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Posts posted by saddylatic

  1. good signing if it happens, might have let a shed load in at gretna but their defence is poor, hes supposidly been playing blinders for them every week near enough & wadsworth has said hes the best one on one keeper hes worked with over the last 20 years!. hes only 22, workin with crossley will be great for him.


    Crewe in desperate keeper chase


    Williams spent four years as Crewe's number one (Getty)

    Crewe first-team coach Steve Holland is set to lose his two first-choice goalkeepers, who have both refused to sign new contracts with the club.


    Ben Williams and Owain fon Williams were offered new deals but have turned down the contracts and look set to leave Alex in the summer.


    Holland told BBC Radio Stoke: "We're looking for a new number one, it doesn't matter what age.


    "We have a list of goalkeepers we're working from, and that is a priority."


    Crewe's main target to become their new number one, Gretna's Greg Fleming, has chosen to join League One rivals Oldham.


    Williams, 25, has made almost 150 appearances for Alex since joining from Manchester United, initially on loan, in 2004.


    And Fon Williams, 21, has yet to make a first-team start, but has been a regular for the Welsh Under-21 side.



  2. to be honest though in his first spell i thought he was a great prospect, but when he came back he was a shadow of the player he was previously, even when he got fit he struggled to dictate games - yes he can pass the ball well and link play but he hasnt got the stamina or frame to really run a midfield like wellens has unfortunately.

    Yes i was disappointed when he chose leeds but i wasnt angry as i dont think hes THAT great a player, theres certainly more mobile and taller players who do the job he does out there for us im sure.

    Oh and the comments that 'i love oldham' were a joke - you dont sign for someone else if you truly have affection for a club, money wouldnt have come into it otherwise and he would have just signed there and then.


    cheer neil hope youre happy, please do give us a wave as we pass you by on our promotion bus next year - forgive us if there are no spare seats

  3. judging on tonights display leeds will be lucky to get through - didnt deserve their goal and carlisle defended brilliantly and played some nice stuff


    oh and kilkenny - slow, fat, lightweight, and generally poor - hope hes happy on his 12k a week deal...




















    and no i wouldnt want him back - wellens on the other hand........:)

  4. he would only be here as backup which we do need, lewis is good for the future but we cant rely on him and then smalley depending on if he plays rw to score if we get hughes or davies crocked for long spells, wolfy aint good enough so we'l be left with 3 st's next year in effect. Yes he's 34 and geting on but he scored a load in the playoff season and did well vs us - hed be good backup to have and itd only be on a years deal, i suspect if we went up he wouldnt be kept on, same with liddell.

  5. no thanks - holt is just a clumsy fat lump for me, never been impressed with him when ive seen him and dont get all the hype around him. Id like to see bishop from bury next year fee permitting of course, or if they dont make it liam dickinson from stockport, tall 6ft2, pace and young, got about 18 goals already this season. Failing that a striker with a bit of experience who can be back up for davies and hughes - i see lewis as the only other back up as for me smalley is best on the right and wolfy isnt up to it so for me another striker is a must. Targets for me:


    GK - Fleming gretna good up and coming keeper highly rated despite gretna's position and would do well with MC as coach/Gilks from norwich not getting a look in.

    LB - Andy Holt always been decent and can play lb or lw, experienced

    LW - Schofield from hudds or someone else

    2/3 CM'S (depending on kalala moving on) - Livermore/?/?

    ST - possibly clarke or the 2 mentioned above preferably.


    then with the versatility(sp?) of our young players i think we'll have a well covered squad especially as we have black and chalmers as additional backup if needed. Like to think we can get the above in but i doubt it which is a shame - we NEED strength in depth off our own backs instead of going into the season hopin person x stays fit and relying on loans all the time.


    anyway we'll see..... thoughts?

  6. Apologies if I didn't respond. But yes, you could say I'm not a big fan.


    1) I don't think you can really make a comparison between Beckham & Liddle. Yes, Beckham may not be able to pass a player, but he can change a game by getting a grip of it. Not something you could say Liddell would or could do.

