whatever happened to the good old days of apprentices? Cleaning boots and sweeping terracing. Thats how you learn about football, not ponsing about in Academies doing HND's in your spare time. When we won the World Cup in 66 the entire squad knew one end of a broom from another and were not shy of applying the dubbing because that what they were brought up with. They will learn nowt playing football on a Saturday morning. You mark my words. Discipline is what they need. Now, can we have a show of hands about who wants to bring back National Service?

  3. I'd class Rhodes in the best dodgy keeper mode too, and Pogs. Both had odd bouts of madness, and both were about the worst at kicking you're ever likely to see! Great keepers though.


    Andy Rhodes and Ian Marshall sometimes had the ability to make the Keystone Cops look like they knew what they were doing. For every great save in front of the cameras (Arsenal and League Cup final), he would throw one in!!

  4. I've said it before and I will say it again...not since Andy Goram have we been blessed with a goalie who is not prone to the odd 'dropsy' moment...and he threw a few in in his time (several against Cardiff second time round).


    1. There was a season when Les Pogliacomi was the best thing since sliced bread...and then a season when he was as popular as a convict ready to be sent to Australia. Confidence is a massive thing as a goalie (I should know as I have worn the gauntlets for many a year) and any keeper, no matter what his ability is, can have a bad run. Goram, Rhodes, Hallworth, Gerrard, Kelly (repeat ad infinitum) have had bad spells...but we simply have to give the guy a chance and he will hopefully come through.


    2. Rome was not built in a day (I went there recently and some of the older bits are falling down), and in the same way we cannot expect instant success. Goalies also feed off the confidence of their defence and, to be fair, Gregan and Hazell have been as good a double act as Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy recently. Goram was thrown in at the deep end, as was Gorton. Gerrard was more accident prone than...Massimo Taibi.


    3. The boy is wearing the Athletic badge on his chest at the end of the day. I didn't agree with people booing Richard Butcher and I don't agree with booing someone who has made mistakes, but not been given the opportunity to fully prove himself.


    4. From a keepers point of view your mistakes are often highlighted as they are the ones that are most likely to lead to a goal.


    5. We are a third division team, who will attract youngsters, oldies or journeymen. Brill is young (for a keeper) and still developing.


    6. No one works well with the crowd on their back!! Just because we pay money to get in does not give us a god given right to slag anyone off.


    7. Has anyone remember the saves he made over the past few matches??


    8. Greg Fleming was not without mistakes...or red cards



  5. A Jag with registration plate GK4.


    I wondered if it belonged to our Shot Stopper Supreme? Then I saw a Disabled sticker in the window.


    Not sure if he has arthritis or glaucoma? maybe both. Can't remeber a Latics player ever making so many routine naff mistakes? Loan for next week please DP. Was it DP that brought Jan Budtz to the Football League?


    Andy Rhodes had his fair share of 'Gary Sprake' moments.

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