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johnny punkster

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Posts posted by johnny punkster

  1. OS says he has a hip injury again: 'He got a bang on the same spot that he did before'




    No doubt it is simply brusing/dead leg type pain. Any one else would man up and play on as normal and play through it. If you get another bang during the game, so what????


    Like many players these days, taylor (and purdie - now injured after falling out of the bath according to player last week!!) seem to be the sort who cry off with so much as a dropping off toe nail..



    Sell the waste of space wimp asap, neither use nor ornament!


    gotta laugh eh...




    you were saying?

  2. my reason has nothing to do with it being "in manchester" etc.

    my reason of being opposed to it is because of its close proximity to man city and manchester itself.

    it is purely an economic reason as to why i don't agree with it...i wouldn't think of opening a corner shop next door to tesco.


    as for it being in failsworth..well failsworth is failsworth...its not oldham.

    we should have our ground as close to oldham as possible.


    i'll let others "hate" manchester.

  3. Are you on the coach JP?


    It will be interesting to see if any of my friends from the original Paris 1982 trip/tournament are over.


    It's a strange week because after Saturday, whilst the German boys stay over here for the Leeds game, I have to miss the game whilst I travel co-incidentally to .........



    GERMANY for 3 days staying in Dusseldorf on business and apparently we are being taken to the Schalke stadium



    nope...to much going on work wise at the moment..

    enjoy schalke's stadium...its amazing !

  4. Oh god please!!!!!! :shock:



    NO NO NO. :pray::cry: :cry:



    Tell me it's not true! :pray:


    I've got to put up with being on a coach with you for 5 hours and then another 5 hours after the match?


    I might as well spend my time talking to the Erics because they'll make more sense than you even if they speak in their native tongue.


    Well either that or spend 10 hours :drinking45:



    you could put up with me? :grin:

  5. Plans are being mooted to open up the final champions league place to a play-off.

    Is this a good idea to give more teams a realistic chance or will it devalue the competition?

    Apparently its going to a vote, i can't see the big 4 voting for it though and we know they have a lot of sway.



    its been devalued for years.

    it should be 1 club from one country like it used to be.

    but money talks...

  6. To be fair though JP, if we said we were ging to offer a holiday we would not get any coverage, that has been done.

    It is an interesting offer, it might get a few more to renew.

    It's interesting and unsual rather than cast iron certaintly though, I grant you.


    By the way, the accommodation is given along the lines of a timeshare offer, I'd rather our promo that theirs.


    Available in April, May or June or you hve to contact them. No hard sell then....

    and I quote:

    Is it a Timeshare?

    Avanti promote many different types of holiday and want to ensure your stay is a great experience. Should you wish to find out more about the advantages of these holidays with Avanti of Club Inifiniti then please feel free to do so during your stay and at your leaisure. howeer, you are udner no obligation to do so.You are not obliged to book food and drinks or flights with the accommodation on offer but we do hope youw will want to use the the on site facilities to guestsduring your stay with Avantii.


    I'll take that as a Yes, being as I know someone who used to sell for this type of company.

    I am sceptical of this offer, as you are of the TTA.


    So who has been impressed by a few flashy pictures then..... :grin:


    they look good,but they ain't my preference!


    if its a timeshare place i'd be using the facilities and ignoring every sales pitch...but some people may be interested.


    personally,i'd rather be away from the brits abroad brigade and sunning it with the locals..la rochelle in france this year maybe? B)

  7. seems he was trying to head a metal rubbish bin that had been thrown in the air...???


    like i said...from BRFC mad messageboard..


    "Oh sh1t , that finishes off a bad weekend . From what I`m led to believe , it was an accident . Lads had been messing about throwing beer and plastic bottles , someone has then thrown the bin , which the lad has gone to head , like a football , now he has then either been knocked out or slipped and then banged his head on the floor . I got that from lads who had it filmed on their mobile , which they had then given to Police as evidence ."

  8. as mr shanks says..a gritty performance.

    thought we looked far more composed and confident than we have for months.price really adds something to the forward line...bustling,chasing loose balls,was a handful and complimented pav well.another couple of games and i can see good things there.

    it has to be said though,tranny looked poor today..only had a couple of real chances(one saved very well by brill) and apart from a few 5 mins periods here and there,we controlled the flow of the game,soaked up pressure when it came and some nice counter attacking.


    lastly-parker...just want is the point?

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