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Posts posted by palmer1

  1. Better this way, means some of the youngsters will hopefully get even more games under their belts.


    it means now, we can steady the ship this season, add to the squad nexr season and dont decimate the currnet buch of players, give hughes his first full pre-season in 4-5 years and really push for automatic, the kids know what the league is like now and we have the potential to do very well next year.

    hes been missed but if he comes back firing on all cylinders next year he could be worth 25 goals at least,worth the wait?

  2. Having something to prove is when you are out of form, or been dropped. This lad is a kid who may need to play, and for me if he has a squad number, he should get the backing of the manager, ready or not. He doesent think before he opens his trap!


    what about the fact he has to prove he is ready for first team action, he hasnt proved that to shez yet obviously, some players need an arm around them, so need firing up, which one is this kid?


    you should prove your self every week, not just when you are in poor form. he will get his chance.


    if he does play and has a belter , most will slag shez off for what he said, however there may be a method to his madness, time will tell.


    of course if he is crap, shez was right haha

  3. Is this another example of Sheridans lack of contacts out of Yorkshire? Not having a pop but I am gobsmacked by his comments this week. We loose Pogs and Crossley, then you tell the press that Josh Bell isnt good enough for the first team at the moment?!?! WTF. What will that do for the lads confidence if called upon, and Shez, 'where are wealth of keepers if needed' that you mentioned to the press a number of weks ago? Best case tomorrow 2-0 win and Josh Bell has a blinder.


    Have a think shez!!


    maybe he will have something to prove!


    he does not have to tell everyone how good they are to get the best out of them.


    and just a thought maybe he is not good enough.

  4. i was talking about this last night with a mate, he has great potential but........ one week he does very well like agaisnt tranmere and the next he looks a bit frightened and spends alot of time ball watching and not on his toes anticipating, he goes at his man alot and then stops, its not the end of the world if he gets tackled but he looks to scared to try half the time. i think this season has come a bit to soon for him and he needs to be coming of the bench rather than starting as many as he has (needs must) but shez needs to toughen him up and he needs to realise he is a big lad and can handle himself . a bit more aggreassion could see him go a long way

  5. Wolfy's had time? How many starts has he been given?


    How can a guy prove himself if he isn't given the chance? Sheridan doesn't have any faith in his ability. Wolfy gets the final 3 minutes of a match we've already won, if he's lucky. I've seen more potiential in the glimpses of Wolfy than I've seen in Smalley, full stop.


    Wolfy has scored a few granted, but Smalley can run with the ball better, he can cross better , he can beat men, he can play in more positions, he can head a ball, he is stonger than wolfy and he will learn to find the net aswell given time.he is by no means anywhere near the finished article and he does not produce enough at the moment but i was wondering where is the better potential you talk about with wolfy because he has not shown it yet although he does look a great finisher

  6. Not sure I see the point in this, he hasn't played for three months and if he does well and gets us close to the play-offs, Leeds pull him out leaving us short again.

    Rather we continued with Lewis tbh.


    i like lewis but he is not scoring, if leon plays for a month and scores goals putting us closer to our goal then great, leeds recall him , hughes and davies are back and fit, temp measure but a good one in my opinion


    anyway who said its lewis that gets dropped, it might be robertson.

  7. If you saw some of the poor distribution during last nights Middlesbrough v Sheffield FA cup tie I think you will come to the conclusion Trotman will cope easily cope at a higher level than Div1.

    He is also quicker than many Championship centre backs.


    He doesnt read the game as well a most championship defenders, which is why he got booked every other week playing for us. i hope he makes it i really do but i remeber the same thing being said about hanning when he came through the ranks, in the long run we will have got the most out of this deal. , he is obviously a big strong lad but he needs to improve his game on the ground, the higher up you go the batter the standard gets and lets be honest he never came up agaist any quality with us.


    hope im wrong and we make even more from the sale but cant see it.

  8. it would apear so, unless your posts crossed and you didnt realise he was injured?


    i didnt know he was injured to be fair, but its a running theme that eveyone wants to sign our former players back, i cant understand it.


    for whats its worth, i cant see him playing regular for PNE this season anyway, the only reason we played him was because of injurys and fair enough he took his chance, but at the level above its a different ball a game, his passing is not good enough and he is not quick enough, good business selling him when we did.

    wouldnt be suprised to see him at boundary park next season either for PNE or on loan to someone else

  9. My only worry for next season is, that if we get rid of 4 or 5 players and bring in 4 or 5 players we are still in the same position, the squad is not big enough to challenge. we need to keep everyone, thats includes greegs and liddle, old or not, injury prone or not. we need players who can drop in who have a bit of experience, the kids are getting experience this season which will be invaluable for next but we need 4 or 5 more faces that have already played at this level.

    he should keep his job and if we can build the sqaud instead of swapping numbers like for like then we will challenge. he just needs time.


    the only major gripe is why do we have to buy from the division above, there plenty of talent around at our level or below who could step up (they wont demand the earth in wwages either, sometimes shez is going to have to take a chance. it worked for Big Joe

  10. first half was not too good,however we did have 2 clear cut chances that i saw but didnt take them.


    second half big improvement,hit them on the run and shook them a bit,unfortunately we couldnt keep the lead,but we did have other chances to win the game.


    new striker looks promising,in all i feel we where just a bit unlucky,and just wish smally and lewis would gamble in the box,they looked frightened tonight when they got the ball and panicked a bit,a goal will calm them down i feel.

    still you cant please everyone,and the muppetts were there all game,booing them off at half time and general name calling.


    i went, i didnt boo them off but that was crap except for 5 mins when we passed the ball half decent. we had chances but so did they.crossley did ok except he should have come for at least one of the 3 corners, the 3rd they scored from (he made some good saves). the defence looked shakey, the distribution was awful,

    lewis did well in the second half, but if you dont shoot you dont score.the new lad showed nothing in 15 mins, i know he only joined today so i will reserve judgment, but he looks promising is a bit over the top, he touched it once and nearly fell over

    crap game, poor crowd, crap weather. hope for better on saturday.

    keeping the faith but struggeling

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