    2) I think tackling is every player's responsibility. Defending starts from the front.

    3) I'm not the only one who has this opinion of him. And no, it's not a throwaway remark.

    4) We need to attack with pace and a 35 y.o. ain't gonna do it.

    5) I'm not alone in thinking he was anonymous against Orient.


    My point regarding Jarrett is we saw him play well against Huddersfield where he ran at players but we haven't seen it since. If he does it more consistently then he will be an asset, but he only 2 more opportunities.


    I just don't see any benefits for next season in keeping Liddell. What we need, in my opinion, on the flanks is pace and the ability to pass players to draw out defenders and then cross the ball. Give the forwards something to attack.






    FINALLY someone speaking realism and not sentiment!! yes Liddell can cross a ball WWOOOWW!! he has nothing else to offer us im sorry except getting the ball on halfway and passing inside to eardley and then pointing into space like he does. Been a great player but his total lack of pace doesnt do the team any favours or himself any justice when on the wing, in midfield or up front. He may pride himself on his fitness and fair play, but he is finished now and in my opinion would be a waste of a wage and hinder the progress of smalley on the wing just for the sake of us getting the odd good cross or pass from him every 5 games.

    cheers andy but time to go.

  7. I dont have LW , can you please tell me what was said about Stam , or was it hinted in his interview ?


    he named crossley liddell and gary mac as players he definately wants to keep, didnt mention stam and commented that he would have to make a few hard decisions which hints to me that stam and other squad members will be released/moved on

  8. ye ive heard it as well, sounds like stam might be off in june which is a shame as although not a world beater he is mainly consistent and gets stuck in, always gives his all.

    disappointed with him keeping liddell although he may be used in a different role to rw next season which id prefer to see, give DS and CT the right wing duties.

    also sounds like a couple may be getting paid off/moved onto other clubs, 'going to have to make some hard decisions'


    interesting stuff, he also states its a big season for us, which suggests he knows if we dont perform well next season he may be under threat..? oh wait thats a bit of a shez out thread, stupid me! :D

  9. im sorry but for me liddell has to go.


    He hasn't got the pace anymore to be a striker and the same applies on the wing. The difference that having smalley and taylor out there is that we have had two players with pace to track back and beat fullbacks (even if one of them is in a position they shouldn't be!)

    Yes i agree Liddell probably has the best passing/crossing ability at the club, but ive bever been impressed with him really since he signed. Yes he puts a good ball in most of the time but that is not enough for a winger in the modern game these days. Smalley and Taylr can beat players with pace and create chances/bring others into play. As Liddell knows he cant beat a man anymore, he always gets the ball, jogs back and passes to eardley then points at a player in space and the game slows down when he gets the ball.

    I agree he would be a good squad player to have when we need someone to help us out in games but for me i'd let him go as i dont feel he can do it anymore, i feel he hinders the team rather than helps us. He is also one of the highest earners (im led to believe 3-4k a week).

    Smalley and Taylor are our right wingers now for me, let liddell go, thanks for the service but time to go - get 2 LEFT FOOTED!! players in at lb and lw and get some real balance in the side and we'll do well next year - if warne was too old to kepp then the same surely applies to liddell, hes 35.


    next year: crossley/gk/bell

    eardley/lomax (lomax and another rb if eardley sold)








    id let liddell go as well as kalala and thompson but thommo would do as backup if there is no one better floating around, would look to have 5 cb's if poss.

    so thats 1gk, 1cb(2 if thompson goes) 1lb, 2cm's with kalala going, 1 lw and 1 quality striker. so 6-7 players to give us strenghth in depth and a chance of a real push.

  10. GK Glks or David Knight/Norm

    RB Eardley/Lomax

    CB Gregan/Stam/Hazell/Thompson/?

    LB Giddings/?

    RW Smalley/Taylor

    CM Allott/Livermore

    CM Mcdonald/Yantorno/?

    LW Schofield/?

