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Posts posted by danoafc

  1. Easy solution for me.

    I sell programmes and don't actually get sat in my seat until around 3-30 / 3-35 on a normal match day.

    I presume that I will have to pay full price for a ticket when I only get to see 2 thirds of the "entertainment" ( I use that term loosely!!)

    If I am expected to buy a ticket I may as well tell them to stick me selling programmes on that day. In fact I will go that step further and they can stick it full stop!!

    That will please a certain member of our illustrious board!!

    I wonder when they will actually tell us (I bet it won't be before we sell on Saturday!!)

    Dave Hudson


    I suspect you'll get issue with a voucher on Sat Dave, once you've finished cashing up etc, so you can go and queue up like a good boy on Sunday morning.

  2. I don't know why you're surprised Dan, the club has had this 'something for nothing' mentality for years. If it wasn't for fans volunteering the ground would have been condemned years ago….


    "We need a PC...'

    'We need a camera'

    'We need the covers on….'

    'We need the covers off..'


    If the club can make money or save money by it not costing them nowt they will do, always been the case, but yet again they are biting the hand that feeds it.


    In terms of free renovations they've got more work done for nowt than Mr Miyagi did!


    What pissed me off the most about this is reading Corney :censored:ing bleating in the MEN about having to give tickets to Liverpool and sponsors etc!!!


    Now I wonder why all the staff have been told they have to purchase tickets?!!


    I should also add that the views I express on this topic are mine and mine alone!

  3. I understand you're pissed off Dan, I think I would be too but is it fair to allow staff tickets for a game that could sell out 2 1/2 times over whilst at the same time charging adults 25% more and kids four times more?


    I think the fairest way would have been a discount or buy one get one free for staff.


    Can't see how Strike it Lucky Sellers and Programme sellers cannot be allowed into the ground tbh, if the club want programmes selling and strike it lucky tickets selling then they'll have to let them in, otherwise they'll have to bring Alan Hardy out of retirement to sell them.


    Nobody gets 'free entry'. Volunteer staff gain entry to the ground in return for the work that they do.


    So it's ok for them to get entry to the ground for the Brentford game on Sat cos it'll be a crap draw that nobody will be interested in, but not gain entry to 'the big games' cos there's money to be made?


    Fine, charge them for a ticket but at least have the good grace to pay them for the work they do on the day! Or perhaps the club think voluntary staff will do it out if the goodness of their heart?!

  4. Would just like to say, on the off chance that Lee or anyone close to him reads this board, what a delight it was to watch you as a player. A real leader, much deserving of the chant that the fans attached to you. That last minute header at Wigan is one I'll never forget and the fact Shez delivered it sort of summed up that period for us. You two ran the show. Boy, what i'd give for a goal threat from midfield like that. I've read some things on here this morning suggesting there's more serious issues facing you at the minute, but take heart from the fact you're a hero to many of us and many at Bradford City. Thanks for all you've done down the years. The current midfield aren't fit to lace your boots and I'll watch in anticipation wherever your fine career leads to next.


    Totally agree with this. Top man Dux, thanks for everything!

  5. So SC steps in and sacks PDs chosen team. What does that tell PD?

    'Oh, it's not your fault for picking these people and it's not your fault we're crap and going down the crapper faster than a dogdy curry, no not your fault.'

    OR, 'this is crap, i can't afford to sack you so i'll put pressure on you by stepping in and sacking your mate and team and, hopefully, you'll get message and do the right thing....'

    Of course, SC might be so thick that he doesn't blame PD, but i doubt it. SoD and Hilly are suddenly in the picture. Coincidence? Barnsley being linked to SoD, so that migh not be an option, unless we get there now.

    PD could be really thick and not get the message, but i doubt it.

    Will he do the right thing? I'd wait for the pay-off.

    Either way, taxi for Dickov....


    Can't be arsed trawling through 7 pages on this, so apologies if somebody has made this point already, but who says PD wasn't involved in the decision to get rid of the back room team?

  6. have seen the goals bouzanis concedes. He's either rooted to his line or punching thin air. His kicking is debatable. Have had a look at your team when cisak went out in came wabara, derbyshire and baxter. There are your positive results right there. Anyway. Think Oldham suits Bouzanis, Cisak best to move on to bigger club anyways.


    Hahahaha. Jog on, you trolling cock.

  7. I think yesterdays game was a marker for the fact that PD is starting (some would say finally) to learn from his mistakes - his 2 changes were made at exactly the right time. It was, unfortunately, heading for the 0-0 that Orient had come for - but he made the changes, and changes the tactics too - and we scored the 2 late(ish) goals and got the home win and 3 points. Before this mini-revival, chances are that I would say that PD would have kept things as they were - until 89mins when he would have most likely put Smith on. He is using his squad now, and he's not only changing players when he makes a sub - but also the team shape and tactics. His change in bringing Smith on won us the game IMO.



    Totally agree. Cov @ home being a perfect illustration. He should have made the changes at the same point during that game. He didn't, he delayed and delayed and we got badly stung by it. Saturday was panning out in exactly the same manner and I could see us caving in to a scrappy goal in the last couple of minutes until PD made those substitutions.


    Let's hope this is a sign of hings to come.

  8. It would be nice, but they would just say they must have misheard. Horrible club, horrible players, horrible fans, always have been.


    You're absolutely right. I remember getting gripped by one of their nasty knuckle dragging fans on the main car park when I was about 16 or 17after a particularly stormy encounter at BP back in the early nineties. It was a night match and we won, that's about as much as I can remeber, but their travelling fans were a nasty horrible malicious set back then. Seems not a lot has changed in the last 20 years.

  9. I don't know, I have never sworn angrily at anyone during work even though it often feels like the whole world is trying to force me to!


    Agree with this Andy. If he's sworn at the lad then he should know better, regardless of provocation, and should be reprimanded/fined by OAFC and told to make a formally apology to the lad and to SUFC.


    If it transpires that he has used racially abusive terms then he deserved the book thrown at him.


    However, if it transpires that the allegations are false and fabricated by a group of SUFC supporters, I'd expect the police to pursue and charge those fans with wasting police time and/or attempting to pervert the course of justice.

  10. Sheffield United manager: No case to answer


    Sheffield United Staff: Visibly bollocked the lad after the final whistle for not carrying out his duties as a ball-boy


    The lad himself: Lee Croft did not Racially Abuse me...



    Not sure why this has got this far, some inbred Yorkshire scrote(s) sat 20-30 yards away pissed off at his team blowing two points against 'ickle Oldham has made a vicious unfounded allegation. If Croft had been Cristian Montano or the ball boy had been white, there would have been zero issue no matter what was said. But as we know SYP will not the truth get in the way of a good 'ol accusation. What a waste of Police time and public money, what worries me is the tweet exonerating Croft was taken down, perhaps 'compo' has been discussed by his parents?


    Something doesn't sit well here at all……too easy for unfounded allegations to be taken seriously...


    Pretty much agree with this.


    The longer this goes on the worse it reflects in the image of the club who have publicly backed Croft.

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