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Posts posted by th2003

  1. I would love to see Big Joe back at the helm having grown up with him in charge and the glorious late 80's/early 90's...but if we are thinking of returning managers should we not be more realistic and knock on the door of Andy Ritchie? Not only does he have Latics in his blood, but he also has experience of getting into and promotion from the play offs.

  2. Mouldy Old Dough, like the smell of linament, Bovril and pipe tobacco on a cold Tuesday night, is Latics through and through. The only thing to better it would be a return to Fanfare for the Common Man (Emerson, Lake and Palmer), which still sends a shiver down my spine as I remember the 'Pinch Me' season. Alternatively, has anyone suggested 'This is How it Feels' by the Inspiral Carpets or 'Jerusalem' (the only hymn at school that everyone used to belt out with gusto)?

  3. Somalia.


    Its the only country that the foreign office currently advises against all travel to. Can you imagine what the locals would do to a load of sheep bothering, whippet keeping, Geoff Boycott loving Yorkshiremen when they told the Somali's that "t'beer is too weak, too fizzy and too damned expensive".


    On second thought's, The Moon (cue no atmosphere pun).

  4. I used to be a ballboy and sometime in the mid 80's (I think it was when the miners strike was on) a Yorkshire team came. I took up my position behind the goal at the Rochdale Road End, but spent most of the time collecting the coins and empty Bells Whisky miniture bottles thrown in Andy Goram's direction rather than retrieving the ball. Looking back I could have been hurt by one of these missiles, but I ended up making a bit of a profit from the day thanks to the money that rained down and went home happy.


    Slightly off topic, I also went to a Udinese v Atalanta match in Italy a few years ago (my sister lives in Italy) and the Atalanta fans were setting flares off and lobbing them onto the pitch. A gate opened at one end of the stadium and a fire engine appeared, trundled around to the Atalanta lot, turned the water cannon round and promply hosed them all down. Quality zero tolerence option!!

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