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Latics and England

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Posts posted by Latics and England

  1. There are going to be a few short speeches before the March starts. Alan Hardy; Barry Owen and myself will be saying a few words before Sheridans_World starts the rally with his Battlecry.


    Latics&England can't be there as he's on his way back from Austria but I have plagiarised a great line from one of his posts yesterday to use in my bit and so he will be there in spirit!


    We had thought of saying something on reaching Boundary Park however the Police want the March to disburse as soon as possible once we reach the ground.


    I'm planning on parking at BP and then getting a bus up to the Civic. Like you, I've got my 3 lads with me and I know that they won't be able to manage the walk each way.


    Cheers Inspiral. I'm really pleased that you chose to use the line regarding Oldham's defining image.


    I was gutted not to be able to get along but from all I heard, everything seemed to have gone exceedingly well. Just a shame we couldn't have got the right result to go with it.


    It is crucial now that we follow this up with a continued press campaign. Today was the one big initial event but this story needs to be reported EVERY DAY and with the commitment Latics fans have shown so far, there is no reason why that is not achievable.

  2. Good luck to everyone marching on Saturday. I hope we can get as many people as possible. Three to five hundred would be amazing.


    Really sorry that I'm not going to make it but I'll be there in spirit.


    A show of strength like this is just what we need to show the councillors that they have made a massive mistake. Let's face it, their main concern is losing voters and so they need to be shown that there are lot more voters to be lost amongst Latics fans than amongst the residents group.


    Right, now I'm off to spread the word in Vienna

  3. Unfortunately I do not land back in Manchester until 1pm after the England game tomorrow night and so I will not be able to make the march. I should be at BP for about two.


    I support this idea 100%.


    I would suggest (and I know this might not be popular amonst some) that you invite the Rugby trust along. This involves them too and it would look good to have some people there in Roughyeds shirts. Most probably wouldn't support us but some certainly will. They have enough gripes with the council after what happened with Sheddings.

  4. I have just sent the following to Sky Sports. I suggest others email them too. If they receive enough correspondence, they will pick the story up:


    Today is a very black day for Oldham Athletic.


    A club who have, in the fairly recent passed graced the Premier League is now facing a highly uncertain future following the decision of Oldham Council last night to reject a planning application required for the redevelopment of Boundary Park.


    They have given Oldham's owners, and saviours, nowhere to go as they cannot continue to run at losses of upto £50k per week without any prospect of improving facilities at the ground and these honourable men who saved the club when nobody else would touch us are now considering their futures.


    I hope the councillors who refused to accept the presentations of experts, overruling them on hearsay, appreciate just how much a town like Oldham would miss its football club. When meeting people on holiday and telling them where I'm from, they either comment upon the football club or the race riots and I know which one the town should be trying to promote as the 'image of Oldham'.

  5. I think that Chris M**re would have a lot more than being boo'd to worry about if he ever came back.


    Ronnie deserves to be given the bird as he not only played the most attrocious football known to man but constantly told us we didn't know anything about the game when we complained about it.


    Wellens, just because he's a little s**t and always has been.


    Hughes - Why did anyone have to mention him, I'm going to have to go back into therapy now. Not sure I'd boo him though. I will never fully get over what he did, but you can't really blame him. What was he supposed to do? Miss on purpose?


    Dowie gave us some fantastic times and I don't blame him for going as he didn't know what the short term future held in store. He should have handled it a lot better but he's not exactly Einstein.


    Littlejohn - oh yes, 100%


    Any reds/ex reds who show that United arrogance (there's another reason for Wellens)

  6. Manager after manager come and go and are frequently castigated for not turning a world class group of players into a Championship winning team.


    Has anyone ever stopped to think that maybe it's not the coach that is the problem? Maybe our so called world class superstars are just not that good after all. Against Russia, where were Cole, Gerrard, Owen and Rooney (goal apart)?


    The simple fact of the matter is that we are just not good enough. We pay multi million pound wages per annum to players who just cannot cut it on the World stage. Until we realize that, then regardless of who the coach is or whether or not the ref is useless, then we will never win anything."

    Maybe you are right. Maybe the players are not world class. That is open to debate.


    While it is possible to argue that we do not have the players to win the world cup, I don't believe that you can put forward a real argument that we should not be able to beat Israel, Macedonia and Russia. The fact is, though, we didn't.


    The reason we didn't is largely down to the players but I'm afraid that the manager has to take responsibility. He has to instill the belief and passion into the players, and if he can't, he has to find players where he can.


    I do not have an answer as to who should take over but I do not believe that someone who has failed to take us out of what was, at the time of the draw, seen as one of the easiest qualification groups can possibly keep his job.