    FC Hughes/Davies/Alessandra/Wolfy/?


    get rid of liddell kalala jarrett and wolfy and thompson if poss, if not keep wolfy n thomo as squad players or get in replacements for them if theyre let go, then have a few youth lads as extra back up.


    so wed have 24/25 real decent players as a squad which is what we need, weve seen with 18/19 players it just isnt enough to be able to cover injuries and maintain form etc.

  11. yep eardley can go for me. is ok at gettin in blocks and going past people but his positional sense and distribution are woeful. He looked really promising last year but i think the captain and wales thing as made him think he is better than he is, i rate lomax over eardley at RB.

    Taylor should be kept but only if played on the right, he is right footed and is clearly wasted on the left, but with smalley coming through im not sure what shez will do - hopefully see sense and get a couple of left sided players in at LB and LW (how a professional manager can go into a season wihout any left sided player is just ludicrous!) dump liddell and go with smalley and Taylor as RW options.

    I think Taylor would show his true worth if played in position but (although im not an outer) it appears mr shez knows best! (some of the simple postional decisions with players he makes just defy logic in my opinion).

    Dont know why either him or tommy dont sit in the directors box at games and watch the game from there and make notes/use a headset they'd get a far better view of how we see things - but they like to shout at the players every 2 seconds so thats that one out of the window as well!

  12. im sick of the moaners too. Dont know if any of you regulars on here sit in the upper main stand but theres a bunch of blokes at the top towards the RRE who go every home game and all they do is shout obscenities and just continually have a go at the players. Ive been going BP for well over 10 years and they have done nothing but criticise every home game ive been to ('smalley your sh*t get off the pitch', 'your the worst manager ever sheridan f off' 'we get this sh*t every week sheridan you're a tosser'

    OK yes saturdays game was pretty poor ill admit and based on the 1st half theres no doubting that we were shocking and warranted booing - injuries aside there was no excuse for 11 'professionals' not to be able to chase, tackle people and pass a ball.

    However, there is no team in the country who could cope with the amount of key players we have missing and expect to play brilliant football - im sure liverpool would be buggered without Gerrard and Torres never mind 12 players, so despite sheridans bad points i think we've done well to be where we are with our current team.

    Second half wasnt great but at least we appered to put some effort in and that is all we ask for. But the blokes at the top pushed it too far for me when one shouted 'This is the worst football ive seen in 30yrs'!!

    Yes it was bad but but are you telling me it was as bad as warnock/sharp/moore? i dont think so. That really peed me off so i told the guy to shut up, a few f off's and prick's were exchanged and then the guy told me to tell him to f off outside, as always people have to resort to violence. I said no thanks and asked him to support/encourage the team as he does nothing but moan and he told me that he has supported latics for over 40yrs home and away - well i go home and away as often as i can and i go to encourage the team, granted with the odd moan but we all do that. If continually barracking players and managers for 40yrs is classed as support then its no wonder we are still where we are - some fans are a joke, a disgrace and an embarrassment to the club.

  13. Alex


    We are all disappointed to see Neal leave but for a player who has only started 20 first team games I think we have done remarkably well to negotiate such a fee, and we could not deny him the chance to progress and secure a good contract.


    We had also been trying to tie Neal down to a new contract since December but he had wanted to bide his time on that.


    Neal is a lovely lad and after being thrown on the scrap heap by Burnley a couple of seasons ago the club worked hard with him to resurrect his career and now it has paid off for both him and the club.


    I wished him well yesterday when I left him at Deepdale and told him that we all want to see him progress to the highest level.


    I am now working on the next move which should hopefully see a player coming in today.





  14. we are a joke as we look to be selling our best players as usual! If we want to do anything in terms of future promotion we need to keep our best players and invest in others!

    we've not even offerd the guy a new contract, we cant get players in with a bit of money to spend so god help us if we get money! shez said on gmr on sat that he was after players but wouldnt pay them what they wanted - well john, if you dont do that then you end up with what we have now - NO ONE!!

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