    The players are able to show their clas when playing club football but are found lacking on the international stage. I have little doubt that Champions League football is of a higher quality than international football, so why can they shine in one, but not in the other?

  7. I think this may be more wishful thinking than anything else, but I have a sneeky feeling that Croatia will lose in Macedonia. Macedonia looked a decent side when we played them and there is 'a bit of history' there.


    If Russia win on Saturday and Croatia slip up, thus leaving us needing a 3-0 win next Wed, things could get really interesting at Wembley. I don't believe we'd get the 3-0 (although we'd give it a good go)but it would be an amazing atmosphere and the first really big game back at Wembley

  8. I know that the armchair patriots will hate this, but you can't blame him if he doesn't necessarily wish to get a front row seat at the inevitable conclusion of "McLaren's" reign.


    Firstly, I'm not sure what makes me an armchair patriot!


    Secondly, I'm by no means holding Rooney solely responsible for our situation but the fact is that he has played in every game where we have dropped points this campaign and so I would expect him to be big enough to try and bail us out or face the consequences if we can't.

  9. If Diego was that lad as above then i spent most of the game laughing at him. (not in a nasty way) He had heart i will give him that, his voice broke before the end of most chants though and he was annoying lol

    By the way what did you have to drink diego cos thats some good stuff lol.


    There were a fair few family and friends of players in today and OASIS.


    I can only appologise if my 'voice broke before the end of most chants' yesterday. I can only put that down to two things:

    1) My voice was still recovering from Tuesday night

    2) It isn't easy singing on your own but someone had to try to create an atmosphere because it was clear that most other people in our end couldn't give a stuff.


    I'm also very sorry if you thought I was annoying but from a personal point of view I found the people who refused to give the boys any vocal support quite annoying too.


    There were a lot of people there yesterday who do two or three games a season only, but I'd expect them to get behind the team when they get the chance. Clearly I'm wrong.


    Once again, I'm so sorry for trying in vain to create an atmosphere and I'll remember to sit on my hands and keep my gob shut on Tuesday at Tranmere.

  10. Now then Diego, I believe you knew that I might bite on this one... lets see


    First of all, the legal requirements must be discussed. The Sun has printed several stories over the years about Mrs Beckham playing away, therefore it cannot be libellous to call her a slapper. The other allegations in the chant are not proved but I'd like to see her defend them in court

    Posh Spice is a slapper, her (?toe?) is very itchy and when she's (?hugging?) Beckham, she thinks of Andy Ritchie

    Posh Spice is a slapper, her (?toe?) is very smelly, and when she's (?hugging?) Beckham, she thinks of Gary Kelly


    There were several other verses but we need an updated version for now... so,


    Coleen.... most of us would nail her, when... Rooney, she thinks of Chrissy Taylor.


    Any other suggestions are more than welcome


    A few more thoughts...


    She's so fat she moos... she thinks of Lee Hughes

    She likes to have a fiddle... she thinks of Andy Liddell


    And one about Stefan Stam that I'd never get away with putting on here :o

  11. To follow on from last night's 'old songs teach-in', how about listing the lyrics of the various verses of the songs about one of the members of a prominent girl group who are to make a comeback, and a girl who is a professional shopper? Although it may be difficult to get round the Mods and libel laws - perhaps without mentioning the name and the name of the husband/partner, and that someone may be considered to be a slapper, the other verses could be listed e.g.


    She thinks that food will harm her

    And when she's :censored: (what's his name)

    She thinks of Roger Palmer!


    And the one about being itchy/Andy Ritchie. :devilish:


    Can't remember the others.


    Now then Diego, I believe you knew that I might bite on this one... lets see


    First of all, the legal requirements must be discussed. The Sun has printed several stories over the years about Mrs Beckham playing away, therefore it cannot be libellous to call her a slapper. The other allegations in the chant are not proved but I'd like to see her defend them in court



    Posh Spice is a slapper, her (?toe?) is very itchy and when she's (?hugging?) Beckham, she thinks of Andy Ritchie

    Posh Spice is a slapper, her (?toe?) is very smelly, and when she's (?hugging?) Beckham, she thinks of Gary Kelly


    There were several other verses but we need an updated version for now... so,


    Coleen.... most of us would nail her, when... Rooney, she thinks of Chrissy Taylor.


    Any other suggestions are more than welcome

  12. Erm, have I missed something here. There appears to be a certain game against Sheffield Wednesday at BP that doesn't seem to have had a mention.


    On top of that, the away games at Stoke and W*nky on the way to Wembley in '94, the home game against Notts County in 91/2 when Marshy scored the screamer in the last minute for 3-2, the Forest 5-3 in the Prem... and all that without mentioning a single game in 1990.

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